#5e Arena
<hr color="red">
<img src="Buckler_(PSF).jpeg" width="400">
###Seth Jones
<hr color="red">
<small>A 5e Combat Arena, licensed under the [[Open Gaming License]].
[[Picture credits and other legal info.->Legal]]</small>
(button:)[[How to play]]
---|map>[(display: "Map")]
(link-repeat: "Up")[{
(set: _row to $dungeon's ($positionY - 1))
(if: _row's ($positionX) is not 1)[
(set: $positionY to it - 1)
(replace: ?map)[(display: "Map")]
(link-repeat: "Left")[{
(set: _row to $dungeon's ($positionY) )
(if: _row's ($positionX - 1) is not 1)[
(set: $positionX to it - 1)
(replace: ?map)[(display: "Map")]
(link-repeat: "Right")[{
(set: _row to $dungeon's ($positionY) )
(if: _row's ($positionX + 1) is not 1)[
(set: $positionX to it + 1)
(replace: ?map)[(display: "Map")]
(link-repeat: "Down")[{
(set: _row to $dungeon's ($positionY + 1) )
(if: _row's ($positionX) is not 1)[
(set: $positionY to it + 1)
(replace: ?map)[(display: "Map")]
|==|(set: $map to "")\
(for: each _y, ...(range: 1, 10))[
(for: each _x, ...(range: 1, 10))[
(if: _x is $positionX and _y is $positionY)[
(set: $map to it + "P ")
(else-if: _x is $oppX and _y is $oppY)[
(set: $map to it + "E ")
(else-if: $dungeon's (_y)'s (_x) is 1)[
(set: $map to it + "# ")
(else-if: $dungeon's (_y)'s (_x) is 0)[
(set: $map to it + ". ")
(else-if: $dungeon's (_y)'s (_x) is 3)[
(set: $map to it + "X ")
(set: $map to it + " <br>")
<span id="map">$map</span>{
(set: $dungeon to (array: (a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) ) )
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
(set: $d to
(macro: num-type _dice, [(output-data:(random: 1,_dice))]))
}|map>[(display: "Map")]
(link-repeat: "Up")[{
(set: _row to $dungeon's ($oppY - 1))
(if: _row's ($oppX) is not 1)[
(set: $oppY to it - 1)
(replace: ?map)[(display: "Map")]
(link-repeat: "Left")[{
(set: _row to $dungeon's ($oppY) )
(if: _row's ($oppX - 1) is not 1)[
(set: $oppX to it - 1)
(replace: ?map)[(display: "Map")]
(link-repeat: "Right")[{
(set: _row to $dungeon's ($oppY) )
(if: _row's ($oppX + 1) is not 1)[
(set: $oppX to it + 1)
(replace: ?map)[(display: "Map")]
(link-repeat: "Down")[{
(set: _row to $dungeon's ($oppY + 1) )
(if: _row's ($oppX) is not 1)[
(set: $oppY to it + 1)
(replace: ?map)[(display: "Map")]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action.(if: $close)[(link: "If you move out of melee range of the hyena")[It takes an opportunity attack, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 3 for a **total of (print: $attack + 3)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)) points of piercing damage.]]]
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below.
(display: "Hyena")
[[The hyena's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Hyena win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Novice loss]]
<img src="Hyena_(PSF).png">
//medium beast, unaligned//
Armor Class 11, ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP]''
11 (+0)
13 (+1)
12 (+1)
2 (-4)
12 (+1)
5 (-3)]
**Pack Tactics.** The hyena has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of its allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
**Bite:** //Melee Weapon Attack:// +3 to hit, 1d6 piercing damage.
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Hyena's Turn
(nth: visit, "The hyena giggles.", "The hyena shakes its mane and growls.", "A voice from the seats calls out in gnoll. The hyena becomes enraged and attacks you with renewed fury.", "The hyena's ears lay back on its head.", "A string of barking laughter breaks from the hyena.") (if: $close)[It (either: "snaps its jaws", "snarls and bites", "lunges at your limbs"), rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 3 for a **total of (print: $attack + 3)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)) points of piercing damage.]] (else:)[It moves up to its full speed of 50 ft toward you, unless hampered by a spell or effect. Move the hyena below, as needed. If it is now within 5 ft of you, it attacks, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 3 for a **total of (print: $attack + 3)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)) points of piercing damage.] ]
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Hyena")
[[Your Turn->Vs hyena]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Hyena win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Novice loss]]
##If you've never played a 5e Role Playing Game before
This game is uses the 5e SRD, a ruleset most commonly used to play Dungeons and Dragons. If you have never played a similar game or this edition, I invite you to try out <a href="https://sayeth.itch.io/the-saints-tomb">The Saint's Tomb,</a> my single-player game that teaches the basic rules. It's free and available in English and <a href="https://sayeth.itch.io/la-cripta-sagrada">Spanish</a>.
##If you have played 5e, but not a solo or GM-less game
This game will handle telling the story and making most of your opponent's rolls. As in a table-top game, you will take care of your own character sheet, inventory, abilities, and hit points. You can make rolls with physical or off-site digital dice, whichever you prefer.
At times, you'll want to do something that isn't specified in the game text. What to do then? You'll need to ask a question to the GM. "GM, can I . . " or "GM, would I know . . ." Pretend you're the GM. Determine if this ask is within the rules and doesn't break the game. Roll a d6. If you're asking for something that you think is unlikely, roll with disadvantage. If it's likely, roll with advantage.
Consult the results of the d6 roll: 1=Absolutely not, 2-3 = No, but you could do something to a lesser degree with some penalty (pass a relevant ability check with DC of 4d6 or give your opponent advantage, for example.), 4-5 = Yes, but there's some consequence (the crowd boos you or the judges decide you only get half the prize money), 6=Yes
In this game, movement is restricted to the ground within the confines of a 40x40 foot fighting pit. You can take your movement before and/or after your action and bonus action. You'll use a map like the one below:
(display: "Player move")
P represents the player character (you), E represents the enemy, # is the walls of the fighting pit, and the dots are 5x5 ft squares. ''Each time you press a movement button, you move 5 ft.'' To move diagonally, the first diagonal movement counts as 5 feet, the second diagonal movement counts as 10 feet, then the third counts as 5 feet, and so on.
On the enemy's turn, you'll be asked to make their moves. Follow the instructions the best you can, but act logically for the enemy's situation and mindset.
(button:)[[Let's play->Start]]
##The Arena
(if: visits is 1)[The smell.
No place you've been has a smell quite like The Arena. As you walk through the door, you get a whiff of the odor of a unique mixture beer, sweat, blood and the kitchen's secret-recipe stew.
<img src="Drawing.jpg">
At first, the smell is your only impression of the place, but then your eyes adjust to the interior. A charcoal drawing of men and beasts fighting in the Arena catches your eye above the bar.
]You look around. The bar is still sparse, but a few people have started to claim tables and stools around the Pit. A small group around the hearth is betting on a game of cards.
A few tough-looking characters crowd around the signup sheets, adding their names to the list of those who will fight tonight.
''What would you like to do?''
[[Inspect the Pit]]
[[Sign up for a fight]]
Play [[Cards]]
---**OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a**
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''Open Game License v 1.0a'' Copyright 2000, Wizards
of the Coast, LLC.
''System Reference Document'' 5.1 Copyright 2016,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls,
Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R.
Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on
original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
''5e Arena'' Copyright 2022, Seth Jones.
Back to [[Title page]]
##The Pit
The Pit measures 40 feet by 40 feet. The floor is covered with bloodstained sawdust and sand. It lies about 6 feet below the level of the tavern floor. Around it, tiers of seats, along with a few tables for the wealthier patrons, give the crowd a good view of the action. The Pit itself is brightly lit with lanterns, though the lighting elsewhere is dim.
<img src="Halfling.jpg" align="right">
Around and above the Pit, a coarse mesh of what looks like copper wire is strung between engraved metal pillars at each corner. Doors into fighting floor occupy opposite corners. A halfling carrying a lute almost as big as himself notices you looking at this contraption and pipes up.
"Hello, there! That wire's what they call a 'Fair-as-day cage.' Keeps the fights fair, see? Those posts have arcane runes on them to keep outside magic from helping or harming the fighters inside the cage. They can still use magic //in// the cage, but can't get an unfair boost from an ally on the outside. The wire nets direct the posts' magic around the Pit and also keep spectators from throwing stuff at fighters." He smiles wryly. "And I suppose it keeps us from getting hurt from the fight inside!"
"Are you fighting tonight? Well, Lady Fortune be with you. I'll make sure to put down a few coins on your name."
[[Return to the bar->Start]]
---<img src="DnD_Elven.png" align="right">An official-looking elf stands near the sign-up sheet. "Hey there!" she calls out to you. "My name's Aurora, I handle humanoid participants around here. If you're looking to fight, sign up under the rank that you think fits you best. Higher ranks bring more rewards. Each competition rank is three fights, back to back. If you win, you get paid; if you get knocked out, we have a priest who can heal you, probably. Break a leg. Or a skull, whatever."
Sign up below or [[Return to the bar->Start]]
###Name or alias?
(input-box: bind $name, "X=", 1, "Name")
//Choose one//
[[Novice]]. With a bit of luck, anyone should be able to win. For Wizards & Weaklings.
[[Low level]]. Low level, low risk, low reward. Appropriate for most Level 1 characters.
[[Intermediate]]. Step up to the big kids' table. Hard for most Level 1 characters, Appropriate for Level 2.
[[Advanced]] Show the crowd what a true pit fighter looks like. Hard for Level 2 characters, medium for Level 3, easy for Level 4.
Membership. You've seen some fights, now prove your worth to become an official member of the Arena. Hard for level 3, medium for level 4, easy for level 5. ''Coming in late Spring 2022''
Champion. You want to be the best? Here's a real challenge. Hard for level 4, Medium for level 5 and 6, easy for level 7. ''Coming Summer 2022''
''(checkbox: bind _check, " Waiver of Liability:")''
<small> Difficulty ratings are based on monster's CR. Your personal experience may vary. Participants in pit fights acknowledge there is some risk, however small, inherent in the activity of trying to kill each other. Use of sovereign glue, Instant Fortress, and the Deck of Many Things are not allowed inside the fighting pit. Participants hereby release The Arena, its owners, employees, and agents from any and all claims resulting in death, personal injury, damage to property, loss of alignment, or banishment to another plane of existance. This agreement is binding upon yourself, your heirs, your clones, your party members, and any future characters your player creates.</small>{
(set: $HP to 13)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
"Hey $name," Aurora calls out. "The novice rank starts right away! You gotta get done before the main events start." She ushers you to the door into the Pit.
