(align: "==><==")[
##The Devil and the Mayor
Jonthan Laury
(set: $power to 40)
Written by Jonathan Laury - [@BornToPootle]<twitter|
(click: ?twitter)[(open-url:'https://www.twitter.com/BornToPootle')]
Many thanks to my testers - David Slater, Hannah Gwenllian, Hasan al-Khoee and Lydia Palmese.
Written to Danny Elfman's Alice in Wonderland soundtrack, which is about a million times better than the film.
Cover art by Marek Szturc on Unsplash.
If you enjoy this, why not try my [other games?]<games|
(click: ?games)[(open-url:'https://borntopootle.itch.io')]
[[Back->Title]]It's a hot day in (link-reveal:"Hell.")[
The kind of heat that blisters and chars skin (link-reveal:"within mere seconds.")[
[[Gloriously hot.]]]]
(set: $word1 to "can")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["can", "could"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word1");'>$word1</tw-link></mark>(if: (passage:)'s name contains "deal")[<span style="position: fixed; right: 15px; bottom:70px;">Power: $power</span>](else:)[]You're feeling pretty chipper as you head into the Big Man's office. You've been having a (link-reveal:"good millenium.")[
No, a (link-reveal:"great millenium.")[
You're sure the Big Man is going to reward you, and as you push the door open you idly fantasize about what you're going to get. You hope it'll be (set: $dream to "a promotion to Sector Manager for punishing murderers")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["a promotion to Sector Manager for punishing murderers", "a decrease in the number of souls you are allocated so you can really make them last", "a work placement to one of the other hells to see how other kinds of demon operate"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$dream");'>$dream</tw-link></mark>.
But you're easy. Anything that helps you punish more of those (link-reveal:"snivelling grotesques.")[
Then you're over the threshold and all you can think about is the hulking form in front of you. [[The Big Man himself.->The Big Man]]]]]<span class="bigman">Approach.</span>
His voice is like (display: "Big Man descriptions"). You (link-reveal:"step forwards.")[
<span class="bigman">What do you think of them?</span>
His eyes are looking in every direction, but somehow they all seem to be (link-reveal:"scouring you.")[
//Humans? They're (set: $humans to "pitiful.")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["pitiful.", "laughable.", "disgusting.", "pointless.", "behaving like anything would when confronted with the meaninglessness of their existence.", "smelly."]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$humans");'>$humans</tw-link></mark>//
You try to glean some reaction from his features, but the Big Man's face [[gives nothing away.->assignment]]]]<span class ="bigman">You're going to have the opportunity to get to know them a little better.</span>
You try to keep your excitement in check. This is it. The dream is coming true. (if: $dream is "a promotion to Sector Manager for punishing murderers")[That promotion is [in the bag.]<link|](elseif: $dream is "a decrease in the number of souls you are allocated so you can really make them last")[The time to really [make them scream.]<link|](else:)[The chance to find out more [tricks of the trade.]<link|]
(click: ?link)[(goto: "assignment 2")]
You've only known humans as the grovelling filthy things chained and boiled and baked and roasted and sliced and tormented (link-reveal:"in your chambers.")[
You've gleaned little gobbets of information about how they live and their natural habitat, but to actually (link-reveal:"experience it...")[
As you reach the portal to Up Top a demon, swaying with tentacles, [[waves you over.->explaining the setup]]]]
(either:"a thousand children singing different songs", "ten thousand spiders screaming as a leg is plucked off", "insides landing on the floor in a heap", "ash pattering down on those too slow to flee", "two hundred ships being sundered simultaneously", "rubble shifting ominously","a noose snapping taut")<span class="demon">Noob?</span> Rivulets of drool flow from (link-reveal:"three corners of its mouth")[
//Yes, [[never done this before.]]//
//Yeah, but [[I don't need to know anything.]]//]<span class="demon">You'll be stuck inside a summoning circle. No wandering the land for you. And time's kinda hinky. You'll get used to it, but you only manifest for the full moons. They have a whole month between to gum things up for ya.</span>
(click:?react1)[(goto:"explanation 2")]
//<span class="demon">Are you sure?</span>//
//Get your tentacled ass outta the way and [[lemme at 'em!->Travel]]//
//Now you mention it, [[how will this work?->never done this before.]]////<span class="demon">Off you go then.</class>//
Hell collapses with the wet pop of a distended stomach (link-reveal:"finally bursting.")[
The world turns to (link-reveal:"fire and vomit.")[
And then (link-reveal:"it's over.")[
You're [[Up Top.->Arrival]]]]]
<span class="bigman">I'm sending you... (text-style:"shudder")[Up Top].
There's been a summons and you're the devil on the spot.
Don't let me down.</span>
The Big Man vanishes with the sound of (display: "Big Man descriptions"), and you're left in his office (link-reveal:"trying to make sense of it all.")[
You've never been [[Up Top before.->Up top.]]]<span class="demon">I know right. Hinky.
Anyways you're gonna need to make deals with 'em. Trick the scum outta their souls, give 'em what they think they want, use a bit of the ol' black magic if you need to. But the Big Man will want you to return with a goodly chunk o' power.</span>
//[Uh huh.]<react1|//
(click:?react1)[(goto:"explanation 3")]<span class="demon">You'll get the hang. They're all dinguses anyways. I think that's it. Oh, no, final thing. Looks like this summons is for six moons.</span>
(click:?react1)[(goto:"Travel")]It (link-reveal:"stinks.")[
It's dark and (link-reveal:"it stinks.")[
After untold aeons bathed in the eternal fires of hell, the watery light from the full moon does little to (link-reveal:"help your vision.")[
You're in some sort of forest clearing. In the distance beyond the trees, the lights of a small town are (link-reveal:"just about visible.")[
Your body feels unfamiliar as you shift around to get a better look at the (link-reveal:"landscape.")[(link-reveal:" Which stinks.")[
You're locked. Stuck in one single form. You're (set: $description to "a giant winged monstrosity complete with spiked tail.")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["a giant winged monstrosity complete with spiked tail.", "tall, slender and with the kind of face one can never quite remember, but eyes that can never be unseen.", "a shambling creature cloaked in a tattered robe that does its best to conceal a morass of tentacles."]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$description");'>$description</tw-link></mark>
//This sucks.// Your (link-reveal:"voice...")[ (if:$description is "a giant winged monstrosity complete with spiked tail.")[booms through the trees.](elseif:$description is "tall, slender and with the kind of face one can never quite remember, but eyes that can never be unseen.")[is soft, but the words carry on the breeze coming back to you as a hundred different voices.](else:)[is cracked and croaking, an ancient coffin being slowly levered open.]
There's a yelp from [[behind you.->First meeting]]]]]]]]]{(if: $description is "a giant winged monstrosity complete with spiked tail.")[(set: $description to "wings")] (elseif: $description is "tall, slender and with the kind of face one can never quite remember, but eyes that can never be unseen.")[(set: $description to "eyes")] (else:)[(set: $description to "tentacles")]}
<span class="mortal">Oh God!</span> Beyond a salt circle, a pitiful female is cowering (link-reveal:"a few yards away.")[
<span class="mortal">No, not God, I suppose. You the other fella?</span>
You say...
//Yes, I'm the [devil.]<accept|//
//No, I'm an [angel]<reject| from the heavenly host.//
//Who's asking, [pal]<deflect|?//]
(click:?accept)[(set: $answer to "accept")(goto:"First meeting 2")]
(click:?reject)[(set: $answer to "reject")(goto:"First meeting 2")]
(click:?deflect)[(set: $answer to "deflect")(goto:"First meeting 2")]When she hears your voice (if: $description is "wings")[echoing](elseif:$description is "eyes")[whispering](else:)[creaking] through the trees she (if: $description is "wings")[cowers further](elseif:$description is "eyes")[shudders](else:)[twitches uncomfortably].
{(if:$answer is "accept")[<span class="mortal">Oh lawks 'elp me I didn't think [it would actually work.]<next|</span>]
(elseif: $answer is "reject")[<span class="mortal">You'll not trick me, Old Nick. I'm not so credulous as that. I try and raise a devil and summat as wrong as you turns up. You're no angel, [oh no.]<Next|</span>]
(else:)[<span class="mortal">For my sins, I think I'm the one who done [summoned you.]<skip|</span>]}
(click:?next)[(goto: "Make her squirm")]
(click:?skip)[(goto: "Wise woman")]You open your eyes as the last sunlight fades. The full moon is high overhead, (link-reveal:"barely visible through the trees.")[
(if: $description is "wings")[You flex your wings experimentally.](elseif: $description is "eyes")[You cast your gaze about, almost disappointed that plants don't shrivel away.](else:)[You wriggle your tentacles experimentally.] There's no sign of anyone yet. The lights of the town are off in the distance and you wonder what it might be like to leave your salt circle and (link-reveal:"move among the mortals.")[
Bloody awful, (link-reveal:"most likely.")[
There's a disturbance in the trees. (link-reveal:"Someone's approaching.")[
You (if: $description is "wings")[draw yourself up to your full height and [[spread your wings wide.->Barmaid intro]]](elseif: $description is "eyes")[draw yourself up to your full height and fix your baleful glare in the [[direction of the movement.->Barmaid intro]]](else:)[hunch into your robe and let gobbets of slime trickle artfully [[down to the ground.->Barmaid intro]]]]]]](align: "==><==")[
###[[Third Moon->Third moon next]]
Second Moon: (display: "Barmaid deal text") (display: "Chaos text")
First Moon: The Mayor (if: $wisedeal is "foundling")[has found a child](else:)[has fallen pregnant]. The Wise Woman has spread word of your presence.
(set: $power to it + $dealvalue)
(if: $maiddeal is "influencewise" or "breakage")[(set: $barmaid to "wise")]
(elseif: $maiddeal is "influencepriest" or "indiscretion")[(set: $barmaid to "priest")]
(elseif: $maiddeal is "influencekeeper" or "bloodbath")[(set: $barmaid to "inn")(set: $innkeeper to "arrested")]
(elseif: $maiddeal is "influenceretire" or "newinn")[(set: $barmaid to "inn")]
(elseif: $maiddeal is "influencemayor" or "sick")[(set: $barmaid to "mayor")] (align: "==><==")[
###(if:$chance is 2)[[[Fourth Moon->No one shows]]](else:)[[[Fourth Moon->Fourth moon next]]]
Third Moon: (display: "Priest deal text") (display:"Chaos text")
Second Moon: (display: "Barmaid deal text")
First Moon: The Mayor (if: $wisedeal is "foundling")[has found a child](else:)[has fallen pregnant]. The Wise Woman has spread word of your presence.
(if: $priesttake is "satanic sermons")[(if: $priestdeal is "influenceladies" or "influencegaoler" or "riot" or "influencekeeper" or "bloodbath" or "chance")[](else:)[(set: $power to it + $dealvalue)]](else:)[(set: $power to it + $dealvalue)]
(if: $priestdeal is "influenceladies" or "influencegaoler" or "riot" or "chance")[(set: $priest to "defrocked")]
(elseif: $priestdeal is "influencekeeper" or "bloodbath")[(set: $priest to "defrocked")(set: $innkeeper to "arrested")]
(elseif: $priestdeal is "influencegaoler" or "riot")[(set: $innkeeper to "escaped")]
(else:)[(if: $maiddeal is "influencekeeper" or "bloodbath")[(set:$innkeeper to "arrested")]](align: "==><==")[
###(if:$chance is 2)[[[Fifth Moon->No one shows]]](else:)[[Fifth Moon]<next|]
Fourth Moon: (display: "Innkeeper deal text") (display: "Chaos text")
Third Moon: (display: "Priest deal text")
Second Moon: (display: "Barmaid deal text")
First Moon: The Mayor (if: $wisedeal is "foundling")[has found a child](else:)[has fallen pregnant]. The Wise Woman has spread word of your presence.
(set: $power to it + $dealvalue)
(click: ?next)[(if: $keeperdeal is "influencenavy" or "transported" or "influencegaoler" or "riot")[(set: $innkeeper to "gone")]
(elseif: $keeperdeal is "influencepriest" or "bodies")[(if: $innkeeper is "arrested")[(set:$innkeeper to "dead")](set: $priest to "arrested")]
(elseif: $keeperdeal is "influencewise" or "poison")[(if: $innkeeper is "arrested")[(set:$innkeeper to "dead")](set:$wise to "arrested")]
(elseif: $keeperdeal is "influencemayor")[(if: $innkeeper is "arrested")[(set: $innkeeper to "dead")(set: $mayor to "gone")](else:)[(set:$mayor to "gone")]]
(else:)[(if: $innkeeper is "arrested")[(set: $innkeeper to "dead")]]
(goto: "Fifth moon next")](align: "==><==")[
###(if:$chance is 2)[[[Sixth Moon->No one shows mayor]]](else:)[[[Sixth Moon->Sixth moon next]]]
Fifth Moon: (display: "Mayor deal text") (display: "Chaos text")
Fourth Moon: (display: "Innkeeper deal text")
Third Moon: (display: "Priest deal text")
Second Moon: (display: "Barmaid deal text")
First Moon: The Mayor (if: $wisedeal is "foundling")[has found a child](else:)[has fallen pregnant]. The Wise Woman has spread word of your presence.
(set: $power to it + $dealvalue)(if: $chaos is 3)[(set: $mayor to "gone")]You (if: $description is "wings")[swish your tail, flicking the forked end to and fro. Her eyes follow, hypnotised.](elseif: $description is "eyes")[fix her with your piercing eyes. She gapes, momentarily hypnotised](else:)[let a glob of slime roll off your tentacles and hit the floor with a splat. She looks as if she's about to vomit.]
//Explain yourself woman//, (link-reveal:"you say.")[ Your voice does (link-reveal:"nothing to calm her.")[
//[[What are you doing here?->Wise woman]]//]]<span class="mortal">I'm the Wise Woman of that there town. It's... Well I'm abashed to admit it, but it's my first time summoning and I didn't really think it was going to work, if I'm honest.</span>
//[[Wise Woman?]]//
//[[The town?]]//
(set:$womandescription to false)(set: $womantown to false)(set: $womansummoning to false)<span class="mortal">You know what I mean. A hedge witch. I look after the townsfolk, them as needs it anyway. 'Specially them as finds themselves in the family way or those as ''wants'' to be finding themselves in the family way. But sometimes people just comes to me with their problems and the talkin' is all they need.</span>
//[Family way?]<deflect|//
//[I don't need your life history.]<reject|//
(click:?accept)[(goto: "Woman problems")]
(click:?reject)[(goto: "Wise Woman hub")]
(click:?deflect)[(goto: "Woman family way")]
(set: $womandescription to true)(if: $womansecret is true)[<span style="position: fixed; right: 15px; bottom:70px;">Power: $power</span>]<span class="mortal">Oh it's your ordinary kind of town I reckon. Not that I've ever lived anywhere else. This place is in my blood, and vice versa. We've got your ordinary kind of folk here with their ordinary kind of struggles, and a mayor trying to make it all work together.</span>
//[[The folk?]]//
//[[The struggles?]]//
//[[Ordinary people are as insects to me.->Wise Woman hub]]//
(set: $womantown to true)(set: $womanmayor to false)(if: $womansecret is true)[<span style="position: fixed; right: 15px; bottom:70px;">Power: $power</span>]<span class="mortal">I summoned you to make a deal. But we'll get to that. It's a frightful imposition and no mistake. I don't like to trust things to your sort, but with my power on the wane it's all I could think of.</span>
//[[The deal?->Woman deflect]]//
//[[Power, hmmm?->Wise Woman hub]]//
//[[Six moons?]]//
(set: $womansummoning to true)(set: $womansecret to false)[Wise Woman?]<woman1|
[ ]<onward|
(if: $womandescription is false)[(click: ?woman1)[(set: $womandescription to true)(goto: "Wise Woman?")]]
(if: $womantown is false)[(click: ?woman2)[(set: $womantown to true)(goto: "The town?")]]
(if: $womansummoning is false)[(click: ?woman3)[(set: $womansummoning to true)(goto: "Summoning?")]]
