(live: 2s)[(transition:"dissolve")[//Please come back//](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(transition:"dissolve")[//We can work this out//](stop:)]
(live: 8s)[(transition:"dissolve")[//I didn't mean what I said//](stop:)]
(live: 11s)[(transition:"dissolve")[//You know //]](live: 13s)[(transition:"dissolve")[//that I love you//]]
(live: 16s)[(transition:"dissolve")[<br>(link: "<q>I'm sorry...</q>")[(goto: "Opening")]](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition:"dissolve")[[[Our Darkest Thoughts->Waking Up]] by Jesse Villa](stop:)](live: 3s)[(transition:"dissolve")[Where... ](stop:)] (live: 5s)[(transition:"dissolve")[[[Where->Awake]] am I?](stop:)]You wince in pain as your whole body whines with agony. How did you end up here? Why does everything hurt? The floor feels cold and metallic. Despite the pain, you stand up and look around you to see... [[nothing->Standing Up]].Darkness, not a single sign of light. Who knows how far this darkness stretches. A few feet or a few miles? Hopefully you [[find that end->Standing Up]] soon.You place your hand over your forehead and wince in pain. It hurts a lot. Did you get hit with a hard object? Or did you fall forward? As the questions begin to pile up, [[standing here->Standing Up]] won't get you anywhere.{Chest hurts, knees hurt, the whole front part of your body is flaring with pain! What the hell did you get yourself into? At least nothing feels broken so that's a relief. (if: $Lighter is 0 or $Cigarette is 0) [As you continue checking for any other injuries, you feel something mysterious in your pockets.]}
(link: "Search left pocket")[(goto: "Left Pocket")]
(link: "Search right pocket")[(goto: "Right Pocket")]
[(link: "What now?")[(goto: "Standing Up")]]{
(set: $Flashlight is 0)
(set: $Lighter is 0)
(set: $Cigarette is 0)
(set: $Knife is 0)
(set: $Knife1 is 0)
(set: $Knife11 is 0)
(set: $Arm is 0)
(set: $Light is 0)
(set: $Body is 0)
(set: $Note is 0)
(set: $True is 0)
}{(if: $Lighter is 0) [With only your courage to guide you, there is nothing but darkness enveloping your sight. The abyss terrifies you for every second that passes and god knows what's out there. Should you really start walking? Maybe there's another way through the dark.
<br><br>[[Wait->Standing Up]]]
(if: $Lighter is 1) [With only your courage to guide you, there is nothing but darkness enveloping your sight. The abyss terrifies you for every second that passes and god knows what's out there.
<br><br>[[Wait->Standing Up]]
<br>[[Turn on lighter->LighterOn]]]}Right... right next to you... is a body! A dead body! You begin to hyperventilate at the site of the deceased, trembling at your own living existence. After a while, you begin to calm down despite the immense anxiety that has overwhelmed you. After one more deep breathe, you exhale your last sigh of intense fear to focus on [[the area->Balcony]] around you.Nothing in here.
[[What now?->Standing Up]]{From the looks of it, you're on a sole platform of an [[industrial complex]]. With no guard rails around you, it's a good thing you didn't walk in the dark to your [[possible death]]. You see a doorway nearby that can lead into more unknown.
(if: ($Body is 0) or ($Knife is 0) or ($Flashlight is 0))[Other than the body, it looks like there's [[more things]] in on this platform.]