As you step out onto the floor, the tiers above you are still mostly empty. However, one section above the opposite corner is shrouded in an unnaturally deep darkness. You feel a gaze from that black cloud fall upon you.
On the floor of the opposite corner lies a quivering mound of misshapen flesh. The vaguely human face is twisted in a rictus of suffering. Its stumplike arms flail aimlessly as pus-smeared eyes lock onto your movement.
" . . . and in this corner . . " With your fixation on your strange opponent, you completely missed Aurora's introduction of you. "Hailing from the darkest depths of the infernal planes," she continues, "is a le-mur-ray! This damned soul has been entered into the combat by its master, Baron Malgoth. So, without further ado, FIGHT!"
''Roll initiative ''
(set: $init to ((random: 1, 20) - 3))
If your initiative roll is higher than or equal to $init, [[you go first->Vs Lemure]].
If your initiative roll is lower than $init, [[you go second->Lemure's turn]].
(set: $HP to 7)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
##Low Level
After a bit of waiting around, you are ushered to a door in the cage surrounding the Pit and onto the sawdust-covered floor. Aurora steps into an announcer's booth at the side of the fighting ring.
"Next up, we have $name fighting against something that Stewie pulled out of our storage cellar, gnawing on our potatoes. Stewie! Bring it on out!"
A man wearing a heavy leather apron hauls out something the size of a medium-sized dog. The head of the creature is covered in a sackcloth bag, while the other end consists of a long, hairless tail. The creature is uncerimoniously dumped into the sawdust-covered floor on the other side of the arena and its improvised muzzle falls off to reveal the long incisors of a giant rat. The rodent's hair is matted and black, with brown hairless paws ending in sharp nails. Its eyes blink, adjusting to the light, then focus on you.
''Roll initiative ''
(set: $init to ((random: 1, 20) + 2))
If your initiative roll is higher than or equal to $init, [[you go first->Vs Rat]].
If your initiative roll is lower than $init, [[you go second->Rat's turn]].
(set: $HP to 13)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
The crowd cheers your entrance. Aurora's magically amplified voice rings out across the Arena: "Everybody, welcome $name to the Arena! For this fight, 4 gold pieces go to the winner. Tonight we're hosting a classic man-versus-beast matchup. In the opposite corner, we have a challenger from deep within the jungles, a ''jaguar''!" <img src="Jag1.jpeg" align="right">
The door on the opposite corner opens. A spotted jaguar trots out, eyeing at the crowd to either side. At it paces back and forth around its end of the ring, its sleek muscles ripple beneath the black and gold fur. The magestic cat faces you and crouches down into a predatory stance.
Maybe it's just your imagination, but it looks like the jaguar just winked at you. (link: "Roll a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. If the result is equal to or greater than 15, you notice something odd.")[This supposedly wild animal seems to not be disturbed by the carnival-like atmosphere of the Arena. It's almost like it knows what's going on.]
''Roll initiative ''
(set: $init to ((random: 1, 20) + 2))
If your initiative roll is higher than or equal to $init, [[you go first->Vs Jaguar]].
If your initiative roll is lower than $init, [[you go second->Jaguar's turn]].
<img src="lemure.jpeg" width="200">
//medium fiend (devil), Lawful Evil//
Armor Class 7, ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP]''
10 (+0)
5 (-3)
11 (+0)
1 (-5)
11 (+0)
3 (-4)]
**Damage Resistances** Cold
**Damage Immunities** Fire, Poison
**Condition Immunities** Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned
**Devil's sight** Darkvision 120 ft., Magical darkness doesn't impede the lemure's darkvision.
**Fist:** //Melee Weapon Attack:// +3 to hit, 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
<img src="Virgil.jpeg" width="100">
//medium human, Neutral//
Armor Class 10, ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP]''
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)]
''Quarterstaff''. //Melee Weapon Attack//: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. //Hit//: 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
''Dart''. //Ranged Weapon Attack//: +2 to hit, range 20 ft., one target. //Hit//: 1d4 piercing damage.
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action. Each dot is 5 ft. (if: $close)[If you move out of melee range of the lemure, (link-reveal: "it gets an opportunity attack,")[ rolling (set: $attack to ($d:20)) $attack + 3 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: ($d:4)) points of bludgeoning damage.] ] ]
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below.
(display: "Lemure")
The [[Lemure's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Lemure win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Novice loss]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Lemure's Turn
(nth: visit, "The lemure moans pitifully.", "The lemure reeks brimstone and burnt flesh.", "Mocking laughter rumbles from the dark corner of the Arena.", "The lemure's flesh appears to be rotting from its body.", "One of the patrons calls out 'Come on, finish it'", "Tears of frustration roll down the lemure's cheeks.")
####Movement and action
(if: $HP > 8)[(if: $close)[The lemure attacks rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 3 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,4)) points of bludgeoning damage.] ]
(else:)[The lemure crawls 15 ft toward you, unless hampered by a spell or effect. Each dot is 5 ft. If it is now withing 5 ft, the lemure attacks rolling (set: $attack to ($d:20)) $attack + 3 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: ($d:4)) points of bludgeoning damage.] If the movement doesn't bring it within 5 ft, it skips its attack to dash 15 feet more. Move the lemure below, as needed.] ]
(else-if: $close)
[The lemure attacks rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 3 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,4)) points of bludgeoning damage.] Then it moves its full 15 ft away from you, provoking an opportunity attack.] (else:)[ The lemure moves 15 ft away from you, then dashes 15 ft more if able. Move the lemure below as needed.]
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Lemure")
[[Your turn->Vs Lemure]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Lemure win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Novice loss]]
(set: $HP to 5)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
(set: $SP to 2)
The lemure seems to melt into a puddle of flesh. As it closes its cataract-ridden eyes, a cloud of acrid smoke fills the Pit. An enormous Horned Devil appears out of the smoke, though how it bypassed the magic wards, you're not certain.
<img src="devil.png" width="200" align="right">
The devil spreads its batlike wings and scoops up the lemure in its clawed hands. "Do not expire yet, little one! I have so much more pain and humiliation in store for you. The ignomy of defeat at the hands of this worm is nothing compared to the plans for your next torture." He disappears with the lemure in another burst of smoke.
You can make a ''Wisdom (Religion)'' check. (link: "If you get higher than DC 12 you gain some insight into these events.")[You recall that high-ranking devils punish the souls of those whom they have entrapped by transforming them into lumures and subjecting them to various tortures. Apparently, you were the instrument of torture for this unfortunate soul.]
Aurora tentatively steps out onto the Pit foor. "Well, that was . . . different," she begins. "$name, you win 2 silver for that, um, fight. I think we're all in need of a good laugh after that. And you're in luck, because this next creature is known for bringing the laughter."
A door opens on the opposite side of the Pit and a hyena trots out. You hear a harsh voice from the crowd giving commands in what sounds like the gnoll language. In response, the hyena turns toward you and lets out its eerie laugh-like call.
''Roll initiative ''
(set: $init to ((random: 1, 20) + 1))
If your initiative roll is higher than or equal to $init , [[you go first->Vs hyena]].
If your initiative roll is lower than $init , [[you go second->The hyena's turn]].
---<img src="priest.jpeg" align="right">You feel the warmth of healing magic as come back to conciousness under the gaze of a sallow-looking priest. You restore (print: (random: 1,8) + 2) points of health. Aurora looks over his shoulder at you and shakes her head.
"Nice try out there, sport," she offers. "These are the weakest opponents we have. Maybe pit fighting isn't for you. If you're determined to try again, maybe get some better equipment or more experience. Anyway, you've made a total of $SP silver." She hands you the coins. "Good luck out there, you'll need it."
(icon-restart:"Try again?"){
(set: $HP to 8)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
(set: $SP to it + 3)
The hyena groans and falls down dead from its wounds. A voice in the crowd curses loudly in some tongue that you struggle to recognize. (link: "Make an Intelligence check plus the number of languages you know. If the total is equal to or greater than 13, you make a good guess.")[You deduce that the language is Gnollish. Either a gnoll or someone else must've been using the language to command the hyena.] You hear some scattered applause at your triumph.
"Okay, let's hear it for $name. You win 3 silver!" shouts Aurora. "In our next bout, we'll have $name back out here to face Virgil, another new participant. You both have 5 minutes to get ready, then be back out here."
<img src="Cowl_(PSF).png" width="100" align="right">
You head back to the locker room on your side of the Pit, where you see a stranger waiting for you. "Evening. Name's Titus. My brother, Virgil, he's the one you'll be fighting out there." He look around. "The thing is, Virgil, he's not that great of a fighter. I gotta look out for my little bro. If you'll throw the fight and lose after a hit or two, I'll give you 2 gold. You only get 5 silver from The Arena for this fight, so I'd be quadrupling your take. All you gotta do is lose convincingly. What'da ya say?"
(dropdown: bind $fix, "No", "Yes")
[[Make your decision]]
<img src="rat.png" width="200">
*small beast, unaligned*
Armor Class 12, ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP] ''
7 (-2)
15 (+2)
11 (+0)
2 (-4)
10 (+0)
4 (-3)]
''Bite''. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
<img src="Cobra.jpeg" width="200">
*Medium beast, unaligned*
Armor Class 13 ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP]''
2 (-4)
16 (+3)
11 (+1)
1 (-5)
10 (+0)
3 (-4)]
''Blindsight'': 10 ft
''Bite:'' *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 1 piercing damage. The target must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d4 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
<img src="Pottery_(PSF).png">
//small object, unaligned//
Armor Class: 14 ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $pot to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$pot]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $pot to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$pot]]] |showHP>[$pot] ''
''Damage immunities:'' pyschic, poison, fire, necrotic, acid.
''Damage resistance:'' piercing
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action. Each dot is 5 ft. (if: $close)[If you move out of melee range of the giant rat, (link-reveal: "it takes an opportunity attack,")[ rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: ((random: 1,4) +2)) points of piercing damage.]] ]
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below.