(if: $womansecret is 0)[(replace: ?woman4)[]](elseif: $womansecret is false)[(click: ?woman4)[(set: $womansecret to true)(goto: "Woman Secrets")]](else:)[<span style="position: fixed; right: 15px; bottom:70px;">Power: $power</span>]
(if: $womanmayor is 0)[(replace: ?woman5)[]](elseif: $womanmayor is false)[(click: ?woman5)[(set: $womanmayor to true)(goto: "Woman Mayor")]]
(if: $womanmayor is true and $womansecret is true)[(replace: ?onward)[//[[Just tell me what you want!->Wise Woman deal]]//]]
<span class="mortal">Now, not everyone will be as forthcoming as me, you understand. And they'll probably want all sorts of different things that you'll have to work out and decide between. But me, [[I only want one thing.->Wise Woman deal 2]]</span><span class="mortal">Yes, I have Power. Or had it. That's the problem, actually. I need you to work a spell I once might have been able to attempt. You have Power, don't you?</span>
(click:?boop)[ //Ah, [I see]<back|//<span style="position: fixed; right: 15px; bottom:70px;">Power: $power</span>]
(click:?back)[(goto: "Wise Woman hub")]<span class="mortal">The Mayor's a terror if you get on her bad side. Which is why I need your help, actually. And she knows all the town's secrets. Which I suppose is my fault. And the Priest's fault. And the Innkeeper's. But it's... well, you'll find out for yourself I'm sure.</span>
//[[She sounds fun->Wise Woman hub]]//
(set: $womanmayor to true)(if:$womansecret is true)[<span style="position: fixed; right: 15px; bottom:70px;">Power: $power</span>](if: $womanstruggles is true)[<span class="mortal">You are nosy ain't you, but I'll let them speak for themselves as I've already told you. I'm sure they'll come when they hear about you.</span>](else:)[<span class="mortal">Oh I'm sure you'll hear plenty enough about people's problems eventually without me talking your ear off. Word gets out about you being here I'll wager half the town'll be wanting summat. Godfearin' folk n' all.</span>]
(if: $womandescription2 is true)[//Fine, don't be a gossip then. [I don't care.]<return|//(click: ?return)[(set:$womanstruggles to true)(goto: "Wise Woman hub")]](else:)[(set: $womandescription2 to true)(set:$womanstruggles to true)//[[Fine, don't be a gossip then.->Wise Woman hub]]
[[But what did you mean by 'the family way'?->Woman family way]]//]
(if: $womansecret is true)[<span style="position: fixed; right: 15px; bottom:70px;">Power: $power</span>]<span class="mortal">I've explained the birds and the bees to just about everyone of age in this town, but I ain't about to explain 'em to you. No, I imagine you've seen it all down where you're from.</span>
(if: $womandescription2 is true)[//[[Fine. Prude.->Wise Woman hub]]//](else:)[(set: $womandescription2 to true)[//[[Fine. Prude.->Wise Woman hub]]
[[At least tell me a little about their problems.->Woman problems]]//]](if: $womansecret is true)[<span style="position: fixed; right: 15px; bottom:70px;">Power: $power</span>]<span class="mortal">There's a lot of 'em alright and I'm sure they'll make a beeline for you soon enough when they here about you. The Priest is alright for the godly sort. Knows the value in what I do at least. The Innkeeper is an almighty gossip. The Mayor, she's got fingers in a few pies, and of course she insists we keep her informed about parishoners, barflies and the like. And the Barmaid... well, tongues are wagging and I'm sure others'll wag to you soon enough.</span>
(if: $womantown2 is true)[//[[Thanks for the overview.->Wise Woman hub]]//
//[[I look forward to feasting on their souls.->Wise Woman hub]]//
//[[They are as ants before the wrath of the dark lord.->Wise Woman hub]]//](else:)[(set: $womantown2 to true)//[[And what of their struggles?->The struggles?]]//
//[[I look forward to feasting on their souls.->Wise Woman hub]]//](if: $womansecret is true)[<span style="position: fixed; right: 15px; bottom:70px;">Power: $power</span>](if: $womanstruggles is true)[<span class="mortal">You are nosy ain't you, but I'll let them speak for themselves as I've already told you. I'm sure they'll come when they hear about you.</span>](else:)[<span class="mortal">Oh I'm sure you'll hear plenty enough about people's problems eventually without me talking your ear off. Word gets out about you being here I'll wager half the town'll be wanting summat. Godfearin' folk n' all.</span>]
(if: $womantown2 is true)[//Fine, don't be a gossip then. [I don't care.]<return|//(click: ?return)[(set:$womanstruggles to true)(goto: "Wise Woman hub")]](else:)[(set:$womantown2 to true)(set:$womanstruggles to true)//[[Fine, don't be a gossip then.->Wise Woman hub]]
[[At least tell me a little about the people.->The folk?]]//]
(if: $womansecret is true)[<span style="position: fixed; right: 15px; bottom:70px;">Power: $power</span>]<span class="mortal">We'll get to that soon. Honestly, everyone's in such a rush these days. Not everyone is going to be as forthcoming as me, I hope you realise that. I'm laying it all out on a platter for you.</span>
(if: $womansummoning2 is true)[//Fine, [[tell me about...->Wise Woman hub]]//](else:)[(set:$womansummoning2 to true)[[Fine, but why summon me for six moons?->Six moons?]]
[[Urgh, whatever.->Wise Woman hub]]]<span class="mortal">It's the only spell summoning spell I could find at short notice, alright? If I knew how to get you here just for tonight, believe you me I'd do it.</span>
//[[Whatever.->Wise Woman hub]]//<span class="mortal">The Mayor wants a child, and none of my remedies are proving worth a damn, pardon my language. Oh, you wouldn't be worried about that sort of thing, would you? Now the Mayor can break me. Woman of my age, I just want a simple life now. And with my Power all dried up, I need you to work your magick. Don't care how you do it, just so long as it gets done. Can you?</span>
//[[Yes. At a cost.->Wise Woman deal offer]]//
<span class="mortal">Well I expected as much. What do you want?</span>
[[Your soul.->Wise Woman deal response]] (+20 power)
[[The child's soul.->Wise Woman deal response]] (+50 power)<span class="mortal">Haha, of course you do. Well that's expected but it ain't what you'll get this time. No, my end of the deal will be this - I'll tell the townsfolk about you. And then you can make your deals with them and it's up to them what they do with their souls. Without that, you'll be spending another five moons up here just (if:$description is "wings")[swishing your tail all by yourself.](elseif: $description is "eyes")[staring holes into nothing but trees.](else:)[wriggling your tentacles all by yourself.]</span>
//Ah. [[That's it?->Wise Woman deal overview]]//You weigh up the deal. There are no options, it's simply give the Mayor a child for 'exposure', or no deal. How you achieve the deal is, of course, up to you.
You say...
//[[Yes.->Wise Woman your end of the deal]]//
//[[No.->Wise Woman deal are you sure?]]//<span class="mortal">I knew you'd see reason. Even the devil has a brain, that's what I always say. Now, I'll leave you to make this happen any way you see fit. And once I'm sure it has, I'll spread the news.</span>
The woman bustles away and you're left mulling over your options. You could...
[[Leave it to chance and hope she gets pregnant->Leave it to chance and hope she gets pregnant. deal]] (-0 power)
[Implant a baby using magic]<option1| (-10 power)
[Magic a foundling to her doorstep]<option2| (-10 power)
Implant a demon baby (-100 power)
(click:?option1)[(set:$power to it -10)(set:$wisedeal to "pregnant")(goto: "Wise Woman deal end")]
(click:?option2)[(set: $power to it -10)(set:$wisedeal to "foundling")(goto: "Wise Woman deal end")]<span class="mortal">You sure about that big fella?</span>
//I am sure. [[No deal woman.->12 lonely moons]]//
//Uh... Not so sure. [[Let's deal after all.->Wise Woman your end of the deal]]//When the next moon comes you open your eyes (link-reveal:"and wait.")[
No-one comes. Then the (link-reveal:"next moon...")[
No-one comes. But on the (link-reveal:"fourth moon...")[
No-one comes. On the (link-reveal:"fifth moon however...")[
There's a fuzzy orange critter with pricked up ears staring at you. When it realises you're awake it scampers off through the undergrowth. (link-reveal:"No-one else comes.")[
Nor does anyone appear on the [[sixth moon.->Back to hell fail]]]]]]]You think about it for another few moments. Are you really going to leave it to chance? If it doesn't happen then she may not tell anyone you're in the woods...
[[Leave it to chance and hope she gets pregnant. deal->12 lonely moons]] (0 power)
[Implant a baby using magic.]<option1| (10 power)
[Magic a foundling to her doorstep.]<option2| (10 power)
(click:?option1)[(set:$power to it -10)(set:$wisedeal to "pregnant")(goto: "Wise Woman end")]
(click:?option2)[(set: $power to it -10)(set:$wisedeal to "foundling")(goto: "Wise Woman end")]You pace back and forth in your clearing. The deal was far from satisfactory, but if it leads to more souls in the long term, then (link-reveal:"so be it.")[
You summon dark energies and move the universe just so. (if: $wisedeal is "pregnant")[In a manor house an egg miraculously becomes fertilised.](else:)[A basket is left on the doorstep of a manor house. Inside the basket a baby shifts and starts to cry.]
It begins. You close your eyes and wait for [[the next full moon.->Second moon intro]]]A young female bursts through the trees and stops the instant she sees you. <span class="mortal">Oh my. Oh my. She warned me, but... you're so... (if: $description is "wings")[big](elseif: $description is "eyes")[creepy](else:)[disgusting].</span>
//Thank you. [[What do you want, mortal?->Barmaid intro 2]]//<span class="mortal">A deal. Urgh, it feels horrible to say it but I don't know where else to turn. How.. how do we do this?</span>
//You could at least [[introduce yourself.->Barmaid intro 3]]//<span class="mortal">Right, of course. Where are my manners. Manners? For the devil? Oh my, oh my. I'm the barmaid from the town's inn. Do you know about inns? Oh of course you do, they're full of sin, just like me.</span>
She (link-reveal:"falls to her knees.")[
<span class="mortal">I've had a [[child out of wedlock.->Barmaid deal hub]]</span>]
(set: $maidchild to false)(set: $maidinn to false)
[ ]<onward|
(if: $maidchild is false)[(click: ?maid1)[(set: $maidchild to true)(goto: "Child? deal")]]
(if: $maidinn is false)[(click: ?maid2)[(set: $maidinn to true)(goto: "Inn? deal")]]
(if: $maidpriest is 0)[(replace: ?maid3)[]](elseif: $maidpriest is false)[(click: ?maid3)[(set: $maidpriest to true)(goto: "Priest? deal")]]
(if: $maidchild is true or $maidinn is true)[(replace: ?onward)[//[[Let's make that deal->Barmaid deal]]//]]//Here's what I'm offering you...//
//[A job with the Mayor to be close to your daughter.]<mayor|
[The priest's hand in marriage to gain respectability.]<priest|
[Bringing the innkeeper to justice for the crimes he's committed.]<innkeeper|
[Your very own inn to manage as you see fit.]<inn|
[Your Johnny home from the sea and in your arms.]<sweetheart|
[An apprenticeship with the Wise Woman]<wise|//
(if: $maidfoundling is true)[(click: ?mayor)[(set: $maidgive to "mayor")(goto: "Barmaid deal 2")]]
(if: $maidrespectable is true)[(click: ?priest)[(set: $maidgive to "priest")(goto: "Barmaid deal 2")]]
(if: $maidinnkeeper is true)[(click: ?innkeeper)[(set: $maidgive to "innkeeper")(goto: "Barmaid deal 2")]]
(if: $maidjob is true)[(click: ?inn)[(set: $maidgive to "inn")(goto: "Barmaid deal 2")]]
(if: $maidsweetheart is true)[(click: ?sweetheart)[(set: $maidgive to "sweetheart")(goto: "Barmaid deal 2")]]
(if: $maidwise is true)[(click: ?wise)[(set: $maidgive to "wise")(goto: "Barmaid deal 2")]](if: $wisedeal is "foundling")[<span class="mortal">My sweetheart's off lord knows where on the sea, the Priest's washed his hands of me and then a month ago I suddenly had this thought. That, you know, maybe someone else, someone richer, might be able to give her a better life. But all the same she's my blood and I miss her so.</span>](else:)[<span class="mortal">My sweetheart's off lord knows where on the sea, the Priest's washed his hands of me, and I'm left holding the baby. The looks people give me. There's barely anyone in town that doesn't shake their head or cross themselves when I walk past. What'll it be like for her growing up?</span>]
//[Your sweetheart?]<deflect|//
//[Your child's future?]<accept|//
//[What does the life of an infant really matter?]<reject|//
(click:?accept)[(goto: "Barmaid future deal")]
(click:?deflect)[(goto: "Barmaid sweetheart deal")]
(click:?reject)[(goto: "Barmaid future deal")]
(set: $maidpriest to false)<span class="mortal">The Priest? Well he was perfectly happy when we were rolling in the hay, but now he's turned his back. Don't seem that godly to me, not that I'd expect you to know.</span>
//[Your relationship...]<accept|//
//[Your sweetheart...]<deflect|//
//[Godliness is for fools.]<reject|//
(click:?accept)[(goto: "Barmaid priest deal")]
(click:?deflect)[(goto: "Barmaid sweetheart deal")]
(click: ?reject)[(goto: "Barmaid priest deal")]
<span class="mortal">It's alright as far as jobs go, I suppose. While I was pregnant the worst of the arse-slapping seemed to go away. That'll be back soon, I'll be bound. And the innkeeper does bugger all to discourage it.</span>
//[Tell me about the Innkeeper.]<accept|//
//[Is there no other job you'd rather have?]<deflect|//
//[You get harassed but think it's alright? Pitiful.]<reject|//
(click: ?accept)[(goto:"Barmaid innkeeper deal")]
(click:?deflect)[(goto:"Barmaid job deal")]
(click: ?reject)[(goto:"Barmaid job deal")]<span class="mortal">He's a creep and no mistake. Oh, he's never touched me, it's not like that. Just... His aura. Everyone comes to the inn, has a few jars, gets the weight of the world off of their chests and that. And there's him like a fat spider in the middle of all this drunken talk, gobbling it all up then running off to the Mayor who's like, a bigger spider. And he tells her everything. And I swear we've had strangers come and stay who've not been in their beds in the morning, and who no-one's ever seen again.</span>
//He does sound like [[a wrong'un.->Barmaid deal hub]]//
(set: $maidinnkeeper to true)<span class="mortal">It's the atmosphere I like. And working with people. Not the ones with the grabbing hands, but the rest are alright. When the beer's flowing and people are talking and singing, it's not like work really. But I'm just a barmaid so there's never going to be much respect.</span>
//The atmosphere is as nothing compared to the [[fiery joy of Hell.->Barmaid deal hub]]//
(set: $maidjob to true)<span class="mortal">Must be two years since my Johnny went off to sea to seek his fortune. If he could see me now, well, I'd understand if he never wanted to see me again. But Johnny's not the jealous sort. He'd want what's best for me. (if:$wisedeal is "pregnant")[What's best for all of us.](else:)[He'd understand.]</span>
//[[Your Johnny sounds like a sap.->Barmaid deal hub]]//
(set: $maidsweetheart to true)(if:$wisedeal is "foundling")[<span class="mortal">She means the world to me, but the thought suddenly occured to me, oh, must be a month ago now... I knew the Mayor was trying - the Innkeeper does like a gossip - and, well, who wouldn't rather that life for their child than a life of being kicked under tables while their mother's being felt up by drunkards. But all the same, she's my blood and I miss her so. Sometimes it feels like someone else must have decided for me.</span>](else:)[<span class="mortal">She means the world to me but tongues wag in this town. I wish there was some way to regain whatever shred of respectability I used to have. I don't want her to be the laughing stock I seem to have become.</span>]
(if:$wisedeal is "foundling")[//[...Moving swiftly on...]<back|//(click:?back)[(set: $maidfoundling to true)(goto: "Barmaid deal hub")]](else:)[//[That may be something we can achieve.]<hub|//(click:?hub)[(set:$maidrespectable to true)(goto: "Barmaid deal hub")]]<span class="mortal">He was nice to me, when most people just grab at me or think I'm some sort of trollope. Course, it's him that's made ''everyone'' think I'm a trollope by getting me up the duff. It's only the Wise Woman who gives me the time of day now.