(else: )[Other than the body, there doesn't seem to be anything left to explore here.]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 1))[<br><br>[[Turn on flashlight]]]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 0) and ($Knife1 is 0) and ($Knife11 is 0))[]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 1) and ($Knife is 0) and ($Knife1 is 0) and ($Knife11 is 0))[<br><br>You have (link: "a flashlight")[(goto: "Flashlight1")]]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 1) and ($Knife is 1) and ($Knife1 is 0) and ($Knife11 is 0))[<br><br>You have (link: "a flashlight")[(goto: "Flashlight1")] and (link: "a knife")[(goto: "Knife")]]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 1) and ($Knife is 1) and ($Knife1 is 1) and ($Knife11 is 0))[<br><br>You have (link: "a flashlight")[(goto: "Flashlight1")] and (link: "a knife")[(goto: "Knife1")]]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 1) and ($Knife is 1) and ($Knife1 is 1) and ($Knife11 is 1))[<br><br>You have (link: "a flashlight")[(goto: "Flashlight1")]]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 1) and ($Knife1 is 1) and ($Knife11 is 1))[]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 0) and ($Knife1 is 1) and ($Knife11 is 1))[]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 0) and ($Knife1 is 0) and ($Knife11 is 1))[]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 1) and ($Knife is 0) and ($Knife1 is 1) and ($Knife11 is 0))[<br><br>You have (link: "a flashlight")[(goto: "Flashlight1")]]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 1) and ($Knife1 is 0) and ($Knife11 is 1))[]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 0) and ($Knife1 is 1) and ($Knife11 is 1))[]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 1) and ($Knife is 0) and ($Knife1 is 0) and ($Knife11 is 1))[<br><br>You have (link: "a flashlight")[(goto: "Flashlight1")]]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 1) and ($Knife is 0) and ($Knife1 is 1) and ($Knife11 is 1))[<br><br>You have (link: "a flashlight")[(goto: "Flashlight1")]]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 1) and ($Knife1 is 1) and ($Knife11 is 0))[<br><br>You have (link: "a knife")[(goto: "Knife1")]]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 0) and ($Knife1 is 1) and ($Knife11 is 0))[]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 1) and ($Knife1 is 0) and ($Knife11 is 0))[<br><br>You have (link: "a knife")[(goto: "Knife1")]]]
[(if: ($Flashlight is 1) and ($Knife is 1) and ($Knife1 is 0) and ($Knife11 is 1))[<br><br>You have (link: "a flashlight")[(goto: "Flashlight1")] and (link: "a knife")[(goto: "Knife1")]]]
}{[(if: ($Lighter is 1) and ($Cigarette is 1)) [There is a lighter and a tin case full of cigarettes in your pocket.]]
(if: ($Lighter is 0) and ($Cigarette is 0)) [You feel out what's inside but can't tell what it is. From what you can tell, you have (link: "a metal square that can be flicked open ") [(set: $Lighter = 1) (goto: "Right Pocket")] and (link: " a thin case with cylindrical paper inside") [(set: $Cigarette = 1)(goto: "Right Pocket")].]
(if: ($Lighter is 1) and ($Cigarette is 0)) [You feel out what's stored in my pockets but can't tell what it is. From what you can tell, you have a lighter and (link: "a thin case with cylindrical paper inside") [(set: $Cigarette = 1) (goto: "Right Pocket")].]
(if: ($Lighter is 0) and ($Cigarette is 1)) [You feel out what's stored in my pockets but can't tell what it is. From what you can tell, you have (link: "a metal square that can be flicked open ") [(set: $Lighter = 1) (goto: "Right Pocket")] and a case of cigarettes.]}
[[What now?->Standing Up]]A fiery beacon of light. Also good for lighting things on fire.
[(link: "What now?") [(undo:)]]Looks like you're a smoker. Wonder for how long. Hopefully your teeth don't look too bad...
[(link: "What now?") [(undo:)]]{
[You recognize this shape... it's a flashlight! The lighter was helpful but the flashlight will make things much easier to see around you! You definitely can't leave this behind.<br><br>
[[Keep looking->more things]]
(Set: $Flashlight to 1)]}{[(if: $Knife1 is 0)[As you reach for the object, you wince in pain and realize that a small, fresh cut had formed on your hand. After closer inspection, you accidentally grabbed the wrong side of a knife. What's that doing here? It can be useful to fend off whoever or whatever got you in this mess. But fighting scares you, especially the sight of death. Do you really need it?]
[(if: $Knife1 is 1)[It can be useful to fend off whoever or whatever got you in this mess. But fighting scares you, especially the sight of death. Do you really need it?]