(display: "Rat")
The [[Rat's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Rat win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Low loss]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Rat's Turn
(nth: visit, "The giant rat blinks in the bright lantern-light.", "The rat twitches its tail in annoyance.", "Someone in the crowd starts loudly cheering for the giant rat. The rat doesn't seem impressed by its fan club.", "You catch a whiff of a rotten stench coming off the rat.", "The giant rat shifts its wieght from paw to paw, looking for an opening to attack.", "The giant rat sniffs the air, then turns its attention back to you.")
(if: $close)[It (either: "attempts to bite you", "tries to sink its long incisors into your leg", "rears up on its hind legs and lunges at you"), rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,4)+2) points of piercing damage.] ](else:)[It scurries up to its full speed of 30 ft toward you, unless hampered by a spell or effect. Move the rat below, as needed. Each dot is 5 ft.
|close)[The rat moves in to attack, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,4)+2) points of piercing damage.] ]
(event: when (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(show: ?close)]
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Rat")
[[Your Turn->Vs Rat]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Rat win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Low loss]]
---(if: $fix is "Yes")["Great! Remember to make it look real, or else my brother will be more of laughingstock than if he lost." Titus give a little bow, then scampers off to his seat.](else:)["Alright, I understand. Just go easy on him and try not to hurt him too bad." He turns and heads to his seat.]
You have about a 4 minutes left to prepare for the match. You can use this time to cast a spell on yourself, use an ability, drink a potion or get in a quick game of [[Cards]].
After finishing your preparations, you return to the Pit floor. Your opponent, in the opposite corner, is a young human man in a short cloak. He holds a quarterstaff in a white-knuckled grip.
"Okay, we've got some promising newcomers to the Arena tonight," Aurora announces. "In this corner, you've already seen $name. In the far corner, we have Virgil, from right here in town." Among a scattering of polite applause, you hear Titus cheering loudly.
''Roll initiative ''
(set: $init to (random: 1, 20))
If your initiative roll is higher than or equal to $init , [[you go first->Vs Virgil]].
If your initiative roll is lower than $init, [[you go second->Virgil's turn]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action.(if: $close)[(link: "If you move out of Virgil's melee range")[He takes an opportunity attack, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 2 for a **total of (print: $attack + 2)**. (link: "If he hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,8)) points of bludgeoning damage.]] ]
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below. (if: $fix is "Yes")[You can make a fake attack with a roll of 10 or higher on a ''Charisma (Performance)'' check. If you succeed, the crowd believes that you are trying to hit Virgil. If you fail, you accidentally DO hit him. Roll damage for your weapon and subtract from his HP.]
(display: "Commoner")
[[Virgil's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Virgil win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Virgil loss]]
(if: $fix is "Yes")[ [[You fake falling unconsious->Fake]] ]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Virgil's Turn
(nth: visit, "Virgil looks around, nervously.", "You hear Titus in the crowd trying to start a chant: Vir-GIL, Vir-GIL.", "Virgil stares you down.", "Drenched in sweat, Virgil doesn't seem to want to back down.", "Someone in the crowd yells at you to get on with it.") (if: $close)[ (either: "Virgil wildly swings his quarterstaff with both hands", "Feinting a swing to your head, Virgil stops and aims the opposite end of the quarterstaff at your knee", "Virgil jabs out with the butt-end of the staff", "Virgil tries an overhand blow at your skull", "With pent-up anger, Virgil attempts to hit your torso"), rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 2 for a **total of (print: $attack + 2)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,8)) points of bludgeoning damage.]] (else-if: ((sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 4))[Virgil moves up to his full speed of 30 ft toward you, unless hampered by a spell or effect. Move the E below, as needed. He is now within 5 ft of you, it attacks, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 2 for a **total of (print: $attack + 2)**. (link: "If he hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,8)) points of piercing damage.] ](else:)[Virgil moves his full speed of 30 ft toward you, unless hampered by a spell or effect. He throws a dart at you, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 2 for a **total of (print: $attack + 2)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,4)) points of piercing damage.]]
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Commoner")
[[Your Turn->Vs Virgil]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Virgil win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Virgil loss]]
(if: $fix is "Yes")[ [[You fake falling unconsious->Fake]] ]
---(set: $SP to it + 5) You stand triumphant in the Pit, as the sparse crowd gives a perfunctory round of applause. Aurora steps out onto the floor, "Let's hear it for $name! You've made a ''total of $SP,'' plus a ''complimentary beverage'' of your choice at the bar. I want to personally invite you back to The Arena to compete at a higher level." The crowd gives another brief cheer and you leave the Pit floor.
(If: $fix is "Yes")[<img src="Cowl_(PSF).png" width="100" align="right">As you walk off the floor, Titus storms up to you. "What was THAT?" he rages. "We had an agreement. Now my brother is out there getting revived by a priest! You'll pay for this! You don't know what kind of friends I have." He stalks off to go find his brother. //You have earned the malice of Titus and potentially others.//] (else:)[Winning the Novice rank was pretty easy for you. Well done. Perhaps next time, you should choose a higher rank.]
(icon-restart:"Restart") <img src="priest.jpeg" align="right">You feel the warmth of healing magic as come back to conciousness under the gaze of a sallow-looking priest. You restore (print: (random: 1,8) + 2) points of health.
(if: $fix is "Yes")[Titus approaches you from the corner of the room. "Thanks, your performance was great! Virgil was ecstatic after the win. He's got the confidence now to do some great things, whether he decides to stick with pit fighting or not. I really appreciate what you've done for him." He hands you 2 gold. With this and the $SP silver from earlier bouts, you've made decent coin tonight, provided nobody finds out about your little "deal."](else:)[Aurora looks over his shoulder at you and shakes her head. "Nice try out there, sport," she offers. "These are the weakest opponents we have. Maybe pit fighting isn't for you. If you're determined to try again, maybe get some better equipment or more experience. Anyway, you've made a total of $SP silver." She hands you the coins. "Good luck out there, you'll need it."]
(icon-restart:"Try again?") You clutch your chest and fall to the sawdust-covered floor. Make a ''Charisma (Deception) check'', then ''add the number of HP that you have lost in this fight''.
(link: "If the total is equal to or greater than 16 . . .")[<img src="Cowl_(PSF).png" width="100" align="right">The crowd gasps at your apparent death. A pair of Arena employees roll you onto a stretcher and take you out of the Pit and into the locker room.
A priest places his hand on you to cast a healing spell, but realizes your ruse before he finishes the incantation. He shakes his head dismissively, calls you a rude name, and leaves.
Titus approaches you from the corner of the room. "Thanks, your performance was great! Virgil was ecstatic after the win. He's got the confidence now to do some great things, whether he decides to stick with pit fighting or not. I really appreciate what you've done for him."
He hands you ''2 gold.'' With this and the $SP silver from earlier bouts, you've made decent coin tonight, provided nobody finds out about your little "deal."
(icon-restart:"Try again?")]
(link: "If the total is less than 16 . . .")[The crowd boos at your ruse. The fight continues, with you prone on the ground. [[Give Virgil advantage on his next melee attack->Virgil's turn]]. ]{
(set: $pot to 10)
(set: $HP to 2)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 6)
(set: $oppY to 5)
(set: $GP to 2)
The rat sways on its feet, then falls to its side, its tongue lolled out and eyes rolled back. The crowd applauds. The worker previously introduced as Stewie lifts the corpse of the giant rodent and drags it from the floor. (link: "Make an Wisdom (Insight) check. If the result is greater than or equal to 8, you realize something about the worker.")[From the stains on his sleeves and apron, you realize Stewie must be a kitchen worker. You begin to wonder what meat might be in the famous Arena stew.]
<img src="Pottery_(PSF).png" align="right"
As the rat's body leaves the floor, a bell begins ringing continuously. Aurora steps out to the Pit, "All right, you know what that bell means! It's time to play '''WHAT'S IN THE POT?''" The crowd cheers as a large clay pot with a lid is rolled out into the center of the arena floor.
"Here's the rules: The contestant has to crack the pot in ''20 seconds'' and then defeat whatever's inside. It could be a swarm of angry hornets; it could be a pissed-off imp. Who knows? But if you don't crack the pot before the timer goes off, you have to face this ''giant wolf spider!''" The crowd boos at a large, hairy eight-legged creature in a paddock just outside the Pit.
Aurora leaves the Pit floor, "Ready? [[Start->Pot turn]]!"
---<img src="priest.jpeg" align="right">You feel the warmth of healing magic as come back to conciousness under the gaze of a sallow-looking priest. You restore (print: (random: 1,8) + 2) points of health. Aurora looks over his shoulder at you and shakes her head.
"Sorry it didn't work out for you," she offers. "Sometimes it's tough getting a start in pit fighting. If you'd like to try again, come back on another night. Anyway, you've made a total of $GP gold." She hands you the coins. "Good night, hope you're feeling better tomorrow."
(icon-restart:"Try again?") ##Your Turn
(nth: visit, "The crowd cheers and begins their countdown: ''20, 19, 18, 17, 16 . . .'' You'll need to destroy the pot by the time they get to zero.", "More of the crowd join in the countdown: ''14, 13, 12, 11, 10 . . .''", "The crowd is on the edge of their seats with anticipation of what the pot contains: ''8, 7, 6, 5, 4'' ", "One last chance to break the pot! ''3, 2, 1''")
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action.
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to the pot below. If you have proficiency with ''potter's tools,'' you can add your proficiency bonus to both your attack and damage rolls.
(display: "Pot")
(button:)[(link: "End Turn")[(if: $pot<1)[ [[The pot cracks open->Snake's turn]] ](else-if: visit is 4)[ [[You fail!]] ](else:)[ [[Continue->Pot turn]] ] ] ]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Snake's Turn
(nth: visit, "The crowd gasps as a long sinuous body slithers from the wreckage of the pot. Having escaped its prison, the poisonous snake looks around to take its revenge.", "The cobra rears up into a threat display, and expands its neck flaps.", "The snake coils its body into an aggressive posture." , "You watch cautiously as the serpent's head weaves back and forth, following your movement." , "The cobra's forked tongue flicks out.")
(if: $close)[It (either: "strikes", "hurls its body toward your torso", "bares its poison-drenched fangs in attack"), rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 5 for a total of (print: $attack + 5). (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take 1 piercing damage and must make a CON saving throw with a DC of 10. If you get less than 10, you take (set:
$poison to (
) $poison poison damage. If you get equal to or greater than 11, you take (print: $poison/2) poison damage, rounded down.]