Oh but he looked so handsome in his Sunday duds... and now I daren't show my face in his church. I 'spect you're happy about that at least.</span>
//[[Yes. Yes I am.->Barmaid deal hub]]//
(set: $maidrespectable to true)(set: $maidwise to true)//And here's what I want in return...//
[Your soul.]<option1| (+30 power)
[Your child's soul.]<option2| (+50 power)
(if: $maidsweetheart is true)[[Your sweetheart's soul]<option3| (+30 power)]
(click: ?option1)[(set: $maidtake to "soul")(set: $dealvalue to 30)(goto: "Barmaid deal overview")]
(click: ?option2)[(set: $maidtake to "child")(set: $dealvalue to 50)(goto: "Barmaid deal overview")]
(click: ?option3)[(set: $maidtake to "sweetheart")(set: $dealvalue to 30)(goto: "Barmaid deal overview")]//So. I will give you []<give| in exchange for your []<take|. Do we have a bargain?//
The Barmaid thinks for a moment, all trace of fear of your (if:$description is "wings")[size](elseif:$description is "eyes")[eyes](else:)[tentacles] gone while she [[weighs up her options.->Barmaid deal response]]
(if: $maidgive is "sweetheart")[(replace:?give)[your sweetheart's return]]
(elseif: $maidgive is "mayor")[(replace: ?give)[a job at the Mayor's side]]
(elseif: $maidgive is "priest")[(replace: ?give)[the priest for a husband]]
(elseif: $maidgive is "innkeeper")[(replace: ?give)[the innkeeper in irons]]
(elseif: $maidgive is "inn")[(replace:?give)[your very own inn]]
(else:)[(replace: ?give)[a new job with the Wise Woman]]
(if: $maidtake is "soul")[(replace: ?take)[soul]]
(elseif: $maidtake is "child")[(replace: ?take)[baby's soul]]
(else:)[(replace: ?take)[sweetheart's soul]](if: $maidgive is "sweetheart")[(if: $maidtake is "sweetheart")[<span class="mortal">I'll not have him back only to be damned. [What else have you got to offer?]<redo|</span>](else:)[The Barmaid studies the ground at her feet. Then, barely visible in the gloom, [[she nods her head.->Barmaid deal your end]]]]
(elseif: $maidgive is "mayor" or "priest" or "innkeeper" or "inn" or "wise")[(if:$maidtake is "child")[The Barmaid shakes her head. <span class="mortal">Not her. Not for that. Some things can't be bargained for. [What else have you got to offer?]<redo|</span>](else:)[The Barmaid studies the ground at her feet. Then, barely visible in the gloom, [[she nods her head.->Barmaid deal your end]]]](else:)[The Barmaid studies the ground at her feet. Then, barely visible in the gloom, [[she nods her head.->Barmaid deal your end]]]
(click:?redo)[(set: $maidgive to 0)(set: $maidtake to 0)(goto: "Barmaid deal")]The Barmaid slinks away, back towards the town. The deal has been struck.
But how are you going to keep up your end of the deal?
(if: $maidgive is "mayor")[[Leave it to chance]<mayor1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the Mayor]<mayor2| (-20 Power)
[Make the daughter sickly so the Mayor needs help]<mayor3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?mayor1)[(set: $maiddeal to "chance")(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]
(click: ?mayor2)[(set: $maiddeal to "influencemayor")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]
(click: ?mayor3)[(set: $maiddeal to "sick")(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]}]
(elseif: $maidgive is "priest")[[Leave it to chance]<priest1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the priest]<priest2| (-20 Power)
[Reveal the priest's indiscretion to the archbishop]<priest3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?priest1)[(set: $maiddeal to "chance")(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]
(click: ?priest2)[(set: $maiddeal to "influencepriest")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]
(click: ?priest3)[(set: $maiddeal to "indiscretion")(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]}]
(elseif: $maidgive is "innkeeper")[[Leave it to chance]<keeper1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the innkeeper to confess.]<keeper2| (-20 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the innkeeper to kill someone in broad daylight.]<keeper3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?keeper1)[(set: $maiddeal to "chance")(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]
(click: ?keeper2)[(set: $maiddeal to "influencekeeper")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]
(click: ?keeper3)[(set: $maiddeal to "bloodbath")(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]}]
(elseif: $maidgive is "inn")[[Leave it to chance]<inn1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the innkeeper to retire]<inn2| (-20 Power)
[Use dark magick to create a whole new inn for the barmaid to run]<inn3| (-30 Power){
(click: ?inn1)[(set: $maiddeal to "chance")(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]
(click: ?inn2)[(set: $maiddeal to "influenceretire")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]
(click: ?inn3)[(set: $maiddeal to "newinn")(set: $power to it -30)(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]}]
(elseif: $maidgive is "sweetheart")[[Leave it to chance]<heart1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence her sweetheart to return]<heart2| (-20 Power)
[Wreck her sweetheart's ship leaving him no choice but to return]<heart3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?heart1)[(set: $maiddeal to "chance")(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]
(click: ?heart2)[(set: $maiddeal to "influenceheart")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]
(click: ?heart3)[(set: $maiddeal to "wreck")(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]}]
(else:)[[Leave it to chance]<wise1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the Wise Woman]<wise2| (-20 Power)
[Break the Wise Woman's leg so she needs an assistant]<wise3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?wise1)[(set: $maiddeal to "chance")(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]
(click: ?wise2)[(set: $maiddeal to "influencewise")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]
(click: ?wise3)[(set: $maiddeal to "breakage")(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Barmaid aftermath")]}]
(align: "==><==")[
###[[Second Moon->Second Moon]]
First Moon: The Mayor (if: $wisedeal is "foundling")[has found a child](else:)[has fallen pregnant]. The Wise Woman has spread word of your presence.It strikes you that Up Top these humans are a lot less afraid of you. Or they are once they're embroiled in talking about themselves, at least. Still, if they all ran a mile at the first sight of you then it would be a long six moons.
You close your eyes and reach out (link-reveal:"with your Power.")[
(if: $maiddeal is "chance")[How lucky are devils, up top? [[Time to find out...->Barmaid random]]](elseif: $maiddeal contains "influence")[You can feel all the human minds, pitiful and weak... There's the right one. A simple tweak and... [[that should do it.->Third Moon]]](elseif:$maiddeal is "newinn")[Constructing things is much harder than ''de''structing things, but you can feels things start to coalesce. And it is [[a den of iniquity at least.->Third Moon]]](else:)[Ah, mischief. This is the stuff that is [[second nature to you.->Third Moon]]]]{(if: $maiddeal is "chance")[Nothing has changed in the Barmaid's life. She has told others not to believe in your lies. Will anyone else seek you out now?](elseif: $maiddeal is "influencemayor")[The Barmaid is now a wetnurse to the child she left on the Mayor's doorstep.](elseif: $maiddeal is "sick")[The Barmaid now tends to the child she left on the Mayor's doorstep, who may not live out the year.](elseif: $maiddeal is "influencepriest")[The Barmaid and Priest have wed in a hastily convened ceremony.](elseif: $maiddeal is "indiscretion")[The Priest is under investigation by the Archbishop, and to attempt to quiet rumours has married the Barmaid.](elseif: $maiddeal is "influencekeeper")[The Innkeeper rests in jail, having confessed to the murders of twelve visitors. The Barmaid has taken over the Inn.](elseif: $maiddeal is "bloodbath")[The Innkeeper rests in jail, having stabbed a visiting noble through the eye in the middle of the market. The Barmaid has taken over the inn.](elseif: $maiddeal is "influenceretire")[The Innkeeper, feeling his age, has decided to retire. Perhaps through pity, he has entrusted the inn to the Barmaid.]
(elseif: $maiddeal is "newinn")[The Devil's Daughter is the new inn in town, and the Barmaid is the landlady.](elseif: $maiddeal is "influenceheart")[The Barmaid's sweetheart has returned to town.]
(elseif: $maiddeal is "wreck")[The Barmaid's sweetheart has returned to town, blind and missing one leg.](elseif: $maiddeal is "influencewise")[Feeling her years, and possibly pity, the Wise Woman has taken the Barmaid on as an apprentice.](else:)[Following a nasty mushroom-picking accident, the Wise Woman is unable to walk. The Barmaid is her new apprentice and dogsbody.]} You're more used to the smell of this place. When you first arrived the trees were mostly barren, but green leaves are everywhere now and have brought with them (link-reveal:"a sweet scent.")[
The trees would still look better cut down, sharpened into spikes and shoved through someone, but (link-reveal:"even so...")[
Stories of devils 'going native' make at least a modicum (link-reveal:"more sense now.")[
You're distracted from your musings by someone [[blundering through the forest nearby.->Priest intro]]]]](set:$maidchance to (random: 1,10))
(if: $maidchance is 10)[(if: $maidgive is "mayor")[(set: $maiddeal to "influencemayor")](elseif: $maidgive is "priest")[(set: $maiddeal to "influencepriest")](elseif: $maidgive is "innkeeper")[(set:$maiddeal to "influencekeeper")](elseif: $maidgive is "inn")[(set: $maiddeal to "influenceretire")](elseif: $maidgive is "sweetheart")[(set: $maiddeal to "influenceheart")](else:)[(set: $maiddeal to "influencewise")]](else:)[(set: $chance to it +1)(set: $dealvalue to 0)]
(goto: "Third Moon")<span class="mortal">Foul emanation from the pit of despair, I cast you out!</span>
A portly young male stands before you, holding a book in front of him as if it's meant to (link-reveal:"protect him.")[
You (if:$description is "wings")[flap your wings. Hard. He's knocked backwards by the wind, the book bouncing out of his hands and [[into the undergrowth.->Priest intro 2]]](elseif: $description is "eyes")[draw yourself up to your tallest and thinnest, let your arms dangle limply at your sides and stare at him. He takes half a step back. Then another step. Then as he goes to take another step he trips over a fallen branch. The book bounces out of his hands and falls [[into the undergrowth.->Priest intro 2]]](else:)[let your tentacles unroll fully and pucker the suckers at him. They make little wet smacking noises as bubbles of slime appear and burst. He stumbles back in disgust and trips over a fallen branch. The book bounces out of his hands and falls [[into the undergrowth.->Priest intro 2]]]]//What do you ''really'' want?//
<span class="mortal">I... well... I had to try. I'm... Oh this is so embarrassing.</span> He coughs and splutters and looks over his shoulder. Finally he seems (link-reveal:"ready to address you properly.")[
<span class="mortal">I'm the Priest, ok? Happy? Are you? The good Lord knows you're the last //thing// I'd turn to but, well, needs must and all that. [That woman... urgh.]<wife| I just don't know how much longer I'll actually //be// [[a priest.->Priest deal hub]]</span> (if: $maiddeal is "influencepriest" or "indiscretion")[(replace: ?wife)[My wife... what a mistake.]]]
(set: $priestpriesthood to false)(set: $priestladies to false)[Priesthood?]<priest1|
[That woman?]<priest2|
[ ]<onward|
(if: $maiddeal is "influencepriest" or "indiscretion")[(replace: ?priest2)[Your wife?]]
