Hinterlands: Marooned! — 3 of 23

Cody Gaisser

Release 1

Chapter 1 - Metadata


The story title is "Hinterlands: Marooned!".

The story author is "Cody Gaisser".

The story headline is "a weird sci-fi text adventure".

The story description is "Following a series of mishaps, a recruit from the Consortium Of Known Occupied Worlds is marooned on a tiny island on an unfamiliar planet; but the recruit is not alone - there is a Q'udzlth here!".

The story creation year is 2022.


[Release along with the "Parchment" interpreter.]

Release along with the "Quixe" interpreter.

Release along with source text.

Release along with cover art ("A pink creature with tentacles.").

Release along with the introductory booklet.

Release along with an introductory postcard.

Release along with a website.