Hinterlands: Marooned! — 18 of 23

Cody Gaisser

Release 1

Section 4(f) - Hygiene


Understand the command "clean" as something new.

Understand the command "wipe" as something new.

Cleaning is an action applying to one thing.

Understand "clean [thing]" or "wipe [thing]" as cleaning.

Instead of cleaning a thing:

if cleaning the Q'udzlth:

continue the action;

if cleaning the player:

continue the action;

if cleaning the uniform:

continue the action;

if cleaning the helmet:

continue the action;


say "You don't need to clean that!";

stop the action.


Instead of cleaning the Q'udzlth:

say "You try to wipe some of the spittle from the creature's snout...";

wait for any key;

say "[line break]Quickly the flesh of your hand is melting away.[paragraph break]The fluid must serve some digestive purpose.[paragraph break]Your suspicion is confirmed, as you are promptly eaten by the Q'udzlth.";

end the story.


Instead of cleaning the snout:

try cleaning the Q'udzlth instead.


Instead of cleaning the teeth:

try cleaning the Q'udzlth instead.


Instead of cleaning the tongue:

try cleaning the Q'udzlth instead.


Instead of cleaning the mucus:

try cleaning the Q'udzlth instead.


Instead of cleaning the player:

try cleaning the uniform instead.


Instead of cleaning the helmet:

try cleaning the uniform instead.


Instead of cleaning the shield:

say "You wipe the smudges off your helmet's visor."


Instead of cleaning the uniform:

say "You wipe some of the dirt off your uniform. Good as new!"


Instead of cleaning the island:

say "You sweep some sand around, but the island remains unchanged."


Instead of cleaning the ocean:

say "It's a good environmentalist notion, but the ocean is as clean as it's going to get."


Pooping is an action applying to nothing.

Understand "poop" or "poop self" or "shit" or "shit self" or "crap" or "crap self" or "pee" or "pee self" or "piss" or "piss self" or "urinate" or "urinate self" or "puke" or "vomit" or "hurl" or "regurgitate" or "spew" or "upchuck" or "barf" or "ralph" as pooping.

Instead of pooping:

say "An appropriate reaction, but you decide against it for now."