The 2010 competition was organized by Greg Boettcher.
Nobody entered Spring Thing 2010. Several people submitted intents to enter, but none of them submitted a game. So since there are no Spring Thing 2010 games, you might instead want to check out other recently released games, and maybe consider writing a review for SPAG or IF-Review. There will be a Spring Thing 2011. So if you're an author you want to enter your game into a competition in the spring of 2011, you can do that here. If you're a player and you want to play IF games around that time, this is the place to be. But waithow do I know anyone will enter Spring Thing 2011? Well, because I just notified everybody a year in advance. With that much advance notice, there's simply no way to fail. So come back next year for Spring Thing 2011!
The Spring Thing would like to thank the following people: Adam Cadre,
for starting the competition; Obviously, the general purpose of Spring Thing is to promote interactive fiction. More specifically, there are three aims that make the Spring Thing different from the annual IF Comp: