Hinterlands: Marooned! — 23 of 23

Cody Gaisser

Release 1

Section 4(k) - Mistakes


Understand "Aisle" or "examine aisle" or "x aisle" as a mistake ("No, ISLE.").

Understand "hell" as a mistake ("You'll get there soon enough.").

Understand "ass" or "arse" or "dumbass" or "asshole" or "bastard" or "bitch" or "fucker" or "motherfucker" or "cocksucker" or "cunt" or "dick" or "prick" or "slut" or "whore" or "twat" or "son of a bitch" as a mistake ("I know you are, but what am I?").

Understand "cum" or "jizz" or "orgasm" or "skeet" as a mistake ("Not here.").

Understand "bollocks" or "bullshit" as a mistake ("Probably.").

Understand "damn" or "drat" or "darn" as a mistake ("Phooey!").

Understand "fart" as a mistake ("The Q'udzlth grimaces.").

Understand "sneeze" or "achoo" as a mistake ("Bless you!").

Understand "curse" or "swear" as a mistake ("You'll have to be more specific than that.").

Understand "take pasta" or "take gnocchi" or "get pasta" or "get gnocchi" as a mistake ("You're on the wrong 'ISLE' for that.").

Understand "fuck" as a mistake ("Fhtagn!").

Understand "molest" as a mistake ("No!").

Understand "screw" as a mistake ("You don't have a screwdriver. You're not a Doctor.").

Understand "yes" as a mistake ("No.").

Understand "no" as a mistake ("Yes.").

Understand "xyzzy" or "plugh" or "plover" as a mistake ("Nothing happens.").

Understand "win" as a mistake ("Probably not.").

Understand "lose" as a mistake ("Probably.").

Understand "fly" as a mistake ("You flap your arms furiously, but nothing happens.").

Understand "dive" as a mistake ("The water is too shallow here.").

Understand "swing" as a mistake ("Crazy, Daddy-O!").

Understand "hello" as a mistake ("Hiiiiiii!").

Understand "swim" or "enter ocean" as a mistake ("There's nowhere to swim to, just endless ocean as far as the eye can see.").

Understand "surround monster" or "surround qudzlth" or "surround q'udzlth" or "surround beast" or "surround sea monster" or "surround sea beast" as a mistake ("The opposite seems much more likely.").

Understand "kneel" or "take a knee" or "take the knee" as a mistake ("Rudy Giuliani grimaces.").

Understand "roll" or "roll around" as a mistake ("You roll around on the beach for a while. You accomplish nothing apart from getting sand all over your space suit.").

Understand "crouch" or "squat" as a mistake ("You squat down for a moment, but your knees hurt so you stand up again.").

Understand "levitate" as a mistake ("As hard as you try, you never manage to pull this off.").