[(if: $Knife is 0) [<br><br>(link: "Take knife") [(set: $Knife to 1) (goto: "more things")]]
[<br>(link: "Leave knife alone") [(goto: "more things")]]]]
(set: $Knife1 to 1)]
}{[A tool of many uses. Hints of dry red is left on the knife and you're pretty sure it's not from food.]}
[(link: "What now?") [(undo:)]]Your eyes feel like they're open but they still [[look closed]]. And the stench? Ugh! "Am I dead?", you say. Your [[aching head]] and [[sore body]] tell you otherwise. Maybe you should [[start moving]].
(if: $Lighter is 1 and $Cigarette is 1) [You have a (link: "a lighter")[(goto: "Lighter1")] and (link: "a pack of cigarettes")[(goto: "Cigarettes1")]]
(if: $Cigarette is 1 and $Lighter is 0) [You have (link: "a pack of cigarettes")[(goto: "Cigarettes1")]]
(if: $Lighter is 1 and $Cigarette is 0)[You have a (link: "a lighter")[(goto: "Lighter1")]]
}The beacon of light and possible hope out of this darkness.
[(link: "What now?") [(undo:)]]Gently, you ignite the lighter without dropping it. After multiple tries, fiery light emits out of the lighter and... [[what the fu-->dead body]]
(set: $Light to 1)Though your light doesn't show everything, it's looks huge yet abandoned. Looking up, you see a catwalk that has a missing guardrail in one spot. That probably explains the pain your feeling, not to mention the loss of memory from slamming your head from impact. Still though, how the hell did you [[end up here->Balcony]]? As you took a peek into the abyss, it looks to be a pretty high fall. Shuddering from a missed brush with death, you [[back away->Balcony]] from the edge.{[(If: ($Body is 0) and ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 0))[Let's see what we have here:<br>]]
[(If: ($Body is 1) and ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 0))[Let's see what we have here:<br>]]
[(If: ($Body is 1) and ($Flashlight is 1) and ($Knife is 0))[You found a flashlight. Let's see what else is here:<br>]]
[(if: ($Body is 1) and ($Flashlight is 1) and ($Knife is 1))[There seems to be nothing else to find.]]
[(if: ($Body is 0) and ($Flashlight is 1) and ($Knife is 1))[You found a flashlight and knife. Let's see what else is here:<br>]]
[(if: ($Body is 0) and ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 1))[You found a knife. Let's see what else is here:<br>]]
[(if: ($Body is 0) and ($Flashlight is 1) and ($Knife is 0))[You found a flashlight. Let's see what else is here:<br>]]
[(if: ($Body is 1) and ($Flashlight is 0) and ($Knife is 1))[You found a knife. Let's see what else is here:<br>]]
[(if: $Body is 0)[<br>(link: "Examine body")[(goto: "Body")]]]
[(if: $Flashlight is 0)[<br>(link: "Examine metallic stick")[(goto: "Flashlight")]]]
[(if: ($Knife is 0) and ($Knife1 is 0)) [<br>(link: "Examine pointy crescent object")[(goto: "Knife")]]
(if: ($Knife is 0) and ($Knife1 is 1)) [<br>(link: "Examine knife")[(goto: "Knife")]]]
<br><br>[[What now?->Balcony]]}Using your source of light, you examine the body. It feels cold and rigid, as if it's been here for quite a while. From the looks of it, the person suffered deep cuts on the wrists. You question yourself whether you should search the body or leave it alone.
[[Search the body->Body2]]
[[Keep looking around->more things]]After inspecting the body, all you found were a couple of photos and a note. The dead soul was in all them, accompained with different individuals of all shapes and sizes in each one. You shiver with immorality. This feels wrong. Very wrong. Holding the note, shame slowly crawls on your back. You realize that this was a mistake and that this should probably stop.