(if: $priestpriesthood is false)[(click: ?priest1)[(set: $priestpriesthood to true)(goto: "Priesthood deal")]]
(if: $priestladies is false)[(click: ?priest2)[(set: $priestladies to true)(goto: "Wife or Ladies deal")]]
(if: $priestsecrets is 0)[(replace: ?priest3)[]](elseif: $priestsecrets is false)[(click: ?priest3)[(set: $priestsecrets to true)(goto: "Priest secrets deal")]]
(if: $priestpriesthood is true or $priestladies is true)[(replace: ?onward)[//[[Let's make that deal->Priest deal]]//]]//Here's what I'm offering you...//
//[An end to the Archbishop's investigation]<one|
[The death of your wife's sweetheart]<two|
[The removal of the barmaid's sweetheart]<three|
[The ladies to seek your solace once again]<four|
[The disappearance of the Innkeeper]<five|
[The Innkeeper's reputation ruined]<six|//
(if: $priestpriesthood is true)[(click: ?one)[(set: $priestgive to "an end to the investigation")(goto: "Priest deal 2")]]
(if: $priestsea is true)[(click: ?two)[(set: $priestgive to "the death of your wife's sweetheart")(goto: "Priest deal 2")]]
(if: $priestconfrontation is true)[(click: ?three)[(set: $priestgive to "the removal of the Barmaid's sweetheart")(goto: "Priest deal 2")]]
(if: $priestharem is true)[(click: ?four)[(set: $priestgive to "the ladies to return to your arms")(goto: "Priest deal 2")]]
(if: $priestarrested is true)[(click: ?five)[(set: $priestgive to "the Innkeeper's disappearance")(goto: "Priest deal 2")]]
(if: $priestmayor is true)[(click: ?six)[(set: $priestgive to "the Innkeeper's reputation ruined")(goto: "Priest deal 2")]]<span class="mortal">I had what you might perhaps call a dalliance. A little affair of the heart, if you get my meaning. (if: $maiddeal is "indiscretion")[The Lord only knows how, but the bloody Archbishop knows all about it. Someone has loose lips, that's for damn sure. He'll be sending investigators before too long, and they'll nose out the truth about the dalliance alright, and a whole heap more besides. All the secrets will come out. And then that's it for me and the big Sunday speech.](else:)[The whole town is talking about it. The gossips here? It's only a matter of time before it gets back to the Archbishop, then it'll be investigators and all sorts of truths will out. All sorts of secrets. And then it'll be farewell to the big Sunday speech for me.]</span>
//One fewer preacher? [[Why should I bother?->Priesthood deal 2]]//
(set: $priestpriesthood to true)(set: $priestsecrets to false)(if: $maiddeal is "indiscretion" or "influencepriest")[<span class="mortal">My wife is, ah, unexpected. It became something of a necessity shall we say? A lovely woman, lovely woman that's for sure. But, well, it's not just her.</span>
//[[Her child?->Wife or Ladies deal 2a]]//](elseif: $maiddeal is "wreck" or
"influenceheart")[<span class="mortal">This woman, who practically threw herself at me, you know? Well her bloody lover is back from the seas and... well it's complicated.</span>
//[[Try me.->Wife or Ladies deal 2b]]//](else:)[<span class="mortal">This woman, who practically threw herself at me I'll have you know, is... spreading stories.(if: $maiddeal is "newinn")[Holding court at that inn of hers.] And to be frank it's affecting my action.</span>
//[[Do I want to know what 'action' means?->Wife or Ladies deal 2c]]//]
<span class="mortal">Yes, it's not just my roll in the hay with the Barmaid that this town is hiding. Things will out. That bloody Innkeeper is always looking to get one over on me for starters.</span>
//[I don't care.]<reject|//
(click:?accept)[(if: $innkeeper is "arrested")[(goto: "Priest secrets deal arrested")](else:)[(goto: "Priest secrets deal not arrested")]]
(click: ?reject)[(goto: "Priest deal hub")]<span class="mortal">Good question, good question. Well, it pains me to say it to the Old Enemy, but God and I have... a relatively informal relationship. I came up here with the bible lighting my path and keeping you at bay-</span>
(if:$description is "wings")[You twitch your wings.](elseif: $description is "eyes")[You blink slowly.](else:)[You twitch a tentacle.] (link-reveal:"He shudders.")[
<span class="mortal">My point is that I'm not what you might call a hellfire and brimstone sort of priest. If I'm replaced you might find someone a little less... modern... in their approach to this sort of thing. You'll have mobs and flaming pitchforks searching you out or whatnot.</span>
//Ah, [[you're ungodly.->Priest deal hub]]//]<span class="mortal">No, not her child. How did you know about that? Urgh, you're the devil, nevermind. (if:$wisedeal is "foundling")[Thank the lord she saw fit to get rid of it. ]No, she keeps going on about her childhood sweetheart. He went off to sea apparently. Meant to seek his fortune then return and sweep her off her feet. If he ever returns, well... It really might be better if he, ah, didn't.</span>
//[[Priests and seamen don't mix.->Priest deal hub]]//
(set: $priestsea to true)<span class="mortal">It's only a matter of time before he finds out about our little secret and, well it would be much better if he didn't. (if: $wisedeal is "foundling")[At least she got rid of the brat.] You see, her sweetheart's (if: $maiddeal is "wreck")[not quite the man he was. He's returned from the sea all chewed up. Can't get any work here. And I worry that the woman is going to try and extort me to make ends meet.](else:)[been sailing the seas for years. Probably hanging out with pirates and the like. When he gets wind of what's gone on, well... He could make mincemeat out of me very easily.]</span>
//[[Even with God on your side? For shame.->Priest deal hub]]//
(set: $priestconfrontation to true)<span class="mortal">All the gossip she spreads about me, and my cursed virility, it's putting everyone off. I used to have a, well, a harem of sorts. It's the job, you know. You're someone to trust, someone to confide in, someone to run to when you're scared. Now they want nothing to do with me.</span>
//[[But you seem like such a nice young man.->Priest deal hub]]//
(set: $priestharem to true)<span class="mortal">The idiot got himself arrested. (if: $maiddeal is "bloodbath")[Went mad, I suppose, with the weight of his secrets. In the past all his... misdoings... have been under his own roof, all quiet. The way those kinds of things should be. But to cut a man down in the street?](else:)[Handed himself in for all his... misdoings. But it's the first sign of a conscience I've ever seen from him, and I've studied him up close - he's in the front row every Sunday. Perhaps he's snapped?] If he's gone absolutely off his rocker then there's no telling what he might reveal before he hangs. Perhaps he'll make up something outrageous about me, for example.</span>
(link-reveal:"//What might he say?//")[
<span class="mortal">Oh you know how that sort babbles. Could be anything. About the women, some made up nonsense about the number of skeletons in graves, ahaha. Ahahaha. All nonsense.</span>
//[[Mm hmm.->Priest deal hub]]//]
(set: $priestarrested to true)<span class="mortal">He knows all the goings on and likes to spread it about. Keeps the Mayor informed of course. Who wouldn't? That woman is... something else. I wouldn't be surprised if she was one of your lot. With my personal troubles he might try and get one over on me. (if: $maiddeal is "influenceretire")[Especially now he's retired. If he's washed his hands of... all that... then he might have a quiet word with the Archbishop. Get me out and increase his standing with the Mayor.](elseif: $maiddeal is "newinn")[Especially now he's got competition. That bloody strumpet opening up her own place might force his hand. He might have a quiet word with the Archbishop. Get me out and increase his standing with the Mayor.](else:)[Try to get me in trouble with the Archbishop. Get me out to get himself a little more sway with the Mayor...]</span>
(link-reveal:"//What might he tell the Archbishop?//")[
<span class="mortal">He's power crazy. Could be anything. About the women, some made up nonsense about the number of skeletons in graves, ahaha. Ahahaha. All nonsense.</span>
//[[Mm hmm.->Priest deal hub]]//]
(set: $priestmayor to true)//And here's what I want in return...//
[Your soul]<option1| (+50 power)
[Insidious messages planted into sermons]<option2| (+30 power)
(click: ?option1)[(set: $priesttake to "your soul")(set: $dealvalue to 50)(goto: "Priest deal overview")]
(click: ?option2)[(set: $priesttake to "satanic sermons")(set: $dealvalue to 30)(goto: "Priest deal overview")]
//So. I will give you $priestgive in exchange for $priesttake. Do we have a bargain?//
The priest feigns a coughing fit, but he's merely buying himself time. It's as if the enormity of what he's doing and who he's doing it with is finally [[dawning on him.->Priest deal response]]
(if: $priestgive is "the death of your wife's sweetheart" or "the removal of the Barmaid's sweetheart" or "the ladies to return to your arms")[(if:$priesttake is "your soul")[<span class="mortal">It may seem laughable to you, demon, but after all I am a man of god. My soul, though perhaps tarnished at the edges, is worth more than that to me. [What else have you got to offer?]<redo|</span>](else:)[<span class="mortal">My house will not become a place of devil-worship. But perhaps a few messages, sow a little questioning of god perhaps. [[Yes, I can see to that.->Priest deal your end]]</span>]](else:)[For a moment the Priest looks deflated, like he's about to fall in on himself. Then a spark of respolve appears and he puffs himself back up, brimming with delicious self-importance. <span class="mortal">Alright Old Enemy. [[We have a deal.->Priest deal your end]]</span>]
(click:?redo)[(set: $priestgive to 0)(set: $priesttake to 0)(goto: "Priest deal")]
The priest makes a show of rootling through the undergrowth trying to find his dropped Bible. After a few fruitless attempts he huffs and puffs and turns away, muttering justifications to himself as he heads back to town.
Another deal succesfully struck! But how are you going to keep up your end of the deal?
(if: $priestgive is "an end to the investigation")[[Leave it to chance]<one1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the Archbishop's mind]<one2| (-40 Power)
[Bring the church down on the Archbishop's investigators when they come to poke around]<one3| (-20 Power){
(click: ?one1)[(set: $priestdeal to "chance")(goto: "Priest aftermath")]
(if: $power < 40)[](else:)[(click: ?one2)[(set: $priestdeal to "influencearchbishop")(set: $power to it -40)(goto: "Priest aftermath")]]
(if: $power < 20)[](else:)[(click: ?one3)[(set: $priestdeal to "church")(set: $power to it -20)(set: $chaos to it +1)(goto: "Priest aftermath")]]}]
(elseif: $priestgive is "the death of your wife's sweetheart")[[Leave it to chance]<two1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to turn a barfight deadly]<two2| (-20 Power)
[Raise a leviathan to smash his ship to pieces]<two3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?two1)[(set: $priestdeal to "chance")(goto: "Priest aftermath")]
(if: $power < 20)[](else:)[(click: ?two2)[(set: $priestdeal to "influencefight")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Priest aftermath")]]
(if: $power < 10)[](else:)[(click: ?two3)[(set: $priestdeal to "leviathan")(set: $chaos to it +1)(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Priest aftermath")]]}]
(elseif: $priestgive is "the removal of the Barmaid's sweetheart")[[Leave it to chance]<three1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the sweetheart back to the sea]<three2| (-20 Power)
[Summon a succubus to lure him away]<three3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?three1)[(set: $priestdeal to "chance")(goto: "Priest aftermath")]
(if: $power < 20)[](else:)[(click: ?three2)[(set: $priestdeal to "influencesweetheart")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Priest aftermath")]]
(if: $power < 10)[](else:)[(click: ?three3)[(set: $priestdeal to "succubus")(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Priest aftermath")]]}]
(elseif: $priestgive is "the ladies to return to your arms")[[Leave it to chance]<four1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to change the ladies' minds]<four2| (-50 Power)
[Summon devilish visions that drive them back to the priest for succour]<four3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?four1)[(set: $priestdeal to "chance")(goto: "Priest aftermath")]
(if: $power < 50)[](else:)[(click: ?four2)[(set: $priestdeal to "influenceladies")(set: $power to it -50)(goto: "Priest aftermath")]]
(if: $power < 10)[](else:)[(click: ?four3)[(set: $priestdeal to "visions")(set:$chaos to it +1)(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Priest aftermath")]]}]
(elseif: $priestgive is "the Innkeeper's disappearance")[[Leave it to chance]<five1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the gaoler into letting him escape]<five2| (-30 Power)
[Inspire a prison riot leading to the innkeeper's escape]<five3| (-20 Power){
(click: ?five1)[(set: $priestdeal to "chance")(goto: "Priest aftermath")]
(if: $power < 30)[](else:)[(click: ?five2)[(set: $priestdeal to "influencegaoler")(set: $power to it -30)(goto: "Priest aftermath")]]
(if: $power < 20)[](else:)[(click: ?five3)[(set: $priestdeal to "riot")(set: $chaos to it +1)(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Priest aftermath")]]}]
(else:)[[Leave it to chance]<six1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the innkeeper to confess his crimes]<six2| (-20 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the innkeeper into committing a crime in broad daylight]<six3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?six1)[(set: $priestdeal to "chance")(goto: "Priest aftermath")]
(if: $power < 20)[](else:)[(click: ?six2)[(set: $priestdeal to "influencekeeper")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Priest aftermath")]]
(if: $power < 10)[](else:)[(click: ?six3)[(set: $priestdeal to "bloodbath")(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Priest aftermath")]]}]
"an end to the investigation"
"the death of your wife's sweetheart"
"the removal of the barmaid's sweetheart"
"the ladies to return to your arms"
"the innkeeper's disappearance"
"the innkeeper tarnished in the mayor's eyes"
"bloodbath"You pick up the Bible from where it had come to rest within the salt circle that confines you. It's not something you've actually seen before, only heard about in the tortured screams of souls repenting far too late. After a quick flick through you decide it's too ill-informed and summon a gout of hellfire to (link-reveal:"consume the flimsy pages.")[
You close your eyes and reach out (link-reveal:"with your Power.")[
(if: $priestdeal is "chance")[How lucky are devils, up top? [[Time to find out...->Priest random]]](elseif: $priestdeal contains "influence")[You can feel all the human minds, dense and flighty... There's the right one. A simple tweak and... [[that should do it.->Fourth Moon]]](else:)[Inspiring wickedness, mischief and mayhem is [[always a joy.->Fourth Moon]]]]](set:$priestchance to (random: 1,10))
(if: $priestchance is 10)[(if: $priestgive is "an end to the investigation")[(set: $priestdeal to "infuencearchbishop")](elseif: $priestgive is "the death of your wife's sweetheart")[(set: $priestdeal to "influencefight")](elseif: $priestgive is "the removal of the barmaid's sweetheart")[(set:$priestdeal to "influencesweetheart")](elseif: $priestgive is "the ladies to return to your arms")[(set: $priestdeal to "influenceladies")](elseif: $priestgive is "the innkeeper's disappearance")[(set: $priestdeal to "influencegaoler")](else:)[(set: $priestdeal to "influencekeeper")]](else:)[(set: $chance to it +1)(set: $dealvalue to 0)]
(goto: "Fourth Moon"){(if: $priestdeal is "influencearchbishop")[The Priest is no longer under investigation by the Archbishop and his Sunday sermons are starting to fill back up. (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[(set: $sermons to "satanic")He has started slipping little satanic messages in here and there.] (if: $maiddeal is "influenceheart" or "wreck")[(set: $extortion to true)The Barmaid's sweetheart is extorting money out of him.]]
(elseif: $priestdeal is "church")[The town church, in a state of disrepair, collapsed on the Archbishop's investigators. The focus of the inquiry is now on how the Mayor allowed the church to become so decrepit. (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[(set: $sermons to "satanic")In a temporary venue, the Priest has started slipping little satanic messages into his sermons here and there.] (if: $maiddeal is "influenceheart" or "wreck")[(set: $extortion to true)The Barmaid's sweetheart is extorting money out of the Priest.]]
(elseif: $priestdeal is "influencefight")[The Barmaid has received a letter and small parcel of belongings following the death of her sweetheart in a baroom brawl. She finds solace in the gentle Priest's arms and refuses to speak to the Archbishop's investigators. (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[(set: $sermons to "satanic")The Priest has started slipping little satanic messages into his sermons here and there.]]
(elseif: $priestdeal is "leviathan")[The Barmaid received a letter and small parcel of belongings following the death of her sweetheart at sea. Rumours circle the town about ancient beasts of the deep. She found some solace in the Priest's arms and has refused to speak to the Archbishop's investigators. (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[(set: $sermons to "satanic")The Priest has started slipping little satanic messages into his sermons here and there.]]
(elseif: $priestdeal is "influencesweetheart")[(if:$maiddeal is "influenceheart")[Before the Barmaid's sweetheart could track down who tarnished the Barmaid's reputation he decided to hoist the mainbrace and seek his fortune once more. The Barmaid now knows all men to be as bad as each other and has not spoken to the Archbishop's investigators.](else:)[Naval recruiters swung through the town, and the sound of fiddle and drum proved too overwhelming for the Barmaid's poor sweetheart. He signed up on the spot to return to the sea as an apprentice musician. The Barmaid now knows all men to be as bad as each other and has not spoken to the Archbishop's investigators.] (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[(set: $sermons to "satanic")The Priest has started slipping little satanic messages into his sermons here and there.]]
(elseif:$priestdeal is "succubus")[(if: $maiddeal is "influenceheart")[The Barmaid's sweetheart was back for mere days before a lusty blonde from parts unknown tempted him away. The Barmaid now knows all men to be as bad as each other and has not spoken to the Archbishop's investigators. (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[(set: $sermons to "satanic")The Priest has started slipping little satanic messages into his sermons here and there.]](else:)[A songstress with a beautiful voice visited the town. The barmaid's blind sweetheart was so taken with her singing that he hitched a ride on her wagon out of town and now performs a warm up act for her. The Barmaid now knows all men to be as bad as each other and has not spoken to the Archbishop's investigators. (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[(set: $sermons to "satanic")The Priest has started slipping little satanic messages into his sermons here and there.]]]
(elseif: $priestdeal is "influenceladies")[One by one the Priest's women returned to him. His house became known throughout town as a den of sin. The Archbishop has removed the Priest from his post. (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[He never had the opportunity to spread satanic messages in his sermons, and your Power has suffered.] (if: $maiddeal is "influenceheart" or "wreck")[The Barmaid's sweetheart isn't having any luck extorting money out of the Priest.]]
(elseif: $priestdeal is "visions")[All visited by the same terrifying vision on the same night, the Priest's women have flocked to him for comfort. To the outside eye it seems as if he is ministering to them as he should. The Archbishop has concluded that all is right in the parish. (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[(set: $sermons to "satanic")The Priest has started slipping little satanic messages into his sermons here and there.] (if: $maiddeal is "influenceheart" or "wreck")[(set: $extortion to true)The Barmaid's sweetheart is extorting money out of the Priest.]]
(elseif: $priestdeal is "influencegaoler")[A blundering gaoler allowed the Innkeeper to escape days before he was due to be hanged. No one has seen the Innkeeper since. The Priest has been removed from post for his indiscretion with the Barmaid. (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[He never had the opportunity to spread satanic messages in his sermons, and your Power has suffered.] (if: $maiddeal is "influenceheart" or "wreck")[The Barmaid's sweetheart isn't having any luck extorting money out of the Priest.]]
(elseif: $priestdeal is "riot")[Days before his scheduled hanging, the Innkeeper escaped from prison during a riot, with other fellow inmates also making themselves scarce. The Priest has been removed from post for his indiscretion with the Barmaid. (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[He never had the opportunity to spread satanic messages in his sermons, and your Power has suffered.](if: $maiddeal is "influenceheart" or "wreck")[The Barmaid's sweetheart isn't having any luck extorting money out of the Priest.]]
(elseif: $priestdeal is "influencekeeper")[The Innkeeper rests in jail, having confessed to the murders of twelve visitors. The Priest has been removed from post for his indiscretion with the Barmaid. (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[He never had the opportunity to spread satanic messages in his sermons, and your Power has suffered.] (if: $maiddeal is "influenceheart" or "wreck")[The Barmaid's sweetheart isn't having any luck extorting money out of the Priest.]]
(elseif: $priestdeal is "bloodbath")[The Innkeeper rests in jail, having stabbed a visiting noble through the eye in the middle of the market. The Priest has been removed from post for his indiscretion with the Barmaid. (if:$priesttake is "satanic sermons")[He never had the opportunity to spread satanic messages in his sermons, and your Power has suffered.] (if: $maiddeal is "influenceheart" or "wreck")[The Barmaid's sweetheart isn't having any luck extorting money out of the Priest.]]