](else:)[It slithers up to its full speed of 30 ft toward you, unless hampered by a spell or effect. Move the snake below, as needed.
|close)[The snake moves in to attack, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 5 for a total of (print: $attack + 5). (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take 1 piercing damage and must make a CON saving throw with a DC of 10. If you get less than 10, you take (set:
$poison to (
) $poison poison damage. If you get equal to or greater than 11, you take (print: $poison/2) poison damage, rounded down.]] ]
(event: when (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(show: ?close)]
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Snake")
[[Your Turn->Vs Snake]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Snake win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Low loss]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action.(if: $close)[If you move out of melee range of the snake, (link-reveal: "it takes an opportunity attack")[, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 5 for a total of (print: $attack + 5). (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take 1 piercing damage and must make a CON saving throw with a DC of 10. If you get less than 10, you take (set: $poison to ((random: (1,4))+(random: (1,4)))) $poison poison damage. If you get equal to or greater than 11, you take (print: $poison/2) poison damage, rounded down.]] ]
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below.
(display: "Snake")
The [[Snake's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Snake win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Low loss]]
---The (if:(history: where its name contains "fail")'s length >= 1)[spider's](else:)[snake's] lifeless body twitches on the ground, its fangs oozing one last deadly dose of poison. "Alright! let's hear it for $name! That wins another 3 gold!" Aurora's voice rings through the building, "We'll take a short break for cleanup and refreshment, then be back for the matchup between $name and Mule!"
<img src="Halfling.jpg" align="right">
The lights dim and your corner's door swings open. You walk off the Pit floor and into the bar area of the Arena. A lute-toting halfling approaches you. "You did great out there. Putting you up against a poisonous beast was pretty low of them, though."
"I don't know if you need it, but here's a dose of poison antidote I made. I have a bit of a side business making and selling potions; this first one's free." He hands you a ''vial of antidote''. You can use it to neutralize poison. "My name's ''Ferret'', by the way." He leaves.
You have ten minutes remaining of the break. You can cast spells on yourself, use abilities, go play [[Cards]] or just mentally prepare yourself for the coming fight.
[[On to the Low-level championship]]!
---**<h3>GIANT WOLF SPIDER</h3>**
<img src="spider.jpeg">
*Medium beast, unaligned*
Armor Class 13, ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP]''
12 (+1)
16 (+3)
13 (+1)
3 (-4)
12 (+0)
4 (-3)
''Spider Climb.'' The spider can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
''Web Walker.'' The spider ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.
''Senses: Blindsight'' 10 Ft., ''Darkvision'' 60 Ft.
''Bite.'' //Melee Weapon Attack:// +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. //Hit//: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
(set: $HP to 11)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 8)
The crowd noise crecendos as time runs out. You hear the voice of Aurora, magically enhanced, "Awwww! That's too bad! You could've been fighting just a puny little snake. Instead, I hope you like spiders!"
The pot drops into a trap door in the floor of the Pit as the gate to spider cage is opened. The giant arachnid skitters out to face you.
[[Spider's turn]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Spider's Turn
(nth: visit, "The crowd ooohs as a spider the size of large dog skitters out onto the floor of the Pit",
"The spider raises its two front legs in a threat display.",
"Someone in the crowd shouts: CRUSH THAT INSECT! Someone else responds: SPIDERS ARE NOT INSECTS!",
"The hairy spider shifts its weight from leg to leg to leg to leg." ,
"You watch cautiously as the spider's multiple eyes stare back with alien intelligence." ,
"The spider's chitinous fangs drip venom.")
(if: $close)[It (either: "attacks",
"attempts to bat aside your defences with one of its long hairy legs",
"bares its poison-drenched fangs in attack"
), rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 3 for a total of (print: $attack + 3). (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take ((random: (1,6))+1) piercing damage and must make a CON saving throw with a DC of 11. If you get less than 10, you take (set: $poison to ((random: (1,6))+(random: (1,6)))) $poison poison damage. If you get equal to or greater than 11, you take (print: $poison/2) poison damage, rounded down.]
](else:)[It scampers up to its full speed of 30 ft toward you, unless hampered by a spell or effect. Move the spider below, as needed.]
|close)[The spider moves in to attack, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 3 for a total of (print: $attack + 3)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: ((random: (1,6))+1)) piercing damage and must make a CON saving throw with a DC of 11. If you get less than 11, you take (set: $poison to ((random: (1,6))+(random: (1,6)))) $poison poison damage. If you get equal to or greater than 11, you take (print: $poison/2) poison damage, rounded down.]]
(event: when (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(show: ?close)]
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Spider")
[[Your Turn->Vs Spider]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Snake win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Low loss]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action.(if: $close)[If you move out of melee range of the spider, (link-reveal: "it takes an opportunity attack")[, (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 3 for a total of (print: $attack + 3)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take ((random: (1,6))+1) piercing damage and must make a CON saving throw with a DC of 11. If you get less than 11, you take (set: $poison to ((random: (1,6))+(random: (1,6)))) $poison poison damage. If you get equal to or greater than 11, you take (print: $poison/2) poison damage, rounded down.]] ]
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below.
(display: "Spider")
The [[Spider's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Snake win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Low loss]]
(set: $dungeon to (array: (a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,3,3,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,3,3,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) ) )
(set: $HP to 11)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
(set: $GP to 5)
You wallk back out onto the sawdust-covered floor to face your final opponent for the night. Across the Pit, you see your opponent: A human man with a shaved head and heavy features. He is dressed in leather armor, but wears loose, flowing pants that seem incongruent with the rest of his attire. He carries a light crossbow and wears quiver of bolts on one hip, a scimitar on the other.
Make a ''Wisdom (Perception)'' check as you size up your opponent. (link: "If you get equal or better than DC 12, you notice something about his preparations.")[As he checks over his equipment, you notice that he seems to favor his crossbow over the sword.]
Aurora's voice fills the room: "You've all been watching $name tonight, so let me introduce our other combatant. He's known around town as a dangerous man, the kind who don't want to meet in a dark alley. He's stubborn and strong, so they call him ''Mule''!" The crowd cheers as Mule strides to the center of the Pit.
<img src="Caltrope_(PSF).jpg" align="right">
As he twirls his crossbow above his head, you notice something fall out of the loose legs of his pants. Looking closely, you realize that they are ''caltrops'' -- sharp spikes painted the same shade as the sawdust floor. Before you can speak up, Mule jogs back to his corner and Aurora announces, "START!"
''Roll initiative ''
(set: $init to ((random: 1, 20) + 2))
If your initiative roll is higher than or equal to $init, [[you go first->Vs Bandit]].
If your initiative roll is lower than $init, [[you go second->Bandit's turn]].
<img src="Thug.png">
*Medium human, chaotic neutral*
Armor Class 12, ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP]''
11 (+0)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
**Scimitar.** //Melee Weapon Attack:// +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
**Light Crossbow.** //Ranged Weapon Attack:// +3 to hit, reach 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action. The X squares contain caltrops. Crossing the X squares requires movement at half speed or (link: "a success on Dexterity saving throw of 15 or higher.")[If you fail a DC15 Dexterity saving throw, you take 1 point piercing damage and must stop moving this turn. Your movement is reduced by 10 ft until you regain at least 1 HP.] (if: $close)[If you move out of Mule's melee range, he takes an opportunity attack, rolling (set: $attack to ($d:20)) $attack + 3 for a **total of (print: $attack + 3)**. (link: "If he hits . . .")[You take (print: ($d:6)+1) points of slashing damage.]]
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below.
(display: "Bandit")
[[Bandit's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Low Level win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Low loss]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Mule's Turn
(nth: visit, "The crowd cheers, some seem to be pulling for you, some for Mule.",
"Mule sneers at you.",
"Mule taunts you with a rude gesture.",
"Under his breath, Mule lets go a string of curse words directed at you.",
"Someone in the crowd yells at you to get on with it.") (if: $close)[ (either: "He swings his scimitar at your head",
"Feinting a swing to your neck, Mule drops the point of the weapon so that it slashes across your body", "He takes a swipe at your arm with his scimitar", "He beats his scimitar against your guard, then follows with a swing at the other side", "He puts all his strength behind a heavy blow"), rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 3 for a **total of (print: $attack + 3)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+1) points of slashing damage.]] (else:)[Mule moves his full speed of 30 ft to try to put the caltrops between you and him, unless hampered by a spell or effect. He fires his crossbow, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 3 for a **total of (print: $attack + 3)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: ($d:8)+1) points of piercing damage.]]
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Bandit")
[[Your Turn->Vs Bandit]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Low Level win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Low loss]]
---{(set: $GP to it + 5)}
Mule crumples, dropping his weapon. The crowd erupts in a wordless cheer. The smell of beer and whiskey swells as the audience quaffs their drinks in celebration or misery. You hear Aurora's magically amplified voice: "The winner is $name, for ''a total prize of $GP GP ''tonight plus a bowl of our famous ''Arena stew''!" A few low chuckles rumble around the arena at this last prize.
A pair of attendants and a cleric employed by the Arena come out to tend to Mule. As he is revived, he wipes some blood and snot from his nose and glares at you.
(after: 2s)[
<img src="Cowl_(PSF).png" width="100" align="right">
On your way back from the Arena that night, you notice a hooded figure following you.
As you turn to confront him, the man holds out his hands in a sign of non-agression and calls out to you, "My name is Titus. I mean you no harm at this time. I come with a message from Mule."
"You've earned the animosity of an organization outside the law, of which Mule is proud to count himself a member. You have been noticed by this organization for the defeat you've dealt to Mule. They will not deal kindly with you. You have been warned."
You hear a noise behind you and spin to defend yourself. Seeing nothing, you turn back toward Titus. He is gone. ''Let your GM know that you are in trouble with a criminal organization.''
(icon-restart:"Start again?")
<img src="Jaguar_(PSF).png">
//medium beast, unaligned//
Armor Class 12, ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP]''
14 (+2)
15 (+2)
10 (+0)
3 (-4)
14 (+2)
7 (-2)
''Pounce:'' If the jaguar moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw Attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the panther can make one bite Attack against it as a Bonus Action.
''Bite:'' Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
''Claw:'' Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.
<img src="DnD_skeleton.png">
//medium undead, lawful evil//
Armor Class 13, ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP]''
10 (+0)
14 (+2)
15 (+2)
6 (-2)
8 (-1)
5 (-3)
''Shortsword:'' Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
''Shortbow:'' Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
<img src="DnD_Goblin.png">
//small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil//
Armor Class 15, ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP]''
8 (-1)
14 (+2)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
8 (-1)
8 (-1)
''Shortsword:'' Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
''Shortbow:'' Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
''Nimble Escape.'' The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action. Each dot is 5 ft. (if: $close)[If you move out of melee range of the jaguar, (link-reveal: "it takes an opportunity attack,")[rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: ((random: 1,4) +2)) points of piercing damage.] ] ]
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below.
(display: "Jaguar")
The [[Jaguar's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Jaguar win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Int loss]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) > 3)[(set: $pounce to true)](else:)[(set: $pounce to false)]
##Jaguar's Turn
(nth: visit, "The jaguar glides toward you.", "The jaguar stares you down with almost human intelligence in its eyes.", "The jaguar gives a low growl.", "The beast bares its teeth. You could swear that it just smiled at you.", "The jaguar crouches, looking for an opening to attack.", "The jaguar sniffs the air, then turns its attention back to you.")
(if: $pounce)[It moves its full speed of up to 50 feet, then gathers itself and pounces at you, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,4)+2) points of slashing damage and must make a DC12 Strength saving throw. (link: "If you fail the saving throw")[You are knocked prone and the jaguar makes another bite attack against you with advantage, rolling (set: $attack1 to ($d:20))(set: $attack2 to ($d:20)) $attack1 + 4 or $attack2 + 4 for a **total of (print: (max: $attack1, $attack2) + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+2) points of piercing damage.] ] ] ]
(else-if: $close)[It (either: "attempts to bite you", "tries to sink its sharp teeth into your leg", "lunges at you"), rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+2) points of piercing damage.] ](else:)[It runs up to its full speed of 50 ft toward you, unless hampered by a spell or effect. Move the jaguar below, as needed. Each dot is 5 ft.
|close)[The jaguar moves in to attack, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+2) points of piercing damage.] ]
(event: when (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(show: ?close)]
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Jaguar")
[[Your Turn->Vs Jaguar]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Jaguar win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Int loss]]
---The jaguar falls to the ground and lies still. As the crowd starts to cheer, a transformation comes over the apparently lifeless body, silencing the audience. The paws and legs of the cat form into human hands, feet, arms and legs. The feline face rounds out into the face of a man and the spots on the fur fade into intricate tatoos. Within a few moments, a man lies where the beast once was.
<img src="Koa.png" align = "right">
To your astonishment, the man gets up and smiles at you. "Thank you!" he beams. He leads you off the floor of the Pit and back to the combatants' ready room.
"My name is ''Koa''; I am a druid. I had transformed into a jaguar to fight some followers of the snake god, but got stuck in this form after I triggered a trap in the snake god's jungle temple. Although the precepts of my circle prevent me from intentionally harming myself in animal form, I was able to get myself captured. You defeating me in combat allowed me to return to my human form."
Koa reaches into a belt pouch and removes a dark grape-sized seed. "Here. This comes from our sacred grove. If you ever get lost in a forest, eat this seed and the trees will help you find your way." He gives you a ''Seed of the Wild''. //You can re-roll a Nature or Survival check by consuming this seed. This seed can only be used once.//
As you study the seed, Koa slips away without a sound. You have about 5 minutes to prepare before [[your next match]].
---<img src="priest.jpeg" align="right">You feel the warmth of healing magic as come back to conciousness under the gaze of a sallow-looking priest. You restore (print: (random: 1,8) + 2) points of health. Aurora looks over his shoulder at you and smiles.
"Too bad. That's a tough loss. Anyway, here's your winnings." She hands you $GP gold. "Why don't you take a break, heal up, and come back when you're feeling better. We'd love to see you fight again, but you might want to rethink your level of competition."
(icon-restart:"Try again?") {
(set: $HP to 13)
(set: $GP to 4)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
You walk back out to the Pit to a crowd that is already humming with excitement. Although you did well in your last match, you don't think the crowd's interest is focused on you. Opposite you in the other corner stands a figure in a heavy brown cloak. Their back is turned to you.
<img src="crowd.jpeg" align="right">
"We've got something special for you tonight!" Aurora's voice cuts through the murmur. "You've cheered for her when she went 12 minutes against the Butcher of Tunnel-Town. You celebrated when she defeated the Sootfang red wyrmling. You gasped when she fell to the Brass Knight. "
You hear the crowd murmuring and a few anticipitory claps.
"Returning to the Arena for the first time in 5 years is . . . .
'''Blade' Brydana!"''
The crowd ERRUPTS in cheers.
(link: "Roll an Intelligence (History) check. If you get better than or equal to a 10, you recall the name.")[You've heard the name Blade Brydana. From what you remember, she was a pit fighter here at the Arena. She was never one of the best, but was always popular with the fans. Maybe you're mistaken, but you thought she had died in combat.]
''Roll initiative ''
(set: $init to ((random: 1, 20) + 2))
If your initiative roll is higher than or equal to $init , [[you go first->Vs Skeleton]].
If your initiative roll is lower than $init , [[you go second->Skeleton's turn]].
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
(unless: ((history:) contains "Skeleton's turn"))[Your opponent readies themselves to fight, dropping the cloak to the ground. Beneath, you see the white of bone and a set of empty eye sockets in a grinning skull. Brydana isn't a living person, they're a ''skeleton''!
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action. Each dot is 5 ft. (if: $close)[If you move out of melee range of the skeleton, (link-reveal: "it takes an opportunity attack,")[rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: ((random: 1,6) +2)) points of piercing damage from its shortsword.] ] ]
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below.
(display: "Skeleton")
[[Skeleton's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Skeleton win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Int loss]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Skeleton's Turn
(unless: ((history:) contains "Vs Skeleton"))[Your opponent readies themselves to fight, dropping the cloak to the ground. Beneath, you see the white of bone and a set of empty eye sockets in a grinning skull. Brydana isn't a living person, they're a ''skeleton''!
(nth: visit, "The crowd goes wild to see Blade Brydana back in action again.",
"Brydana's skull opens its mouth as if to shout a battle cry, but nothing comes out except for some grave dust.",
"A worm crawls from Brydana's eyesocket and drops to the floor.",
"You catch a whiff of the rotted corpse stench of Brydana's body.",
"The crowd starts a chant for Brydana. The skeleton seems unmoved.") (if: $close)[(either: "It swings its shortsword at your head",
"Someone in the crowd shouts 'Use your sword!' Whether or not she can hear, Brydana's skeleton attacks. ", "It stabs at your belly with its shortsword.", "It beats the sword against your guard, then jabs the point at your chest", "It feints with a forehand stroke, then swings around to a backhand strike."), rolling (set: $attack to ($d:20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: ($d:6)+2) points of piercing damage.]]
(else:)[The skeleton moves its full speed of 30 ft to try to approach you, unless hampered by a spell or effect.
|far>[If not within 5 feet at the end of its turn, (link-reveal: "the skeleton fires its shortbow,")
[rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")
[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+2) points of piercing damage.]]]
(event: when (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)
[(replace: ?far)
[The skeleton moves in to attack, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")
[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+2) points of piercing damage.]
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Skeleton")
[[Your Turn->Vs Skeleton]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Skeleton win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Int loss]]
(set: $HP to 8)
(set: $GP to 10)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
<img src="skull.jpeg" align="right">Like a marionette with its strings cut, Brydana's skeleton falls into a pile of bones. The skull bounces off a scrap of armor and rolls a few feet before coming to a stop, its empty eye sockets facing you. From the groans of the crowd, you can tell that they were disappointed that their hero didn't get one last win.
"What an exciting match!" Aurora tries to inject a bit of enthusiasm into the crowd. "Anything can happen at The Arena! What a great way for Brydana to, um . . . settle her debts from her last fight. $name wins 6 gold for that impressive performance."
As you make your way back to the ready room, several workers start rolling out barrels. "You got a few minutes 'til the next one, boss," one of them grunts at you.
You have a ten minute break. You can cast spells on yourself, use abilities, go play [[Cards]] or just mentally prepare yourself for the coming fight.
Once you are ready, you can [[return to the Pit floor.|Goblin intro]]
(set: $spin to ($d:5))
(if: $spin is 1)[
(set: $HP to ($HP + 5))
(set: $spinname to "Heal")]
(if: $spin is 2)[
(set: $spinname to "Reset")
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)]
(if: $spin is 3)[
(set: $spinname to "Repulse")]
(if: $spin is 4)[
(set: $spinname to "Antimagic")]
(if: $spin is 5)[
(set: $spinname to "Protect")]
The wheel spins. (either: "TTTTTtttttt-tch-tch-tch-tch. Tch. Tch. . . Tch.", "The crowd cheers in anticipation as the arrow passes over different effects, each in turn.", "The gnoll turns his head momementarily to check out the results.")
It stops on (t8n:"rumble")+(t8n-delay:1s)[$spinname]
(if: $spin is 1)[You and your opponent both heal. Add 5 to your HP. If you are already at or near full HP, you gain 5 temporary HP.](if: $spin is 2)[You feel a strange tugging sensation in your chest, then are transported back to your corner.](if: $spin is 3)[An orange glow surrounds you and your opponent. Niether of you can do damage with a melee attack for this round. You may still impose conditions by melee attacks or make a ranged attack from any range.](if: $spin is 4)[The air feels flat and stagnant as all magic is canceled within the Pit. No spells or magical items will function for the next round. Magical equipment (armor, weapons, tools) only function as the mundane equivalent.](if: $spin is 5)[You feel your skin harden. For the next round only, you and your opponent both gain +3 to your AC.]
(if: $order is 1)[ [[Your Turn->Vs Gnoll]] ](else:)[ [[Gnoll's turn]] ]
(set: $dungeon to (array: (a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,3,0,0,0,0,3,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) ) )
(set: $HP to 10)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
(set: $GP to 20)
<img src="Barrel_(PSF).png" align="right"> You step back out onto the Pit floor to see four large ''barrels'' scattered around the fighting surface. Each barrel is about 3 feet tall, two feet wide and made of heavy oak. In the opposite corner, a short, angry-looking goblin leers at you.