[[Read the note->a note]]
[[Keep looking around and let the dead rest->more things]]
(set: $Body to 1)"To my one and only, I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry for all the hurt I put on you. I had my doubts whether you held feelings of resentment for me but that night proved my anxious suspicions correct. Not only to you but to everyone I burdened with my own existence. You all say that it's nothing to worry about but it's everything to worry about. No matter how much I try, these dark thoughts will never die unless I do. I'm so tired of it and I'm tired of inflicting it onto you. I hope you can all forgive me. Especially you, my love. [[Goodbye]]."
(set: $Note to 1)As you gripped the knife in your hand, tears began to well up. However, these were tears of promise. You silently laughed as more memories continued to flood in: our first kiss, our first dinners between families, our graduation, our fights, your marriage proposal, our wedding. And yet, to think you're last words to them was "Go to hell!"
Whatever you were feeling, it didn't matter anymore. You realize that your life is meaningless without them. You would rather be dead than live [[without the love of your life...->Ending12]](live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Suddenly, you did recognize those people in the photos.](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(transition: "dissolve")[More importantly, ](stop:)](live: 6s)[(transition: "dissolve")[you recognized yourself in them as well.](stop:)]
(live: 8s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Holding hands with the deceased soul laying right next to you.](stop:)]
(live: 12s)[(transition: "dissolve")[<br>(link: "It was you and your spouse.")[(goto: "Spouse")]]]Before the realization struck you, you were already weeping.
You remembered.
This was the place where you two would explore and play in your youth. You came here looking for your love after a bad fight between the two of you. It got worse when your spouse threw their case of cigarettes at a mirror. That was your gift to them.
"Go to hell!" you screamed.
"You're right. I should've done that a long time ago..." they said.
One door slam later, you whispered into nothingness, [["I'm sorry..."]]No! You're in deep, emotional pain but you must hold it together. Grieve later, you still have to get out of this place no matter what [[the cost->Balcony]].
(set: $True to 1)
(set: $Knife11 to 0)As you finally found your way out of the factory, you sigh in relief knowing you're free from that maze of darkness. The moon is out of sight but you still witness the millions of glimmering stars across the nightsky. Though your memory still hasn't returned, you spot a city not too far away. Hoping to find help there, you head for the city. As you began to walk away from the factory, you wonder about the corpse you came across, how you even got there in the first place, and the materials left behind. You walk farther from the factory and, after a while, it becomes enveloped in the night and vanishes, [[never to be seen again..->Ending22]]{[(if: $True is 1) [With the area more fully lit, you can finally start leaving this disheartening place. As you stare back at the lifeless body of your lover, you give a defeated sigh and whisper "I'll be back to put you to peace...".
<br><br>[[Head outside->Ending3]]]]
[(if: $True is 0) [With the area more fully lit, you can finally start leaving this wretched place. As you stare back at the dead body, you shiver from disgust. "To think I woke up next to you. Gross..." you say to the dormant corpse.
<br><br>[[Head outside->Ending2]]]]}As you finally found your way out of the factory, you stare back at the temporary casket of your partner. You want to cry but nothing is pouring out. You want to scream but nothing is bellowing out. Grief will come later but for now, you must lay them to rest. As you turn your back from the structure, you see a nearby city. Hoping to find help, you start walking there. As you walk away from the industrial tomb, the memories continue to slowly come back. "You may be gone," you whisper, "But you will always live on in my thoughts. [[I'm yours forever and always...->Ending32]]"[(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")["I love you"](stop:)]]
[(live: 6s)[(transition: "dissolve")[End](stop:)]](live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")["See you on the other side, dear."](stop:)]
[(live: 6s)[(transition: "dissolve")[End](stop:)]][(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")["I wonder who that was..."](stop:)]]
[(live: 6s)[(transition: "dissolve")[End](stop:)]]Sadness quickly enveloped, filling you with melancholy. Not even the screams you were howling would stop this infinite grief. You wanted the world to hear about your loss. You couldn't bear this emotional pain.
You stare at the knife, the self-inflicting weapon that took your lover's own life. You really couldn't but you were hurting immensely inside. You wanted all of this to end.
[[Grip the knife->Ending1]]
[[Throw the knife->Not yet]]