(else:)[The Priest was dismayed by your lack of action. He has been removed from post for his indiscretion with the Barmaid. He is working to damp down the rumours of your presence. (if: $maiddeal is "influenceheart" or "wreck")[The Barmaid's sweetheart isn't having any luck extorting money out of the Priest.] Will anyone else seek you out now?]}(set: $power to 30)
[[Wise woman]] (set: $priestgive to "an end to the investigation")
(set: $power to 30)
[[Priest deal your end]]You open your eyes to find someone (link-reveal:"staring at you.")[
No, some//thing//. A creature with a fuzzy orange coat, pricked up ears and bright eyes. It's infinitely more appealing than (link-reveal:"the humans.")[
And probably smarter too: when it realises you're awake it bolts into the undergrowth. No deals or whining or (link-reveal:"excuses.")[
Exactly on cue something bigger than the fuzzy creature comes blundering through the forest [[towards you.->Innkeeper intro]]]]](set: $power to 50)(set: $maiddeal to "sick")(set:$priestdeal to "influencearchbishop")
[[Fourth Moon->Innkeeper deal hub]]
"breakage"(set: $priestdeal to "succubus")
(set: $maiddeal to "influencemayor")
(set: $priesttake to "satanic sermons")
[[Fourth Moon]] //[Freedom?]<person3|//
//[Wise Woman?]<person5|//
[ ]<onward|
(if: $keeperplots is false)[(click: ?person1)[(set: $keeperplots to true)(goto: "Innkeeper plots deal")]]
(if: $keepervengeance is false)[(click: ?person2)[(set: $keepervengeance to true)(goto: "Innkeeper vengeance deal")]]
(if: $keeperarrest is 0 and $keeperescape is 0)[(replace: ?person3)[]](elseif: $keeperarrest is false)[(click: ?person3)[(set: $keeperarrest to true)(goto: "Innkeeper arrest deal")]](elseif: $keeperescape is false)[(click: ?person3)[(set: $keeperescape to true)(goto: "Innkeeper escape deal")]]
(if: $keeperplots is true or $keepervengeance is true)[(replace: ?onward)[//[[Let's make that deal->Innkeeper deal]]//]]
(if: $keeperpriest is 0)[(replace: ?person4)[]](elseif: $keeperpriest is false)[(click: ?person4)[(set: $keeperpriest to true)(goto: "Innkeeper priest deal")]]
(if: $keeperwise is 0)[(replace: ?person5)[]](elseif: $keeperwise is false)[(click: ?person5)[(set: $keeperwise to true)(goto: "Innkeeper wise woman deal")]]<span class="mortal">You hear things when you're the innkeeper. Drunk people like to talk, and I like to listen. And sometimes to act on what I've heard too, if you get my meaning. People in this town have loose lips, and I ain't the only one they talk to. (if:$innkeeper is "arrested" or "escaped")[It wasn't no accident that put me in irons.] People are against me.</span>
//[Why would they be against you?]<accept|//
//[What have you been acting on?]<deflect|//
//[No-one wants to talk about an insignificant speck like you.]<reject|//
(click:?accept)[(goto: "Innkeeper plots deal 2")]
(click:?deflect)[(goto: "Innkeeper secrets deal")]
(click: ?reject)[(goto: "Innkeeper plots deal 2")]<span class="mortal">I may have got out of prison, but it's not over. The law will be searching for me. Others might too. They won't want me roaming the land. This town has nothing for me anymore, all that's gone.</span>
//[[A problem is always worth running way from, as the saying goes.->Innkeeper deal hub]]//<span class="mortal">Is someone coming?</span> The Innkeeper shouts over his shoulder, and the gaoler ducks out of sight behind a tree. The Innkeeper leans as close to the salt circle as he can and whispers to you, <span class="mortal">What can you do about him? I need away, but wearing chains and with that fat dullard guarding me there's not much I can do.</span>
The gaoler returns, looking jumpy and the Innkeeper retreats, whistling innocently.
//[[Tum-tee-tum.->Innkeeper deal hub]]//<span class="mortal">(if:$innkeeper is "arrested" or "escaped")[This wasn't what I wanted for my life. I used to be happy pulling pints and listening to gossip. You make a couple of bad decisions, guided by someone you think you can trust and suddenly you're staring down execution and sneaking out of prison.](else:)[It's only a matter of time now. I can feel it all starting to collapse... You make a couple of bad decisions, guided by someone you think you can trust, and suddenly you're worrying if you'll end up swinging on the gallows.]</span>
//[Who did you think you could trust?]<accept|//
//[The only thing you can ever trust is humanity's inherent evil.]<reject|//
//[Why are you seeking to blame others for your own actions?]<deflect|//
(click:?accept)[(set: $priestvengeance to true)(goto: "Innkeeper vengeance deal 2")]
(click:?reject)[(set: $priestvengeance to true)(goto: "Innkeeper vengeance deal 2")]
(click:?deflect)[(set: $priestvengeance to true)(goto: "Innkeeper vengeance deal self")](if: $innkeeper is "arrested")[Two somethings in actual fact. As the one in the lead sees you he falls still. The other, clanking behind him, barges past then thinks better of it. They have a brief whispered conversation that you don't even bother to listen to. They'll talk enough as it is. The one who had been bringing up the rear, a broad, bald male, has chains connecting his wrists; it makes you [[nostalgic for Hell.->Innkeeper intro 2]]](else:)[A broad, bald male staggers into your clearing. You can see him trying to reconcile his hope that you might be real with the reality of your presence. You humour his confused mumbling until he seems [[ready to speak.->Innkeeper intro 2a]]] <span class="mortal">He's here. He's really here. I ''told'' you. Thanks be, thanks be. You can save my life, Adversary. I'll give you anything.</span>
The male in chains is the one who is speaking to you. The other, an unwashed-looking brute shifts uncomfortably next to him, hand hovering over a dagger hilt.
//And what does your life need to be [[saved from?->Innkeeper intro 3]]//(if: $innkeeper is "arrested")[He raises his shackled hands and rattles the chains. <span class="mortal">Isn't it obvious? I'm scheduled for execution tomorrow. This beautiful man has granted my final wish by letting me come to see you - well my penultimate wish, I suppose. Oh what I wouldn't give to be a happy fourteen year old pulling my first pints again. Instead it's plots, scheming and bloody vengeance.</span> The other man picks at his nose nervously.](elseif: $innkeeper is "escaped")[I can't go back to the town I love. There are knives in the shadows. Vengeance must be had. Oh what I wouldn't give to be a happy fourteen year old pulling my first pints again.](else:)[<span class="mortal">Plots are unfurling against me. I can feel it. There are knives in the shadows. Vengeance will be had. Oh what I wouldn't give to be a happy fourteen year old pulling my first pints again.</span>] (if:$chaos is 1)[<span class="mortal">There is unquiet in the town. I have to act now.</span>]
//Ah, you're the Innkeeper, yes? I can't turn back time, but [[the other stuff...->Innkeeper deal hub]]//
(if: $innkeeper is "arrested")[(set: $keeperarrest to false)]
(if: $innkeeper is "escaped")[(set: $keeperescape to false)]
(set: $keeperplots to false)
(set: $keepervengeance to false)<span class="mortal">My mother always thought I'd end up in the claws of the Adversary. Thought that working with the demon drink was bad enough, well if she was still alive now... But I need you.</span>
//[[And what do you need me for, exactly?->Innkeeper intro 3]]////Here's what I'm offering you...//
//[A new start in a new land]<one|
[Release from prison]<two|
[The (if: $priest is "defrocked")[ex-]Priest's demise]<three|
[The Wise Woman's demise]<four|
[The Mayor's scheme revealed to the public]<five|
[A life free of burden for Nancy]<six|//
(if: $keeperescape is true)[(click: ?one)[(set: $keepergive to "a new start")(goto: "Inkeeper deal 2")]]
(if: $keeperarrest is true)[(click: ?two)[(set: $keepergive to "release from prison")(goto: "Innkeeper deal 2")]]
(if: $keeperpriest is true)[(click: ?three)[(set: $keepergive to "the Priest's demise")(goto: "Innkeeper deal 2")]]
(if: $keeperwise is true)[(click: ?four)[(set: $keepergive to "the Wise Woman's demise")(goto: "Innkeeper deal 2")]]
(if: $keepermayor is true)[(click: ?five)[(set: $keepergive to "the Mayor's scheme revealed")(goto: "Innkeeper deal 2")]]
(if: $keepernancy is true)[(click: ?six)[(set: $keepergive to "a happy life for Nancy")(goto: "Innkeeper deal 2")]]<span class="mortal">Rich travelers sometimes lay up at the inn in these parts. It's the only stop before Upper Wellingham after all. They talk and talk, and well, sometimes after a few drinks and their blood is up they reveal certain things. Could be names, places, deals, all sorts. Well I runs it up the flagpole and...</span>(if: $innkeeper is "arrested")[ He glances at the gaoler who is a few paces back, then lowers his voice.] <span class="mortal">Well I sees what her ladyship says. And then it's up to me and the Priest and the Wise Woman to sort it all out. (if: $priest is "defrocked")[Former priest I should say. Conniving creep.]</span>
//[[That all sounds delicious.->Innkeeper deal hub]]//
(set:$keeperpriest to false)(set:$keeperwise to false)<span class="mortal">I'm not making this stuff up. The Priest! He's a slick, dastardly sort. (if: $priest is "defrocked")[Former priest, I should say. And not before time. ]He might know a thing or two that he can use against me(if: $barmaid is "priest")[, 'specially with that bloody turncoat wife of his]. And the Wise Woman! Conniving cow. We used to be okay, but, well, who would trust a crone like that(if: $barmaid is "wise")[, 'specially with that bloody turncoat apprentice she's got now]. Believe me now?</span>
//[[I suppose.->Innkeeper deal hub]]//
(set: $keeperpriest to false)(set: $keeperwise to false)<span class="mortal">It's the Priest that buries the bodies. Stacks 'em up in graves that are already occupied. And he knows all about my end, obviously.(if:$innkeeper is "arrested" or "escaped")[ I'd bet good money he's behind my situation.] I can tell something's going on with him. All them rumours about his conduct...(if: $extortion is true)[And that blasted Barmaid's sweetheart putting the screws on him...](if:$priest is "defrocked")[ And being booted out of the church as well, that puts him in a corner, don't it?](else:)[ Maybe the worst of the rumours is behind him, but he hasn't changed.] He needs to go down.</span>
//[[Who doesn't?->Innkeeper deal hub]]//<span class="mortal">She mixes up the poison that I slip into their beer. The orders come down from the Mayor, then the rest of us sort it out and divvy up the loot. And that bloody Wise Woman, she knows things. People talk to her, they do. They go with a problem, and somehow she finds out about not just ''their'' problem, but their neighbour's problems, their employer's problems, everyone's problems. (if:$barmaid is "wise")[And with that lazy Barmaid in cahoots with her now, well it all makes sense. It's a plot against me. ]It's the gossiping of women what's done for me.</span>
//[[And definitely not the being-involved-in-a-murder-gang, I'm sure.->Innkeeper deal hub]]//You wait, alone in the salt circle in the centre of the forest clearing.
Off in the distance the lights of the town seem to mock you.
Occasional snatches of countless tiny lives reach you - a laugh, a scream.
Creatures pootle through the undergrowth nearby ignoring you. You have become as insignificant to them as a mouldering branch.
Chance, it would seem, [[does not favour the devil.]]
<span class="mortal">The Mayor is evil. She's the devil incarnate!</span> He catches himself as you (if:$description is "wings")[flex your wings](elseif:$description is "eyes")[loom over him](else:)[let a tentacle languidly unfurl]. <span class="mortal">Well as near as dammit then. She's (if: $innkeeper is "arrested" or "escaped")[brought](else:)[going to bring] me to ruin. Well if I'm going down, so's she.</span> (if:$innkeeper is "arrested")[Behind the Innkeeper, the gaoler shifts uncomfortably at what he's hearing.]
//[[It's always worth spreading the misery, I find.->Innkeeper deal hub]]//
(set: $keepermayor to true)The Innkeeper blusters for a moment then falls silent. Faced with your presence, perhaps struck dumb by your (if:$description is "wings")[fearsome aspect](elseif:$description is "eyes")[penetrating gaze](else:)[hideous aspect], he seems to have something of (link-reveal:"an epiphany.")[
When he stops sobbing his speech is just about intelligible. <span class="mortal">Oh what have I done? You're right. Of course you are. I left my Nancy all those years ago and I've been running from responsibility ever since. Does she ever think of me fondly, do you suppose? How could she? How could anyone? I must be better. Redemption, that's the answer.</span>
//[[Redemption? What a lark.->Innkeeper deal hub]]//]
(set: $keepernancy to true)//(if:$keepernancy is 0)[You don't have a lot to offer... ]Here's what I want in return://
[Your soul]<option1| (+30 power)
[Nancy's soul]<option2| (+50 power)
(click: ?option1)[(set: $keepertake to "your soul")(set: $dealvalue to 30)(goto: "Innkeeper deal overview")]
(if: $keepernancy is true)[(click: ?option2)[(set: $keepertake to "the soul of the only woman you've ever loved")(set: $dealvalue to 50)(goto: "Innkeeper deal overview")]]//So. I will give you $keepergive in exhange for $keepertake. Do we have a bargain?//
(if: $keeper is "arrested")[The gaoler, sensing that the deal is nearly done, edges forwards, knife half-drawn.] The Innkeeper glances around [[and sighs.->Innkeeper deal response]](if:$keepertake is "the soul of the only woman you've ever loved")[(if:$keepergive is "a new start" or $keepergive is "release from prison")[<span class="mortal">Yes. Oh lord what am I saying? Yes, take it. Take her.</span> He bursts into tears, but the deal is done and [[Nancy's soul will be yours.->Innkeeper deal your end]]](else:)[(set:$keepergive to 0)(set:$keepertake to 0)<span class="mortal">No. No, not that. I may have messed this life up, but I'm not that bad. [[What else have you got?->Innkeeper deal]]</span>]]
(else:)[<span class="mortal">Very well. Yes. What a frightful mess I've made of this life. [[We have a deal->Innkeeper deal your end]]</span>]"a new start"
"release from prison"
"the Priest's demise"
"the Wise Woman's demise"
"the Mayor's scheme revealed"
"a happy life for Nancy"
"your soul"
"the soul of the only woman you've ever loved"(if: $innkeeper is "escaped")[The Innkeeper slips back into the woods heading away from the town.](elseif: $innkeeper is "arrested")[The Innkeeper motions to the gaoler that it's all over. The gaoler doesn't look at you again, perhaps preferring to believe he's dreamt the whole thing. They clank back towards town.](else:)[The Innkeeper heads back towards the lights of the town, his shoulders a little more slumped than when he arrived.]
Left in the blissful peace of the glade at night, it's now up to you how to keep up your end of the deal.