Looking you up and down, he calls out, "You look like you be tasty for stew meat! My tribe cook you up good when I kill you!"
''Roll a Charisma (Intimidation) check''
(link: "If you get less than 10, click here")[You are shaken by the goblin viewing you as a piece of meat. He laughs at your discomfort, making it even worse. When you roll initiative, ''roll with disadvantage.'']
(link: "If you get equal to or greater than 10, click here")[You stare back at the goblin, showing that you're not bothered by his insinuation. He appears to be shaken by your undisturbed poise. When you roll initiative, ''roll with advantage.'']
Aurora's voice rings through the Arena: "Okay, for our Intermediate-Level championship tonight, we have $name versus ''Ymel'' from the Bonegnawer Tribe! Winner gets ''10 gold'', plus a night's stay in our ''finest room'' here. We've spiced up the Pit floor with a few spots to take cover. Let's get it going!"
''Roll initiative ''
(set: $init to ((random: 1, 20) + 2))
If your initiative roll is higher than or equal to $init, [[you go first->Vs Goblin]].
If your initiative roll is lower than $init, [[you go second->Goblin's turn]].
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action. The X squares contain barrels. Crossing the X squares requires movement at half speed. Medium-sized individuals standing behind the barrels benefit from 1/2 cover (+2 AC); small individuals (''like Ymel the goblin'') have 3/4 cover (+5 AC). (if: $close)[If you move out of Ymel's melee range, he takes an opportunity attack, rolling (set: $attack to ($d:20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If he hits . . .")[You take (print: ($d:6)+2) points of slashing damage.]]
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below.
(display: "Goblin")
[[Goblin's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Intermediate win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Int loss]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Ymel's Turn
(nth: visit, "The crowd cheers, as you hear last-second bets being finalized.",
"Ymel cackles, 'Stew meat! Stew meat!'",
"Ymel turns his rear to you and smacks it.",
"Wiping his nose with the back of his hand, Ymel slings a wad of snot in your direction.",
"You get a whiff of Ymel's odor. It's not roses.") (if: $close)[ (either: "He swings his scimitar at your head",
"Feinting a swing to your ankles, Ymel raises the point of the weapon so that it slashes across your body", "He takes a swipe at your arm with his scimitar", "He beats his scimitar against your guard, then follows with a swing at the other side", "He puts all his strength behind a heavy blow"), rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+2) points of slashing damage.] He then uses his bonus action to disengage.] (else:)[Ymel fires his shortbow, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: ($d:6)+2) points of piercing damage.]] He moves his full speed of 30 ft to try to put one of the barrels between you and him, unless hampered by a spell or effect.
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Goblin")
[[Your Turn->Vs Goblin]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Intermediate win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Int loss]]
(set: $HP to 19)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
<img src="ax.png" align ="right">
After you sign up, you have to wait around the Arena until your event begins. While you wait, you watch a few bouts of less-accomplished fighters squaring off against monsters or each other. In one match, you watch a halfling woman use magic firebolts to ignite the head of a zombie; in another, you see a raging half-orc chop a giant centepede in half with an axe, only to be poisoned by the still-biting mandibles.
Finally, it is your turn. You walk out onto the Pit floor. "We have a special match next up," Aurora addresses the crowd. "You've all heard the stories; the stories of the ''Blood Bear'': How a pair of nobles went for a romantic picnic in the woods, and the young lady returned alone, covered in blood and screaming about the bear that devoured her lover." The crowd gasps.
"You've heard how a hunter came back home from a day's work," she continues, "to find his cabin ransacked and covered in claw marks and the blood of his new wife. Our agents have scoured the hills and brought back what they believe to be this fearsome beast. Tonight, it may take its next victim: $name. Or $name may be its demise." The crowd cheers as a large black bear trundles out from the door in the corner opposite you.
(link: "Make an Intelligence (Nature) check. If you get above 15, click here.")[You recall that black bears are typically timid around people. This one must have been fed and/or mistreated for it to have become so agressive]
''Roll initiative ''
(set: $init to ((random: 1, 20)))
If your initiative roll is higher than or equal to $init, [[you go first->Vs Bear]].
If your initiative roll is lower than $init, [[you go second->Bear's turn]].
Ymel collapses to the ground, unconcious. The crowd cheers your victory and Aurora shouts, "$name for the win! What a fight! That's worth ''10 gold ''and a ''night's stay'' at our finest lodgings here at The Arena! Along with the two other victories, this brings $name's total winnings tonight to 20 gold. Return to your corner to collect your prize money."
Meanwhile, the Area's cleric and a pair of assistants revive Ymel. He sits up, takes in the scene of your triumph, and begins to weep uncontrollably. "My tribe!" he wails. "I have no food, no money to bring! Poor Bonegnawers starve!" He sits in a pool of his own blood and cries.
''Do you want to give him any money?'' If so, enter the value in gold with digits to the right of a decimal being silver (e.g. 0.1) and copper (0.01).
(input-box: bind $give,"X=========",1,"0")
[[Give or don't give]] money to the goblin.
---(set: $card to 0)
###Playing Cards
Simulating several rounds of of a betting card game requires three rolls:
* ''Wisdom (Insight)'' to judge if others have a good hand
* ''Charisma (Deception)'' to avoid showing how good your hand is
* ''Card Draw (2d10)'' to replicate the luck of the draw
For each, you are trying to beat a DC of 15. If you have proficiency in card games or Three Dragon Ante, you can add your proficiency bonus to any of these rolls as a replacement for the skill proficiency. If adding your gaming proficiency to the Card Draw, you add the proficiency to the sum of the d10's, representing your knowledge of the likilhood of different hands.
(link-reveal: "If you want to cheat")[, you can roll Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) to sneak an extra card to yourself in the deal. If you get equal to or greater than 15, you cheat undetected. You can roll 3 d10s instead of 2 for the card draw and use the highest 2 results. If you get less than 15 but equal to or greater than 11, you fail at cheating, but are not noticed, so no rolls are changed. If you get 10 or lower, you caught cheating and forfeit all the money you bet, plus you gain the animosity of the other players and are no longer welcome at card games.]
<img src="cards.jpg" align="right">
Enter ''how much you want to bet'', in gold (1-100):
(input-box: bind $betinput,"X=========",1,"10")
''Roll Wisdom (Insight)''
(link: "Click if equal to or greater than 15")[(either:"You notice the player to your left tends to stare at his cards when he has a good hand, but looks at other players when his hand is poor.", "An interesting thing about playing against an opponent with a tail: they often have trouble keeping it from twitching when excited.", "You can read your opponents like they were visions in a scrying pool.", "You know when to hold them and know when to fold them.")(set: $card to it +1)]
''Roll Charisma (Deception)''
(link: "Click if equal to or greater than 15")[(either: "You are able to hide your excitement at good hands and bluff your way through bad hands.", "Your face is as stoney as an earth elemental.", "You keep your hands steady and your eyes neutral. Nobody knows what cards you have in your hand.", "They can't read your Three-Dragon-Ante face.") (set: $card to it +1)]
''Roll two d10's and add them together,'' add your proficiency if valid.
(link: "Click if equal to or greater than 17")[(either: "The hands you are dealt are particularly lucky tonight.", "Lady Luck smiles on you. Or maybe that's just the dealer's way of flirting.", "You can hardly believe your eyes when you see your cards. Amazing.") (set: $card to it +1)]
(link: "Click if less than 5")[(either: "The hands you are dealt are particularly bad tonight.", "Lady Luck must hate you.", "You figure the other players must be cheating, but can't seem to catch them. How else could your luck be so bad?") (set: $card to it -1)]
[[Take your winnings or loss]]{(set: $bet to (num: $betinput))}
###The card game ends
<img src="coins.png" align="right">
(If: $card is 3)[You have great success at playing cards! You're having one of those nights where everything goes your way. Counting up the pot at the end of the game, you've won twice your initial bet, (print: ($bet *2)).](else-if: $card is 2)[You start off slow, but after a couple of hands, you start to get a feel for the game. You win more than you lose. Counting up the pot at the end of the game, you've won 1.5 times your initial bet, (print: ($bet *1.5)) gold, with any decimal values being silver.](else-if: $card is 1)[You play a respectable game of cards, but your opponents are pretty good too. You win some; you lose some. Counting up the pot at the end of the game, you've won back half your initial bet, (print: ($bet /2 )), with any decimal values being silver.](else:)[You have a terrible time at cards. Nothing seems to go your way. You've lost everything you bet, (print: ($bet)).]
You realize it's time to go back to the fights.
(link:"Go back")[(goto: (history: )'s 2ndlast)]
{(set: _given to (num: $give))}
<img src="greedy_hand.png" align="right">
(if: _given > 0.99)[Ymel the goblin looks at the gold you have given him. He slowly blinks, then stares at it again, as if he's not sure it's real. As the reality of the gift sinks in, he raises his eyes to you. "Thank you. You do not have to do this thing. Now, my tribe can eat. Thank you." ''You have gained the respect of the Bonegnawer Tribe of goblins. They are not powerful, but will do a favor for you if it is within their ability.''](else-if: _given > 0)[Ymel looks the money you gave him. It's clearly not enough to substantially help his tribe, but it's something. He grudgingly rakes it into a pouch at his belt and give you a small nod before walking out the door of the Arena.](else:)[Why should you give anything? That little creep would have happily stabbed you and left you in a pool of blood without a second thought. He can get his own.]
The rest of the crowd congradulates you on your victory as you walk back through the bar. More than one asks if you'll come back to try your hand at the higher ranks. Perhaps you will.
(icon-restart:"Start again?") <h3>BLACK BEAR </h3>
<img src="Black_bear_(PSF).png">
''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP] ''
(font: 'Arial')[*Medium beast, unaligned*, Armor Class 11
15 (+2)
10 (+0)
14 (+2)
2 (-4)
12 (+1)
7 (-2)]
''Senses'' passive Perception 13
''Keen Smell'' The bear has advantage on Perception checks involving smell.
''Multiattack:'' The bear makes two attacks: one bite, and one claw.
''Bite:'' *Melee Weapon Attack:* +3 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 1d6+2 piercing damage.
''Claws:'' *Melee Weapon Attack:* +3 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 2d4+2 slashing damage.
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action. Each dot is 5 ft. (if: $close)[If you move out of the bear's attack range of 5 feet, (link-reveal: "it makes a claw attack against you")[ rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 3 for a total of (print: $attack + 3). (link: "If it hits. . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,4)+(random: 1,4) + 2) slashing damage.]]]
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below.
(display: "Bear")
[[Bear's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Bear win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Adv loss]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Bear's Turn
(nth: visit, "The bear roars a challenge.", "The bear shows its teeth and growls.", "You catch a gamey, musty scent coming off the bear.", "The bear lays back its ears in annoyance at you.", "The bear sniffs you and looks for a way past your defenses.", "The bear licks its snout.") (if: $close)[Now that it's within 5 feet of you, (either: (display: "Claw"), (display: "Bite"), (display:"Push"))](else:)[It trundles up to its full speed of 40 ft toward you, unless hampered by a spell or effect. Move the bear below, as needed.
|close)[The bear moves in to attack, (either: (display: "Claw"), (display: "Bite"), (display:"Push")) ]
(event: when (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(show: ?close)]
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Bear")
[[Your Turn->Vs Bear]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Bear win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Adv loss]]
The bear gives up a pitious groan and breathes its last. As the crowd applauds, Aurora's voice calls out "The Blood Bear is dead! $name wins 8 gold!" You walk out of the Pit and through the door to the contestants' ready room.
<img src="Halfling.jpg" align="right">
On the way, you run into a halfling carrying a lute. "I'm sorry you had to kill that beast, but it's probably for the best. Once a bear starts killing people, it has no fear to kill more." He leans in closer. "As the winner of the battle, you're entitled to the spoils of the carcass. I'd like to harvest the liver for some medical salves I'm trying to perfect. In exchange, I can hire a tanner to make the hide into a cloak, rug, or blanket for you. What do you say?"
(link: "Yes, and you'd like the hide.")["Thank you tremendously," he replies. "The hide will be ready for you in one week at the White Oak Tannery outside the city. I'll cover the cost for them to turn it into whatever form you'd prefer."]
(link: "Yes, but you have no need for the hide.")["Wow. I was not expecting such a generous nature," he replies. "If you have need of a favor, let me know, and I'll see what I can do."]
(link: "No, you cannot have the bear's liver.")["Well," he replies, "it was worth a shot. Good evening."]
You have about 3 minutes until your [[next fight]].
<img src="priest.jpeg" align="right">You feel the warmth of healing magic as come back to conciousness under the gaze of a sallow-looking priest. You restore (print: (random: 1,8) + 2) points of health. Aurora reaches down to give you a hand up.
"Thank goodness you're alive," she offers. "We had to get the floor wardens out there pretty quick to get that thing off of you or you would've been permanantly dead. I'm glad you made it. Here, you've made a total of $GP gold." She hands you the coins. "Good night, hope you're feeling better tomorrow."
(icon-restart:"Try again?") it **swipes its claw at you**, rolling (set: $cattack to (random: 1, 20)) $cattack + 3 for a total of (print: $cattack + 3). (link: "If it hits. . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,4)+(random: 1,4) +2) slashing damage.]
It follows up its claw attack with a ferocious **bite**,rolling (set: $battack to (random: 1, 20)) $battack + 3 for a total of (print: $battack + 3). (link: "If it hits. . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+2) piercing damage]it lunges at you for a **bite**, rolling (set: $battack to (random: 1, 20)) $battack + 3 for a total of (print: $battack + 3). (link: "If it hits. . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+2) piercing damage]
Then, growling it attempts to **swipe you with its claws**, rolling (set: $cattack to (random: 1, 20)) $cattack + 3 for a total of (print: $cattack + 3). (link: "If it hits. . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,4)+(random: 1,4) +2) slashing damage.]it rears up on its hind legs, coming down at you in a **shove** attack. It rolls (set: $pattack to (random: 1, 20)) $pattack + 2 on Strength check for a total of (print: $pattack + 2). Roll a ''Strength (Athletics)'' or ''Dexterity (Acrobatics)'' check, your choice.
If you get equal to or higher than (print: $pattack + 2), you remain on your feet. If you get less, you are knocked **prone**.
The bear follows up with a **bite** attack. If you are on your feet, it rolls (set: $battack1 to (random: 1, 20))(set: $battack2 to (random: 1, 20)) $battack1 + 3 for a total of (print: $battack1 + 3). (link: "If it hits. . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+2) piercing damage.] If you are prone, it rolls with advantage, the greater of $battack1 and $battack2, +3 for a total of (print: (max: $battack1, $battack2) + 3). (link: "If it hits. . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+2) piercing damage.]{
(set: $dungeon to (array: (a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,3,0,3,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,3,3,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,3,3,3,3,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,3,0,0,3,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) ) )
(set: $HP to 22)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
(set: $GP to 8)
(set: $metal to false)
(set: $breath to true)
<img src="Gnome.jpeg" align="right">Aurora announces the next fight: "This should be a treat! In this corner is $name, who you've just seen vanquish the mighty Blood Bear! In the other corner is a gnome you've known so well. The unpredictable, the wild, the sometimes-master of magic, ''Greenwand''!"
A gnome dressed in green stumbles out of the opposite doorway. He carries his namesake green wand in one hand, and in the other, a mug of ale, which he drains to the crowd's delight. He looks like he may have already had a few.
To work the crowd, Greenwand begins casting a cantrip that produces green sparks showering from his wand. As you listen to the words, they seem a bit slurred. ''Roll an Intelligence (Arcana) check.'' (link: "If the result is equal to or higher than 15, you realize something.")[The verbal component of a spell must be precisely articulated. Greenwand's enunciation is dangerously sloppy.]
"Okay, okay, Greenwand!" Aurora tries to reel in his theatrics, "On my count, we'll start the match. Ready! Set! . . ."
(t8n:"shudder")+(t8n-delay:3s)[Before the emcee can say "Go!" Greenwand casts a spell at you. Halfway through the incantation, he hiccups and mispronounces a word. That's all it takes for him to meet his doom.
The floor opens up into a roiling dimentional portal. Greenwand falls through and no more than two seconds later, thick red-hot magma begins bubbling up through the rift. Along with the molten rock comes a small winged elemental creature.
Aurora's voice sounds out again: "Uhh. No one panic, the cage will keep you safe. There's a slight change in plan. Instead of Greenwand, $name will be facing . . . ''a magma mephit!''"
''Roll initiative ''
(set: $init to ((random: 1, 20)+1))
If your initiative roll is higher than or equal to $init, [[you go first->Vs Mephit]].
If your initiative roll is lower than $init, [[you go second->Mephit's turn]].]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action. The X squares contain lava. Crossing the X squares requires a long jump. (link: "Click here for long jumping rules")[If you move at least 10 feet before jumping, then you cover as many feet as your Strength score, or half that much from a standing long jump. Jumping counts as feet of movement.] Landing, falling, or walking in the lava results in 50 points of fire damage. (if: $close)[(link-reveal: "If you move out of the mephit's melee range, it takes an opportunity attack,")[rolling (set: $attack to ($d:20)) $attack + 3 for a **total of (print: $attack + 3)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: ($d:4)+1) points of slashing damage and ($d:4) points of fire damage.]]]
(display: "Player move")
(if: $metal)[You must make a Constituion saving throw to overcome the pain of metal burning your body. (link: "If the result is less than 10 . . .")[You must drop or throw the object, if you can, ''or'' you will make all attack rolls and ability checks at ''disadvantage'' until the start of your next turn.]
(link: "If the result is greater than or equal to 10 . . .")[You overcome the urge to drop the hot object, but if you maintain contact with it, you must make all attack rolls and ability checks at ''disadvantage'' until your next turn.]
]You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below. (if: $metal)[If you hit the mephit, ''it must make a Constitution saving throw (+1)''. (link: "If it gets lower than 10, or you are able to stop the effects of Heat Metal by some other means, click here. ")[The ''Heat Metal'' spell ends.(set: $metal to false)]]
(display: "Mephit")
[[Mephit's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Mephit win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Adv loss]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Mephit's Turn
{(set: $fire to (($d:8) + ($d:8)))}
(if: visits is 1)[(display: "Heat Metal")
](else:)[(if: $metal)[The mephit uses its bonus action to continue ''Heat Metal'', doing $fire fire damage.
]](if: $close)[The mephit attacks you with its(set: _attack to ($d:20)) claws, rolling _attack +3 for a total of (print: (_attack + 3)). (link: "If it hits")[You take (print: (($d:4)+ 1)) slashing damage plus ($d:4) fire damage.
]](else:)[The mephit can fly over the lava, suffering no damage. (unless: visits is 1)[(if: $breath)[(display: "Breath")](else:)[It attempts to put the pool of lava between you and it. (if: $breath is false)[(set: _recharge to ($d:6))(if: _recharge is 6)[It regains use of its breath weapon.(set: $breath to true)]]
|close)[The mephit moves in to attack, rolling (set: $attack to ($d:20)) $attack + 3 for a **total of (print: $attack + 3)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: ($d:4)+1) points of slashing damage plus ($d:4) fire damage.] ]
(event: when (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(show: ?close)]
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Mephit")
[[Your Turn->Vs Mephit]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Mephit win]]
[[You fall unconcious->Adv loss]]
<img src="mephit.jpg">
//Small elemental, Neutral Evil//
Armor Class 11 ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP]''
8 (-1)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)
7 (-2)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
''Damage Vulnerabilities'' Cold
''Damage Immunities'' Fire, Poison
''Condition Immunities'' Poisoned
''Innate Spellcasting (1/Day)'': The mephit can innately cast Heat Metal (spell save DC 10), requiring no material Components. Its innate Spellcasting ability is Charisma.
''Claws'': Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft, one creature. Hit: 1d4 + 1 slashing damage plus 1d4 fire damage.
''Fire Breath'' (Recharge 6): The mephit exhales a 15-foot cone of fire. Each creature in that area must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
---The mephit begins to swell and steam. It explodes in a shower of flaming half-molten rock! (link-reveal: "If you are within 5 ft of the mephit")[, make a ''Dexterity saving throw.''
(link: "If you get less than 11 . . .")[You take the full brunt of the explosion, suffering (print: (($d:6)+($d:6))) points of fire damage]
(link: "If you get 11 or higher . . .")[You avoid the worst of the explosion and take ($d:6) points of fire damage]
(link: "If you get knocked unconcious")[The Arena's cleric quickly rushes out to heal you. You regain 10 HP and are brought back to conciousness.]
As soon as the spray of cinders has settled, pit workers come rushing onto the floor, accompanied by Brother March, the Arena's resident cleric. As March performs some rites to seal the planar rift, the workers spray water on the lava that has marred the pit floor.
Over this chaos, Aurora addresses the crowd, "Well, folks, that was . . . unexpected! $name wins ''12 gold.'' It's, uh, going to take a little time to get things cleaned up here, so be sure to make your way down to the bar. Beers are half price for the next 30 minutes. We should be ready for the next fight by then. Don't go far, it's a special surprise."
You have thirty minutes to wait. You could play [[Cards]], cast spells, drink potions, or just take advantage of half-price beers. Then, you need to go back for the [[final fight]].
The mephit casts ''Heat Metal.''
Are you wearing metal armor? (link: "Yes")[The armor glows red-hot. You take $fire fire damage. (set: $metal to true)] / (link-reveal: "No")[
Are you holding a metal weapon, spell focus, or sheild? (link: "Yes")[The object in your hand glows red-hot. You take $fire damage. (set: $metal to true)] / (link-reveal: "No")[
Do you have any metal visible on your body, such as an amulet, bracelet, buckles, etc. (link: "Yes")[The object glows red-hot. You take $fire fire damage. (set: $metal to true)] / (link-reveal: "No")[
The spell has no effect.]
After casting the spell, the mephit attempts to put as much of the lava between you and it as possible.
It attempts to use its 30 foot flying speed to move within 15 feet of you, then uses its fire breath to attack. ''Make a Dexterity saving throw''. If you get less than 11 you take (set: _breathdamage to (($d:6)+($d:6))) _breathdamage fire damage. If you get equal or greater than 11, you take (print: (trunc: (_breathdamage / 2))) fire damage. It then uses the rest of its flying speed to move away. (set: $breath to false)"WELCOME BACK EVERYONE!!!" Aurora shouts. "Hope you enjoyed that break because we have something truely special for the next fight. You've heard of it, but rarely seen it: ''The Wheel! Of! Magic!'' " The crowd gasps.
"The Wheel of Magic is sponsored by ''Cheverton Jewelry''. To get that magic back in your relationship, go to Cheverton Jewelry. The winner of this match will receive a ''gift certificate'' for Cheverton's fine silverwork."
"The contestants are the hero of the past hour, $name, facing our very own local gnoll regular, ''Ak'grr!'' Look out, 'cause he's in a bad mood from the defeat of his pet hyena earlier."
A lanky creature with a hyena head on bipedal dog-like feet stalks out of the opposing door. Its mohawk of bristles runs down over its hunched back to disappear under armor made of leather and hides. In its paws it carries a spear and an oval wooden sheild bristling with short javelins strapped to its interior side.
Roll a ''Intelligence (History) check.'' (link: "If you get a 13 or higher, you recall something about gnolls")[Because of their demonic background, gnolls have a compulsion to kill and destroy. For this individual to live in society like this, he must have a strong willpower. Perhaps pitfighting is a way to occasionally releases some pent-up aggression.]
"Now, let's [[bring out the wheel]]!"
<img src="DnD_Gnoll.png">
//medium humanoid, chaotic evil//
Armor Class (if: $spin is 5)[18 (+3 bonus included)](else:)[15], ''HP: (link-repeat: "| + ")[(set: $HP to it + 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]](link-repeat: "/ - |")[(set: $HP to it - 1)(replace: ?showHP)[|showHP>[$HP]]] |showHP>[$HP]''
14 (+2)
12 (+1)
11 (+0)
6 (-2)
10 (+0)
7 (-2)
''Bite.'' Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
''Spear.'' Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, or 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.
''Javelin.'' Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
''Rampaging charge.'' If the gnoll moves at least 10 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a spear attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the gnoll can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
(set: $dungeon to (array: (a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
(a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) ) )
(set: $HP to 27)
(set: $positionX to 2)
(set: $positionY to 2)
(set: $oppX to 9)
(set: $oppY to 9)
(set: $GP to 20)
A wheel of chance is rolled out to an area outside the cage surrounding the Pit. An arrow points to the following pie-pieces:
* ''Healing'': each contestant gains 5 temporary HP
* ''Reset'': contestants are transported back to their corners
* ''Repulse'': a proximity-repulsion field prevents melee attacks this round
* ''Antimagic'': spells do not work; magic items lose magical properties this round
* ''Protect'': an abjuration spell gives both contestants +3 AC for 1 round
"Every 5 seconds, the wheel will spin," Aurora informs the audience. "Wherever it stops, that effect will happen on each contestant in the fight. Now, let's see what the first spin will bring!"
The wheel spins
It stops on (t8n:"rumble")+(t8n-delay:1s)[Healing]
Add 3 temporary HP to your total. The same HP have been automatically added to the gnoll's total.
''Roll initiative ''
(set: $init to ((random: 1, 20)+1))
If your initiative roll is higher than or equal to $init, (link-reveal-goto: "you go first.", "Vs Gnoll")[(set: $order to 1)]
If your initiative roll is lower than $init, (link-reveal-goto: "you go second.", "Gnoll's turn")[(set: $order to 2)]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
##Your Turn
Take up to your full movement, before and/or after your action/bonus action. (if: $close)[If you move out of melee range of the gnoll, (link-reveal: "it takes an opportunity attack with its spear,")[rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (unless: $spin is 3)[(print: ((random: 1,6) +2)) points of piercing damage.](else:)[no damage, as the weapon is repulsed by a magic force feild.] ] ] ]
(display: "Player move")
You can take your ''action'' and ''bonus action''. Resolve any damage to your opponent below. (if: $spin is 3)[This turn only, you ''cannot damage your opponent from melee range''.](else-if: $spin is 4)[This turn only, spells and magical items do not work. Magical equipment acts as mundane equipment.]
(display: "Gnoll")
(if: $order is 1)[The [[Gnoll's turn]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Gnoll win]] ](else:)[ [[Spinner]] ]
[[You fall unconcious->Adv loss]]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(set: $close to true)](else:)[(set: $close to false)]
(if: (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) > 1.9)[(set: $pounce to true)](else:)[(set: $pounce to false)]
##Ak'grr's Turn
(if: $spin is 3)[The gnoll backs up until it is about 20 feet from you, then throws a javelin, rolling (set: $attack to ($d:20)) $attack + 4 for at ''total of (print: $attack +4).'' (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: ($d:6)+2)) points of piercing damage.] ]
(else-if: $close)[It (either: "thrusts its spear at your chest", "swings its spear to cut at your legs", "lunges at you"), rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,8)+2) points of piercing damage.] ]
(else:)[It moves its full speed of up to 30 feet,|throw>[then if not close enough for melee, throws its javelin, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+2) points of piercing damage.]]
(event: when (sqrt: ((pow: ($oppX - $positionX), 2) + (pow: ($oppY - $positionY), 2))) < 1.5)[(replace: ?throw)[It moves its full speed of up to 30 feet, then if close enough, charges you with its spear, rolling (set: $attack to (random: 1, 20)) $attack + 4 for a **total of (print: $attack + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,6)+2) points of piercing damage and must make a DC12 Strength saving throw. (link: "If you fail the saving throw")[You are knocked prone and the gnoll makes a bite attack against you with advantage, rolling (set: $attack1 to ($d:20))(set: $attack2 to ($d:20)) $attack1 + 4 and $attack2 + 4 for a **total of (print: (max: $attack1, $attack2) + 4)**. (link: "If it hits . . .")[You take (print: (random: 1,4)+2) points of piercing damage.] ] ] ] ] ]
(display: "Enemy move")
(display: "Gnoll")
(if: $order is 2)[ [[Your Turn->Vs Gnoll]]
[[Your opponent falls unconcious->Gnoll win]] ](else:)[ [[Spinner]] ]
[[You fall unconcious->Adv loss]]
As the gnoll falls to you, you see in his eyes not a look of defeat, but of gratitude. Later, after the Arena's cleric has revived him, Ack'grr gives you a respectful nod, then gathers up his things and leaves.
Meanwhile, Aurora is hyping up your victory and thanking the sponsorer of the fight, Cheverton Jewelry. As you leave, you receive 20 GP from the previous fights and a certificate printed on fine paper in silver ink:
(border: "solid")[The bearer of this certificate is entitled to one of the following:
* A silver necklace or pair of silver bracelets worth 50 gp, or
* Plating in silver of one simple melee weapon with the light property, or
* Plating in silver of three pieces of ammunition
This certificate must be redeemed in person at Cheverton Jewelry within one year.]
You walk out into the night, a bit richer, to try to figure out where exacly Cheverton Jewelry is located.
(icon-restart:"Start again?")5e Arena uses the 5th edition SRD under the [[Open Gaming License]]
''Product Identity:'' The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All proper character names, written descriptions, inventory items, fight elements, and code. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.)
''Open Game Content:'' Open content in this book includes the opponents (monster/opponent names, descriptions, statistics, and abilities), mechanics of the game, spells, and any inventory items listed in the 5e SRD. No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission.
''Illustrations'': All illustrations in this game are from the public domain, no rights reserved. Specific illustration sources are as follows:
* <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Pearson_Scott_Foresman_publisher">Pearson Scott Foresman publishing</a>: all pictures with filenames ending in (PSF), plus Virgil, Koa, Thug, and ax. Donated to the public domain by publisher.
* <a href=" https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:LadyofHats ">Lady of Hats</a>: elf, skeleton, goblin, gnoll. Donated to the public domain by the artist.
* <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page">Wikipedia Commons</a>: gnome, crowd, halfling, card players, giant wolf spider, priest, skull, drawing of the arena. Entered public domain by copyright expiration.
* <a href="http://oldbookillustrations.com">Old Book Illustrations</a>: Mephit, rat. Entered public domain by copyright expiration.
* <a href="https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/art-artists/work-of-art/three-heads-of-damned-souls-from-dantes-inferno">Thomas Holloway</a>: Lemure. Entered public domain by copyright expiration:
* <a href="https://freesvg.org">Free SVG</a>: greedy hand, coins. Entered public domain by copyright expiration.
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