(if: $keepergive is "a new start")[[Leave it to chance]<one1| (-0 Power)
[Use your dark magick to influence a navy pressgang team to the town]<one2| (-20 Power)
[Use your dark magick to ensure the Innkeeper is rearrested and sentenced to transportation]<one3| (-30 Power){
(click: ?one1)[(set: $keeperdeal to "chance")(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]
(if:$power is < 20)[](else:)[(click: ?one2)[(set: $keeperdeal to "influencenavy")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]]
(if:$power is < 30)[](else:)[(click: ?one3)[(set: $keeperdeal to "transported")(set: $power to it -30)(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]]}]
(elseif: $keepergive is "release from prison")[[Leave it to chance]<two1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the gaoler into letting him escape]<two2| (-30 Power)
[Inspire a prison riot leading to the innkeeper's escape]<two3| (-20 Power){
(click: ?two1)[(set: $keeperdeal to "chance")(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]
(if:$power is < 30)[](else:)[(click: ?two2)[(set: $keeperdeal to "influencegaoler")(set: $power to it -30)(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]]
(if:$power is < 20)[](else:)[(click: ?two3)[(set: $keeperdeal to "riot")(set: $chaos to it +1)(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]]}]
(elseif: $keepergive is "the Priest's demise")[[Leave it to chance]<three1| (-0 Power)
[Use your dark magick to influence the Priest into confessing his crimes]<three2| (-40 Power)
[Raise the dead bodies from the earth to reveal the Priest's villainy]<three3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?three1)[(set: $keeperdeal to "chance")(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]
(if:$power is < 40)[](else:)[(click: ?three2)[(set: $keeperdeal to "influencepriest")(set: $power to it -40)(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]]
(if:$power is < 10)[](else:)[(click: ?three3)[(set: $keeperdeal to "bodies")(set: $chaos to it +1)(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]]}]
(elseif: $keepergive is "the Wise Woman's demise")[[Leave it to chance]<four1| (-0 Power)
[Use your dark magick to influence the Wise Woman to confess her crimes]<four2| (-30 Power)
[Turn all the Wise Woman's potions to poison]<four3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?four1)[(set: $keeperdeal to "chance")(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]
(if:$power is < 20)[](else:)[(click: ?four2)[(set: $keeperdeal to "influencewise")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]]
(if:$power is < 10)[](else:)[(click: ?four3)[(set: $keeperdeal to "poison")(set: $chaos to it +1)(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]]}]
(elseif: $keepergive is "the Mayor's scheme revealed")[[Leave it to chance]<five1| (-0 Power)
[Use your dark magick to influence the Mayor into revealing all]<five2| (-100 Power)
[Inspire a burglar to poke around in the hidden places within the Mayor's residence to find proof]<five3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?five1)[(set: $keeperdeal to "chance")(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]
(if:$power is < 100)[](else:)[(click: ?five2)[(set: $keeperdeal to "influencemayor")(set: $power to it -100)(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]]
(if:$power is < 10)[](else:)[(click: ?five3)[(set: $keeperdeal to "burglar")(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]]}]
(else:)[[Leave it to chance]<six1| (-0 Power)
[Use your dark magick to influence Nancy's mood]<six2| (-20 Power)
[Place a hoard of Viking gold near the surface of Nancy's garden]<six3| (-10 Power){
(click: ?six1)[(set: $keeperdeal to "chance")(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]
(if:$power is < 20)[](else:)[(click: ?six2)[(set: $keeperdeal to "influencenancy")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]]
(if:$power is < 10)[](else:)[(click: ?six3)[(set: $keeperdeal to "gold")(set: $power to it -10)(goto: "Innkeeper aftermath")]]}]
The Innkeeper seemed like an odious man, grasping and self-serving even by human standards. Still, a deal is a deal and (link-reveal:"a soul is a soul.")[
(if: $keeperdeal is "chance")[How lucky are devils, Up Top? [[Time to find out...->Innkeeper random]]](elseif: $keeperdeal contains "influence")[Human minds are all around you in a technicolour cacophany, but you find the right one, give it a tweak just so and... [[that should do it.->Fifth Moon]]](else:)[Sowing confusion, inspiring crimes, it's [[such a pleasure.->Fifth Moon]]]](set: $power to 0)
[[Priest deal your end]](set:$keeperchance to (random: 1,10))
(if: $keeperchance is 10)[(if: $keepergive is "a new start")[(set: $keeperdeal to "infuencenavy")](elseif: $keepergive is "releasefromprison")[(set: $keeperdeal to "influencegaoler")](elseif: $keepergive is "the Priest's demise")[(set:$keeperdeal to "influencepriest")](elseif: $keepergive is "the Wise Woman's demise")[(set: $keeperdeal to "influencewise")](elseif: $priestgive is "a happy life for Nancy")[(set: $keeperdeal to "influencenancy")]](else:)[(set: $chance to it +1)(set: $dealvalue to 0)]
(goto: "Fifth Moon"){(if: $keeperdeal is "influencenavy")[A pressgang has swung through the town and the Innkeeper, tired of hiding in the forest, has gone to sea under an assumed name. (if:$priestdeal is "influencesweetheart")[By curious happenstance the Barmaid's sweetheart is the first mate on board.]]
(elseif: $keeperdeal is "transported")[Found in a filthy state in the forest, the Innkeeper was briefly facing execution once more, but a plea for clemency by the Mayor has resulted instead in his transportation to Foreign Parts for the duration of his life. (if:$priestdeal is "influencesweetheart")[By curious happenstance the Barmaid's sweetheart is the first mate on board.]]
(elseif:$keeperdeal is "influencegaoler")[A blundering gaoler allowed the Innkeeper to escape hours before he was due to be hanged. No one has seen the Innkeeper since.]
(elseif: $keeperdeal is "riot")[Hours before his scheduled hanging, the Innkeeper escaped from prison during a riot, with other fellow inmates also making themselves scarce.]
(elseif: $keeperdeal is "influencepriest")[One Sunday morning, the (if: $priest is "defrocked")[ex-]Priest took a shovel into the graveyard and exhumed the corpses of visitors he'd buried in mass graves. He now awaits his fate in prison. (if:$innkeeper is "arrested")[By curious coincidence this happened the day after the Innkeeper was hanged by the neck until he was dead.]]
(elseif: $keeperdeal is "bodies")[Perhaps due to soil erosion, perhaps due to dark forces, one Sunday morning all the corpses in the graveyard rose to the surface. A stench enveloped the town, as did rumour. The (if:$priest is "defrocked")[ex-]Priest awaits his fate in prison. (if:$innkeeper is "arrested")[By curious coincidence this happened the day after the Innkeeper was hanged by the neck until he was dead.]]
(elseif: $keeperdeal is "influencewise")[The Wise Woman has confessed to providing poison for the Innkeeper to slip into visitors' drinks. She now awaits her fate in prison. (if:$innkeeper is "arrested")[By curious coincidence this happened the day after the Innkeeper was hanged by the neck until he was dead.](elseif:$innkeeper is not $arrested or $escaped)[The Innkeeper has, perhaps unsurprisingly, been deposited in prison too.] (if: $maid is "wise")[The former Barmaid has taken up the role of hedgewitch.]]
(elseif: $keeperdeal is "poison")[A spate of illness gripped the town, with the blame finally landing on the Wise Woman. Her potions have been revealed as poisons and she awaits her fate in prison. (if: $maid is "wise")[The former Barmaid has taken up the role of hedgewitch.] (if:$innkeeper is "arrested")[By curious coincidence this happened the day after the Innkeeper was hanged by the neck until he was dead.]]
(elseif: $keeperdeal is "influencemayor")[The Mayor convened a town meeting, announced that she was the ringleader of a gang who killed wealthy visitors to the town and promptly vanished into the night. Rumours fly around the town as to who knows what. (if: $maid is "mayor")[The former Barmaid protests her innocence in the scheme from behind bars.] (if:$innkeeper is "arrested")[By curious coincidence this happened the day after the Innkeeper was hanged by the neck until he was dead.]]
(elseif: $keeperdeal is "burglar")[The body of a known petty criminal was found mutilated at the edge of town. He was rumoured to be a career burglar. The Mayor sleeps safely in her mansion. (if:$innkeeper is "arrested")[By curious coincidence this happened the day after the Innkeeper was hanged by the neck until he was dead.]]
(elseif: $keeperdeal is "influencenancy")[In a faraway village a woman, advancing in years, feels suddenly better about her lot in life. Despite the crippling back pain, the children who never visit and the worries about where the next meal will come from, she feels sated. Not knowing when such peace will come again, she throws herself into the sea. (if:$innkeeper is "arrested")[By curious coincidence this happened the day after the Innkeeper was hanged by the neck until he was dead.]]
(elseif:$keeperdeal is "gold")[In a faraway village a woman, advancing in years, finds a stash of ancient gold buried in her garden. Word gets around and three nights later a group of ruffians descend on the poor woman's house. In the morning the authorities find no gold and one corpse.(if:$innkeeper is "arrested")[By curious coincidence this happened the day after the Innkeeper was hanged by the neck until he was dead.]]
(else:)[Nothing changed. Your powers are being doubted. (if: $innkeeper is "arrested")[The Innkeeper can't talk of his dissatisfaction though, as he has been hanged by the neck until he is dead.] Will anyone else seek you out now?]
}It's a warmer night. There's still a trace of blue in the sky, a deep, rich shade. Trees are heavy with leaves and the earth is firm and fragrant.
You wonder who it might be this time. The local smith miserable about some affair of the heart? A farmer with crops failing in the heat? (link-reveal:"Perhaps...")[
Someone is approaching. They're moving through the forest more carefully than the others have so far managed, and with more purpose. [[Less faint of heart perhaps?->Mayor intro]]] (set:$innkeeper to "arrested")
(set: $keeperdeal to "burglar")
(set: $priestdeal to "influencesweetheart")
(set: $priest to "defrocked")
(set: $power to 70)
(set: $chance to 2)
[[Fifth Moon]]The full moons feel long without the mortals coming to you with their (link-reveal:"petty grievances.")[
After a long wait there's a sensation like bowels emptying in reverse, and then you're back in the rosy fires of Hell. The Big Man is ready for you, and has taken on a particularly (link-reveal:"fearsome aspect.")[
<span class="bigman">The mortals turned away from you. You are an embarrassment to Hell.
Report back to your old station and see if you can make amends.</span>
And with a sound like (display: "Big Man descriptions") (link-reveal:"he's gone.")[
You had an opportunity... and [[you squandered it.->End]]]]](goto: "Title")It's a female, taller than most and with sharp features. They stand before you, studying your appearance. They don't seem (link-reveal:"scared of you.")[
<span class="mortal">You look absolutely (if: $description is "wings")[terrifying](elseif: $description is "eyes")[petrifying](else:)[revolting].</span> There's approval in their voice.
//[[Who are you?->Mayor intro 2]]//
//[[Quake before me, mortal->Mayor intro 2a]]//]<span class="mortal">I'm the one whose life you've been making interesting. I'm the Mayor of the town. It's nice to meet you finally. I believe I have you to thank for (if:$mayor is "gone")[my rather inexplicable public confession. And my child, of course.](else:)[my child.]</span> (if: $wisedeal is "pregnant")[She places a hand on her protruding belly.]
//[[You're not like the others...->Mayor intro 3]]//<span class="mortal">No. No, I don't think I will quake in fear thank you, but I appreciate the attempt. I'm the one whose life you've been making interesting. I'm the Mayor. It's nice to meet you finally. (if:$mayor is "gone")[I believe I have you to thank for my rather inexplicable public confession. And my child, of course.](else:)[I believe I have you to thank for my child.]</span> (if: $wisedeal is "pregnant")[She places a hand on her protruding belly.]
//[[You're not like the others...->Mayor intro 3]]//<span class="mortal">No, I'm not. Not really. I'm more [[like you.->Mayor deal hub]]</span>
(set:$mayordevil to false)//[Like me?]<person1|//
//[Living among them?]<person2|//
//[Damaging them?]<person3|//
[ ]<onward|
(if: $mayordevil is false)[(click: ?person1)[(set: $mayordevil to true)(goto: "Mayor devil deal")]]
(if: $mayorescape is 0)[(replace: ?person2)[]](elseif: $mayorescape is false)[(click: ?person2)[(set: $mayorescape to true)(goto: "Mayor escape deal")]]
(if: $mayordamage is 0)[(replace: ?person3)[]](elseif: $mayordamage is false)[(click: ?person3)[(set: $mayordamage to true)(goto: "Mayor damage deal")]]
(if: $mayorescape is true)[(replace: ?onward)[//[[So what do you want with me? A deal?->Mayor deal]]//]]<span class="mortal">I want you to step out of the salt circle and join me.</span>
[[Step out->step out deal]]
[[Stay still->stay still deal]]<span class="mortal">I've done your job. I've played lackey for the Big Man. But I tell you, it's small potatoes. Thousands of years of roasting, spiking, slicing, flaying... When you're out here on the ground, then you can really dig into them. Find out what makes them tick, stick a knife in and make it all messed up.</span>
//[Wait, you're from Hell?]<accept|//
//[You're playing for time. You're a human and nothing more.]<reject|//
//[What ''does'' make them tick?]<deflect|//
(click:?accept)[(goto: "Mayor devil deal background")]
(click:?reject)[(goto:"Mayor devil deal background")]
(click: ?deflect)[(goto: "Mayor devil deal explore")]<span class="mortal">I responded to a summons, just like you did. Were you hoping for a promotion after this? What were you after? Something mundane I reckon. Maybe $dream? But after I'd been up here for a couple of moons I knew I could do more to them living among them rather than locked up behind a salt circle.</span>
//[[Errr... I have questions...->Mayor deal hub]]//
(set: $mayorescape to false)(set: $mayordamage to false)<span class="mortal">Stupid petty stuff. That's mainly what makes them tick. Sex and power and old memories that never quite let them go. What did you used to think of them? Probably that they're $humans Right? That's what I used to think. Has that changed at all, being up here?</span>
//[[No->Mayor deal no]]//
//[[Yes->Mayor deal yes]]//
<span class="mortal">Ha, yeah, not locked up like you currently are I suppose. That's not going to help you see them more as they are. They're fascinating, icky little things. After a few moons up here I knew I could do more damage to them among them, rather than locked up behind the salt circle.</span>
//[[Err... I have questions...->Mayor deal hub]]//
(set: $mayordamage to false)(set: $mayorescape to false)<span class="mortal">Yeah, they're different on their own terms aren't they? They're fascinating, icky little things. After a few moons up here I knew I could do more damage to them among them, rather than locked up behind the salt circle.</span>
//[[Err... I have questions...->Mayor deal hub]]//
(set: $mayordamage to false)(set: $mayorescape to false)
<span class="mortal">This isn't some arrangement I've come to with the Big Man. I'm forsaken. There's no place in Hell for me, even if I wanted to return. I made a few little deals with some gullible humans and managed to get myself out of the circle and into their lives.</span>
//[What kind of deals?]<accept|//
//[You're an abberration.]<reject|//
//[What did the Big Man say?]<deflect|//
(click: ?accept)[(goto: "Mayor escape deal positive")]
(click:?reject)[(goto: "Mayor escape deal negative")]
(click:?deflect)[(goto: "Mayor escape deal negative")]<span class="mortal">Well my little murder triangle is just the latest wheeze you understand. But I think you get the idea.(if:$innkeeper is "dead" or "gone")[ The way you've brought the Innkeeper down...](if: $priest is "defrocked" or "arrested")[ How low you've brought the Priest...](if:$priestdeal is "church")[ Bringing the church crashing down...](elseif: $priestdeal is "leviathan")[ The rumours flying about sea monsters...](if:$wise is "arrested")[ Getting the Wise Woman locked up...](if: $mayor is "gone")[ What you forced me to reveal...](if: $chaos is 1)[ People are worried. They're whispering on every street corner...](elseif:$chaos is 2)[ People are scared. Arguments are breaking out all over town...] Oh, you've been meddling plenty. (if:$chaos is 0)[I thought more people might be worried by now though. ]But there's always more you can do.</span>
//[[There is. For the right price.->Mayor deal hub]]//<span class="mortal">The Big Man said I was an abberration, funnily enough. But here I am helping people damn themselves into his clutches anyway because I'm just so damn good at it. (if:$mayor is "gone")[Or I was until you made me confess all.]</span>
[[No-one likes a show-off.->Mayor deal hub]]The Mayor grins at you. <span class="mortal">Wouldn't you like to know.</span>
//[[You have picked up their habit of being annoying, I see.->Mayor deal hub]]//As your (if:$description is "wings")[massive frame comes](elseif:$description is "eyes")[gangly frame comes](else:)[tentacles come] into contact with the edge of the circle you feel a searing pain. In that instant you know the pain that you've been inflicting on damned souls. It lasts a fraction of a second, but may as well be an eternity.
<span class="mortal">Not yet, you eager idiot,</span> the Mayor says, laughing [[at your pain.->stay still deal]]<span class="mortal">It's not quite as simple as just walking out, of course. First we need to deal. There's a few things I want. Which will it be?</span>
[Retribution on the whole town]<retribution|
[A mob to rise against the Archbishop]<one|
[The Innkeeper to be blamed for all the town's ills]<two|
[The Barmaid to be blamed for all the town's ills]<three|
[The Priest to be blamed for all the town's ills]<four|
[The Wise Woman to be blamed for all the town's ills]<five|
(if: $mayor is "gone")[(click:?retribution)[(set: $mayorgive to "retribution against the whole town")(goto: "Mayor deal 2")]]
(if: $priestdeal is "church")[(click: ?one)[(set: $mayorgive to "a mob rising against the Archbishop")(goto: "Mayor deal 2")]]
(if: $innkeeper is "gone" or "dead")[](else:)[(click: ?two)[(set: $mayorgive to "the Innkeeper taking the blame for it all")(goto: "Mayor deal 2")]]
(click: ?three)[(set: $mayorgive to "the Barmaid taking the blame for it all")(goto: "Mayor deal 2")]
(click: ?four)[(set: $mayorgive to "the Priest taking the blame for it all")(goto: "Mayor deal 2")]
(click: ?five)[(set: $mayorgive to "the Wise Woman taking the blame for it all")(goto: "Mayor deal 2")]<span class="mortal">And just what do you want in return?</span>
[Your soul]<option1| (+0 Power)
[Your child's soul]<option2| (if: $maiddeal is "sick")[(+30 Power)](else:)[(+50 Power)]
(click: ?option1)[(set: $mayortake to "my soul")(set: $dealvalue to 0)(goto: "Mayor deal overview")]
(if:$wisedeal is "foundling" and $maidtake is "child")[](else:)[(click: ?option2)[(set: $mayortake to "my child's soul")(if: $maideal is "sick")[(set: $dealvalue to 30)](else:)[(set:$dealvalue to 50)](goto: "Mayor deal overview")]]<span class="mortal">So I get $mayorgive. And you want $mayortake?
(if:$mayortake is "my soul")[You'd want something so worthless? Really? You're a strange devil, you really are. (if:$wisedeal is "foundling"and $maidtake is "child")[Wait, do you already own my child's soul? Is that it? You do, don't you? Oh you are good. Did that Barmaid give it up to you just like that? Well it's nice to be surprised, I suppose. It was meant to be collateral for this very moment.](else:)[Are you really sure?]](else:)[(if: $maiddeal is "sick")[The poor thing won't live for much longer anyway. Might as well be damned into the bargain. You wry sausage, was that your doing? I only wanted her for the bargain anyway seeing as my soul is worthless to you.](else:)[I only wanted her for the bargain anyway seeing as my soul is worthless to you. Thank you for providing the collateral.]]</span>
//(if:$mayortake is "my soul")[(if:$wisedeal is "foundling" and $maidtake is "child")[[[I'll take your worthless soul instead. Perhaps it will come in useful.->Mayor deal your end]]](else:)[[[Yes. Perhaps it will come in useful.->Mayor deal your end]]
[[No.->Mayor deal 2]]]](else:)[[[Very well then.->Mayor deal your end]]]//
The Mayor nods gently. <span class="mortal">Perhaps next time we meet it will be outside the circle? (if: $mayor is "gone")[It's just a shame I have to make myself scarce around these parts. ]You'll know what to do I'm sure.</span>
As you watch the Mayor disappear back into the forest you turn over the options in your mind. Leave Hell to torture people Up Top instead? Certainly they seemed to be making a mess of their lives even before they turned to you. And finding out all their little secrets has been much better in context than as random screams of admission in the searing fires of Hell. Still, (link-reveal:"what would the Big Man say?")[
He'd say hurry up and decide how you'll keep up your end of the deal. So how will you?
(if: $mayorgive is "retribution against the whole town")[[Leave it to chance]<one1| (-0 Power)
[Bring a blight down on all the local farmers]<one2| (-30 Power)
[Set a hurricane loose among the flimsy houses]<one3| (-30 Power){
(click: ?one1)[(set: $mayordeal to "chance")(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]
(click: ?one2)[(set: $mayordeal to "blight")(set: $chaos to it +1)(set: $power to it -30)(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]
(click: ?one3)[(set: $mayordeal to "hurricane")(set: $chaos to it +1)(set: $power to it -30)(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]}](elseif: $mayorgive is "a mob rising against the Archbishop")[[Leave it to chance]<two1| (-0 Power)
[Set rumours flying about the Archbishop's sexual peccadillos]<two2| (-30 Power)
[Use dark magick to make satanic symbols appear on his vestments in public]<two3| (-20 Power){
(click: ?two1)[(set: $mayordeal to "chance")(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]
(click: ?two2)[(set: $mayordeal to "rumours")(set: $chaos to it +1)(set: $power to it -30)(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]
(click: ?two3)[(set: $mayordeal to "symbols")(set: $chaos to it +1)(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]}](elseif: $mayorgive is "the Innkeeper taking the blame for it all")[[Leave it to chance]<three1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the Innkeeper to confess the whole scheme was his idea]<three2| (-20 Power){
(click: ?three1)[(set: $mayordeal to "chance")(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]
(click: ?three2)[(set: $mayordeal to "influencekeeper")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]}](elseif: $mayorgive is "the Barmaid taking the blame for it all")[[Leave it to chance]<four1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the Barmaid to confess the whole scheme was her idea]<four2| (-20 Power){
(click: ?four1)[(set: $mayordeal to "chance")(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]
(click: ?four2)[(set: $mayordeal to "influencemaid")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]}](elseif: $mayorgive is "the Priest taking the blame for it all")[[Leave it to chance]<five1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the Priest to confess the whole scheme was his idea]<five2| (-20 Power){
(click: ?five1)[(set: $mayordeal to "chance")(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]
(click: ?five2)[(set: $mayordeal to "influencepriest")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]}](else:)[[Leave it to chance]<six1| (-0 Power)
[Use dark magick to influence the Wise Woman to confess the whole scheme was her idea]<six2| (-20 Power){
(click: ?six1)[(set: $mayordeal to "chance")(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]
(click: ?six2)[(set: $mayordeal to "influencewise")(set: $power to it -20)(goto: "Mayor aftermath")]}]]"retribution against the whole town"
"a mob rising against the Archbishop"
"the Innkeeper taking the blame for it all"
"the Barmaid taking the blame for it all"
"the Priest taking the blame for it all"
"the Wise Woman taking the blame for it all"
"influencewise"You can put off any decision about leaving the circle or returning to Hell for now. You push those thoughts (link-reveal:"out of your mind.")[
(if: $mayordeal is "chance")[Was this really the best time to leave things to chance? Perhaps not but [[you never know...->Mayor random]]](elseif: $mayordeal contains "influence")[Influencing someone you've already played around with should be a doddle. You reach out, feeling for the tattered minds that mark your previous contacts. There they are. You send tendrils of magick into their brain, and just like that [[the devil's work is done.->Sixth Moon]]](else:)[Creating chaos takes all your concentration, but you move a few pieces around just so and... like that [[the devil's work is done.->Sixth Moon]]]](set:$mayorchance to (random: 1,10))
(if: $mayorchance is 10)[(if: $mayorgive is "retribution against the whole town")[(set: $mayordeal to "blight")(set: $chaos to it +1)](elseif: $mayorgive is "a mob rising against the Archbishop")[(set: $mayordeal to "rumours")(set: $chaos to it +1)](else:)[(set: $chance to it +1)(set: $dealvalue to 0)]](else:)[(set: $chance to it +1)(set: $dealvalue to 0)]
(goto: "Sixth Moon"){(if: $mayordeal is "blight")[Crops have failed at all the farms around the town. A pestilence has spread. The townsfolk are packing bags to move to more fertile villages. The Mayor hasn't been seen, and her crimes are all but forgotten in the panic.(if:$wise is "arrested")[The panic happened too late to save the Wise Woman though, who has been hanged by the neck until she is dead.](if:$priest is "arrested")[The Priest was not saved by this catastrophe. He has been hanged by the neck until he is dead.](if:$maiddeal is "sick")[The Mayor's daughter has been found dead, having finally succumbed to her illness.]]
(elseif: $mayordeal is "hurricane")[A terrible wind has scoured the town, knocking houses and businesses flat. Farms are ruined. The townsfolk are packing bags to move to neigbouring villages which were surprisingly unharmed. The Mayor hasn't been seen, and her crimes are all but forgotten in the panic.(if:$wise is "arrested")[The panic happened too late to save the Wise Woman though, who has been hanged by the neck until she is dead.](if:$priest is "arrested")[The Priest was not saved by this catastrophe. He has been hanged by the neck until he is dead.](if:$maiddeal is "sick")[The Mayor's daughter has been found dead, having finally succumbed to her illness.]]
(elseif: $mayordeal is "rumours")[The Archbishop, closing in on the Mayor's secrets, arrived in the town. When he addressed a gathering of the faithful a stranger stood and confronted him about his past behaviour. He blustered it away, but when he made a request to address the children at Sunday school, rumours abounded. Rather than children he found a gathering of parents, scythes, billhooks and kitchen knives in hand. He abandoned his planned address and his investigation in quick succession. (if:$wise is "arrested")[The Wise Woman has been hanged by the neck until she is dead.](if:$priest is "arrested")[The Priest has been hanged by the neck until he is dead.](if:$maiddeal is "sick")[The Mayor's daughter has been found dead, having finally succumbed to her illness.]]
(elseif: $mayordeal is "symbols")[The Archbishop, closing in on the Mayor's secrets, arrived in the town. As he addressed the faithful his heavily ornamented robe took on a devilish aspect. Crosses inverted, arcane symbols appeared. A populace already concerned about their godliness from the church's destruction, saw no choice but to drive the thing impersonating a man of god from the town. His investigation has been abandoned and his faith may surely follow. (if:$wise is "arrested")[The Wise Woman has been hanged by the neck until she is dead.](if:$priest is "arrested")[The Priest has been hanged by the neck until he is dead.](if:$maiddeal is "sick")[The Mayor's daughter has been found dead, having finally succumbed to her illness.]]
(elseif: $mayordeal is "influencekeeper")[The Innkeeper has provided a detailed and thorough account of all of the activities in actuality perpetuated by the Mayor, Wise Woman, Priest and Innkeeper together, but taking all the blame for himself. A horrified group of townsfolk take justice into their own hands and his mouldering carcass is slowly sliding down a spike at the edge of town as a warning to ne'erdowells. (if:$wise is "arrested")[The Wise Woman has been freed following the Innkeeper's confession.](if:$priest is "arrested")[The Priest has been freed following the Innkeeper's confession.](if:$maiddeal is "sick")[The Mayor's daughter has been found dead, having finally succumbed to her illness.]]
(elseif: $mayordeal is "influencemaid")[The Barmaid has provided a detailed and thorough account of all of the activities in actuality perpetuated by the Mayor, Wise Woman, Priest and Innkeeper together, but taking all the blame for herself. A horrified group of townsfolk take justice into their own hands and her mouldering carcass is slowly sliding down a spike at the edge of town as a warning to ne'erdowells. (if:$wise is "arrested")[The Wise Woman has been freed following the Barmaid's confession.](if:$priest is "arrested")[The Priest has been freed following the Barmaid's confession.](if:$maiddeal is "sick")[The Mayor's daughter has been found dead, having finally succumbed to her illness.]]
(elseif: $mayordeal is "influencepriest")[The Priest has provided a detailed and thorough account of all of the activities in actuality perpetuated by the Mayor, Wise Woman, Priest and Innkeeper together, but taking all the blame for himself. A horrified group of townsfolk take justice into their own hands and his mouldering carcass is slowly sliding down a spike at the edge of town as a warning to ne'erdowells. (if:$wise is "arrested")[The Wise Woman has been freed following the Priest's confession.](if:$maiddeal is "sick")[The Mayor's daughter has been found dead, having finally succumbed to her illness.]]
(elseif: $mayordeal is "influencewise")[The Wise Woman has provided a detailed and thorough account of all of the activities in actuality perpetuated by the Mayor, Wise Woman, Priest and Innkeeper together, but taking all the blame for herself. A horrified group of townsfolk take justice into their own hands and her mouldering carcass is slowly sliding down a spike at the edge of town as a warning to ne'erdowells.(if:$priest is "arrested")[The Priest has been freed following the Wise Woman's confession.](if:$maiddeal is "sick")[The Mayor's daughter has been found dead, having finally succumbed to her illness.]]
(else:)[Perhaps leaving things to chance wasn't the wisest idea. (if: $priestdeal is "church")[The Archbishop's investigation into the Mayor has turned up evidence of her crimes. The Mayor is nowhere to be found.](if:$wise is "arrested")[The Wise Woman has been hanged by the neck until she is dead.](if:$priest is "arrested")[The Priest has been hanged by the neck until he is dead.](if:$maiddeal is "sick")[The Mayor's daughter has been found dead, having finally succumbed to her illness.]] }It's your final moon Up Top. And no-one shows up.
Still, things in the town aren't ever likely to be the same again, so (link-reveal:"at least there's that.")[
As the moon fades into the dawn sky, fire blossoms around you. For a brief moment it blends with the yellows and reds of the forest clearing before coalescing into a (link-reveal:"familiar embrace.")[
The world disintegrates into ashes and vomit. And then you're (link-reveal:"back in Hell once again.")[
Being home feels (set: $word1 to "brilliant.")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["brilliant", "like a missed opportunity.", "fine, for now."]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word1");'>$word1</tw-link></mark>
Your body feels free again, the constraints of Up Top removed. You take in the sights, the sounds and the smells for as long as you dare, then head straight to [[the Big Man's office.]]]]]The sky is still quite light when the next moon comes around. Leaves are starting to yellow and fall. There's a beautiful smell in the forest, dusty and dry but with a hint of sweet (link-reveal:"rot nibbling at the edge.")[
This is your final moon. After this it will be back down to Hell, back to the ever-burning fires, the Big Man and torturing (link-reveal:"without context.")[
(if: $mayordeal is "blight" or "hurricane")[Up here you've helped bring a town to its knees. How many souls will be Hell-bound as a result?](elseif: $mayordeal is "rumours" or "symbols")[Up here you've turned a whole town against god's representative. How many souls will be Hell-bound as a result?](else:)[Up here you have comprehensively exploited these mortals until they've turned on each other. How many souls will be Hell-bound as a result?] (if: $chaos is 3)[You've forced a former devil into hiding, set mortal upon mortal, spread confusion and terror far and wide.] And... was it more fun than the endless [[slicing and roasting and skinning?->Sixth moon next 2]]]]
There's an unmistakeable crunch of someone approaching carelessly over dry leaves. A figure appears from behind a tree. They stop and gawk when they see you.
//Who are you,// you ask, expecting a tale of woe from some [[sinning schemer.->Farm boy intro]]Thanks for playing! If you like you can head right back to the (link: "Title")[(reload:)] and try again.
Written by Jonathan Laury - [@BornToPootle]<twitter|
(click: ?twitter)[(open-url:'https://www.twitter.com/BornToPootle')]
Many thanks to my testers - David Slater, Hannah Gwenllian, Hasan al-Khoee and Lydia Palmese.
Written to Danny Elfman's Alice in Wonderland soundtrack, which is about a million times better than the film.
Cover art by Marek Szturc on Unsplash.
If you enjoyed this, why not try my [other games?]<games|
(click: ?games)[(open-url:'https://borntopootle.itch.io')]<span class="mortal">Cor, ''you'' want to know 'bout ''me''? There's you (if:$description is "wings")[with yer wings n' tail n' such](elseif:$description is "eyes")[all tall an' mean-lookin' n' such](else:)[with yer robe an' tentacles n' such] an' me, jus' a poor simple farm boy. Well there's a turnip for the books an' no mistake.</span>
//[[A turnip?->Farm boy intro 2]]//
//[[Tell me what you want, mortal.->Farm boy intro 2]]//The boy goggles at you some more, his mouth worrying away at a piece of straw. If he even heard your (if:$description is "wings")[fearsome](else:)[creepy] voice he doesn't show it. Eventually his brain (link-reveal:"catches up.")[
<span class="mortal">No one takes me serious. I want 'em to take me serious. (if:$mayordeal is "blight" or "hurricane")[Everyone scattering now what with the town ruined, if I have to be startin' again, well I don't want to be at the bottom o' the heap. Not this time.](elseif: $mayordeal is "rumours" or "symbols")[I was gonna ask that Archbishop man about a job with his lot, but that don't seem like such a good idea now.](if:$chaos is 3)[ (if: $town is "raiders")[I don't want to be raidin' and pillagin' like the rest o' the town is.](else:)[We done booted out the Mayor but everyone's yellin' all the time now.]](if: $chaos is 2)[ Everyone's so scared now, worryin' at every little thing.] People always think I'm jus' a farm boy. [[Jus' an idiot, like.->Farm boy deal]]</span> ]Finally he seems to come to something approximating a conclusion. <span class="mortal">I wanna swap places with someone powerful.</span>
//[[And what do you offer in return?->Farm boy deal 2]]//<span class="mortal">I don't know as I've got much you'll be wantin'. Just myself. I'm broad of back, stout of heart an' that. You needs anything doing, I'm your boy an' no mistake.</span>
//So in exchange for swapping places with someone powerful, [[you offer yourself?->Farm boy deal response]]//<span class="mortal">Aye, that's right.</span>
If only they'd all been this docile. You make your promises and the Farm Boy wanders off as blithely as he'd arrived. Did the Mayor send him your way, or was it pure blind luck? Either way, it's time to keep up your end of the deal [[for the final time...->Farm Boy deal your end 1]]The boy was suitably vague, but how are you going to keep your end of the bargain, and what will you take?
[Swap him with the Mayor, then take her down to Hell in his body]<option1| (if:$mayortake is "my soul")[(0 power - you already own her soul after all)](else:)[(-$power power)]
[Swap him with yourself to gain freedom from Hell]<option2| (-$power power)
[Swap him with a random noble and take his soul]<option3| (+10 power)
[Leave it to chance]<option4| (0 power)
(click: ?option1)[(set: $farmdeal to "mayor")(if: $mayortake is not "my soul")[(set: $power to 0)](goto: "Farm Boy aftermath")]
(click: ?option2)[(set: $farmdeal to "freedom")(set: $power to 0)(goto: "Farm Boy aftermath")]
(click: ?option3)[(set: $farmdeal to "noble")(set: $power to it +10)(goto: "Farm Boy aftermath")]
(click: ?option4)[(set: $farmdeal to "chance")(goto: "Farm Boy aftermath")]
{(if:$farmdeal is "chance")[Perhaps the Farm Boy will feel invigorated by dint of having spoken to you. Perhaps he will dedicate himself to Dark Works in your honour. Perhaps you will after all see him again, lit by the [[roaring fires of Hell.->Return to Hell]]]
(elseif: $farmdeal is "noble")[The Farm Boy's soul is yours. And perhaps he will dedicate his newly ennobled life to Dark Works in your honour. You will, after all, eventually see him again lit by the [[roaring fires of Hell.->Return to Hell]]]
(elseif: $farmdeal is "mayor")[A devil gone rogue? Stepping out among the mortals? The thought is perverse. You rub your (if:$description is "tentacles")[tentacles](else:)[hands] together with glee. (if: $power is 0)[It may have taken everything you had in the tank, but](else:)[It didn't even cost you any Power.] The Big Man is sure to be pleased to see an errant underling returned. And the Farm Boy? (if: $mayor is "gone")[Well, the Mayor had power at some point. It's not your fault she no longer does. Well, it's kind of your fault, but the bargain is nonetheless fulfilled.](else:)[What kind of a Mayor will he be to the ruin of a town you're leaving behind? You almost wish you could stay and witness the calamities he unfolds.] Perhaps you will see him again, lit by the [[roaring fires of Hell.->Return to Hell]]]
(else:)[It takes all your remaining Power, but you reach out with magickal tendrils and feel the boy's mind and soul and body. You start to flay them apart, scooping out the innards of his psyche and replacing them bit by bit with your essence. The salt circle keeps your body in place, but a deal must be honoured. With a final flex of your (if:$description is "wings")[mighty wings](elseif: $description is "eyes")[gangly limbs](else:)[oozing tentacles] you scrape the last of him out and push over into his body. [[It is done.->The move Up Top]]]}
With your final (if: $farmdeal is "chance")[roll of the dice](else:)[action] complete, fire blossoms around you. For a brief moment it blends with the yellows and reds of the forest clearing before coalescing into a (link-reveal:"familiar embrace.")[
The world disintegrates into ashes and vomit. And then you're (link-reveal:"back in Hell once again.")[
Being home feels (set: $word1 to "brilliant.")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["brilliant", "like a missed opportunity.", "fine, for now."]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word1");'>$word1</tw-link></mark>
Your body feels free again, the constraints of Up Top removed. You take in the sights, the sounds and the smells for as long as you dare, then head straight to [the Big Man's office.]<next|]]
(if: $farmdeal is "chance")[(click: ?next)[(goto: "Big Man chance")]]
(elseif: $farmdeal is "noble")[(click:?next)[(goto: "Big Man noble")]]
(else:)[(click:?next)[(goto: "Big Man mayor")]]You are instantly (link-reveal:"in pain.")[
And (link-reveal:"cold.")[
And... is that... (link-reveal:"hungry?")[
It's all a bit overwhelming and you... [faint?]<next|]]]
(click:?next)[(if: $mayor is "gone")[(goto: "The move Up Top 2a")](else:)[(goto: "The move Up Top 2")]]<span class="bigman">Six moons gone, and what do return with?</span>
You prostrate yourself as is customary and reel off your accomplishments; the souls you've won: (if:$maidtake is "soul")[the Barmaid; ](elseif: $maidtake is "child")[the Barmaid's child; ](else:)[the Barmaid's sweetheart; ](if: $priesttake is "your soul")[the Priest; ] (if: $keepertake is "your soul")[the Innkeeper; ](else:)[the soul of the only woman the Innkeeper has ever loved; ](if: $mayortake is "my child's soul")[the Mayor's child; ](if: $chaos is 3)[(if:$town is "raiders")[the rampaging townsfolk; ](else:)[the townsfolk driven to revolt; ]]all those who've damned themselves along the way; the havoc you've caused as you've (link-reveal:"gone about your business...")[
(if:$power is > 40)[You even manage to brag about your surfeit of Power before you](else:)[You leave out how little Power you've returned with and instead] announce the (link-reveal:"final triumph.")[
//I've brought an escaped devil back to Hell.//
The Big Man swivels his massive frame [[to see you better.->Big Man mayor 2]]]]<span class="bigman">Six moons gone, and what do return with?</span>
You prostrate yourself as is customary and reel off your accomplishments; (if: $power > 30)[how you've returned with a surfeit of Power](else:)[leaving out the paltry amount of Power you've amassed]; the souls you've won: (if:$maidtake is "soul")[the Barmaid; ](elseif: $maidtake is "child")[the Barmaid's child; ](else:)[the Barmaid's sweetheart; ](if: $priesttake is "your soul")[the Priest; ](if: $keepertake is "your soul")[the Innkeeper; ](else:)[the soul of the only woman the Innkeeper has ever loved; ](if: $mayortake is "my child's soul")[the Mayor's child; ](if: $chaos is 3)[(if:$town is "raiders")[the rampaging townsfolk; ](else:)[the townsfolk driven to revolt; ]]and all those who've damned themselves along the way; the havoc you've caused as you've (link-reveal:"gone about your business...")[
The Big Man swivels his massive frame [[to see you better.]]]<span class="bigman">Six moons gone, and what do return with?</span>
You prostrate yourself as is customary and reel off your accomplishments; (if: $power > 30)[how you've returned with a surfeit of Power](else:)[leaving out the paltry amount of Power you've amassed]; the souls you've won: (if:$maidtake is "soul")[the Barmaid; ](elseif: $maidtake is "child")[the Barmaid's child; ](else:)[the Barmaid's sweetheart; ](if: $priesttake is "your soul")[the Priest; ](if: $keepertake is "your soul")[the Innkeeper; ](else:)[the soul of the only woman the Innkeeper has ever loved; ](if: $mayortake is "my child's soul")[the Mayor's child; ](if: $chaos is 3)[(if:$town is "raiders")[the rampaging townsfolk; ](else:)[the townsfolk driven to revolt; ]]all those who've damned themselves along the way; the havoc you've caused as you've (link-reveal:"gone about your business...")[
The Big Man swivels his massive frame [[to see you better.]]]<span class="bigman">(if:$power is <51)[Your meanderings Up Top have been an embarrassment to Hell. Report back to your old station and see if you can't make amends.](else:)[You have returned with Power and souls for Hell. Perhaps you could have returned with something more, but it is more than sufficient. As a boon I grant you $dream.]</span>
And with a sound like (display:"Big Man descriptions") (link-reveal:"he vanishes.")[
(if: $power is <51)[All that trouble and nothing to show for it. Still, you've been among the humans in their own habitat now and have stories you can share.](else:)[It's everything you ever wanted. Although that dream does seem like a long time ago now. And what more could you have done?]
Humans, eh? [[Only good for torturing.->End]]]
<span class="bigman">A rogue devil is the choicest of morsels. (if:$power is > 50)[And to return with Power to spare... you have done fine, fine work.] You will be well compensated. How about $dream?</span>
That was all you ever wanted. Although that does feel like a long time ago now. You tell the Big Man...
//[[Yes->Big Man Yes]]//
//[[No->Big Man No]]//<span class="bigman">Good. You have learned well Up Top, and loyalty has its reward, even here.</span>
And with a sound like (display:"Big Man descriptions") (link-reveal:"he vanishes.")[
So now you have everything you ever wanted. Which is pretty good going really. Sharpen your toasting forks, [[it's time to party.->End]]]<span class="bigman">I am not some mortal to bargain with, whelp. They have made you forget what you are. That is the only boon I will grant you and I will exact no cost.</span>
And with a sound like (display:"Big Man descriptions") (link-reveal:"he vanishes.")[
So now you have everything you ever wanted, even if you don't really want it any more.
But if you do a deal with the devil, [[what else can you expect?->End]]]You wake up somewhere different. You're not cold any more at least. There's movement somewhere near by.
<span class="mortal">Cower before me mortal,</span> you say, but the words feel (link-reveal:"frail.")[
A female... A woman comes into view. The Mayor. She (link-reveal:"nods at you.")[
<span class="mortal">I was only able to bring ''one'' town to the brink of ruin,</span> she says. <span class="mortal">Together? Oh we'll have some fun.</span>
You can feel the confines of your body and your now-human mind. The petty squabbles humans get in to are already making more sense to you, just by understanding base desires like (link-reveal:"hunger and warmth.")[
There's a plate with an apple and knife near your hand. You slice thick wedges and eat for the (link-reveal:"first time ever.")[
[[It's strange.->knife near your hand.]]]]]]<span class="mortal">Are you in the mood to destroy more lives,</span> (link-reveal:"the Mayor asks.")[
All the lives you've played around with so far flit through your mind. The Barmaid, the Priest, the Innkeeper, the Wise Woman and all the lives that have spiralled out from them. (if: $chaos is 3)[Townsfolk turned into rampaging villains.](if: $mayordeal is "blight" or "hurricane")[A whole town destroyed.]
[tell the truth and agree.]<one|
[lie and agree.]<two|
[reach for the knife...]<three|]]
(click:?one)[(set: $ending to "mayor agree")(goto: "End1")]
(click:?two)[(set: $ending to "mayor lie")(goto: "End1")]
(click: ?three)[(set: $ending to "mayor kill")(goto: "End1")]There's a sensation like bowels emptying in reverse, and then you're back in the rosy fires of Hell. The Big Man is waiting for you, and has taken on a particularly (link-reveal:"fearsome aspect.")[
<span class="bigman">You have returned with nothing? You are an embarrassment to Hell.
Report back to your old station and see if you can make amends.</span>
And with a sound like (display: "Big Man descriptions") (link-reveal:"he's gone.")[
You had an opportunity... and [[you squandered it.->End]]]] <span class="bigman">Six moons gone, and what do return with?</span>
You prostrate yourself as is customary and reel off your accomplishments; (if: $power > 30)[how you've returned with $power Power](else:)[leaving out the paltry amount of Power you've amassed]; the souls you've won: (if:$maidtake is "soul")[the Barmaid; ](elseif: $maidtake is "child")[the Barmaid's child; ](else:)[the Barmaid's sweetheart; ](if: $priesttake is "your soul")[the Priest; ](if: $keepertake is "your soul")[the Innkeeper; ](else:)[the soul of the only woman the Innkeeper has ever loved; ](if:$mayortake is "my child's soul")[the Mayor's child; ](if: $chaos is 3)[(if:$town is "raiders")[the rampaging townsfolk; ](else:)[the townsfolk driven to revolt; ]]and all those who've damned themselves along the way; the havoc you've caused as you've (link-reveal:"gone about your business...")[
The Big Man swivels his massive frame [[to see you better.]]]{(if:$chaos is 0)[]
(elseif:$chaos is 1)[There are murmurings among the townsfolk. Talk of bad omens.]
(elseif:$chaos is 2)[Heated debates have broken out among townsfolk dismayed by the terrible things that keep happening. People whisper furtively in dark corners.]
(else:)[(if: $mayor is "gone")[(set:$town to "raiders")The terrible events have taken their toll on the townsfolk. With the Mayor vanished there's no focus for their rage but themselves and surrounding villages. Riotous raiding parties have formed. Bodies are piling up.](else:)[The terrible events have taken their toll on the townsfolk. They have marched on the Mayor's residence, forcing her to flee.(if: $maiddeal is "mayor")[The hapless Barmaid, an easy target, has been lynched.]]]}(set: $mayortake to "my soul")(set: $power to 50)
[[Farm Boy deal your end 1]]And that's where we'll leave it. (if: $ending is "mayor agree")[You and the Mayor riding off into the sunset to create havoc.](elseif: $ending is "mayor lie")[Stuck Up Top forevermore and already spinning the Mayor along... how much havoc will you go on to create?](elseif: $ending is "mayor kill")[Up Top and already wreaking bloody havoc. What will you go on to? The mind boggles.](elseif:$ending is "four")[You're heading into town to see about filling that power vacuum. How much havoc will you be able to create as mayor?](else:)[You're heading away from the town looking for new adventures. And perhaps new lives you can wreak havoc with.]
(if:$chaos is 0)[The townsfolk have barely been affected by your presence. So far...](elseif: $chaos is 1)[The whispering about omens will persist for a while, but things could have been much worse for the townsfolk](elseif: $chaos is 2)[The arguments breaking out among the townsfolk will cause divisions for years to come. It could have been worse for them though.](else:)[The town has been decimated by your presence. The shockwaves of your influence ripple out into the countryside.]
[[End]]You wake up in the middle of the forest still. Sunlight streams down and you spend a merry few minutes examining the play of light through the trees. Everything looks more crisp, (link-reveal:"more tangible.")[
If the Mayor hadn't been hounded out you wonder if perhaps she might have been here to greet you, instead of in hiding somewhere. Still, the Wise Woman, Barmaid, Priest and Innkeeper have probably taught you all you need to know about (link-reveal:"dealing with humans.")[
And even now, a few moments into your new life, you understand their petty squabbles more. //Feeling// the sun on your skin, //feeling// pain and hunger, suddenly everything they do makes [[a little more sense.]]]]The town is through the trees ahead of you. They're going to need a new mayor or the descent into chaos will continue. You...
[stride towards town.]<four|
[turn your back on them.]<five|
(click:?four)[(set: $ending to "four")(goto:"End1")]
(click:?five)[(set: $ending to "five")(goto: "End1")](set: $mayor to "gone")(set:$chaos to 2)
[[The move Up Top]](set: $chaos to 2)(set: $mayordeal to "influencemaid")(set:$innkeeper to "dead")[[Sixth Moon]](set:$wisedeal to "foundling")(set: $maiddeal to "influenceheart")(set:$power to 40)[[Third Moon]]